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[England] The Grooming Clear-out? I Think Not.
Quote:By Onan Coca / 26 May 2014 / 261 Comments
There is always such strident disagreement over who really represents Islam. Is it the moderates here in the West? Is it the “fundamentalist extremists” who support and belong to terrorist organizations? Or is it the group in the middle who say they fear the “extremists,” while at the same time supporting Sharia Law?
I really don’t know. I personally tend to think that the middle group and the extremist group are probably much more closely aligned than either would like to admit.
But for a reminder of how “moderate” the moderates really are, I think we should read a couple of stories from the past week about our North American Islamic friends.
The first one is a horrible story from Quebec about a “peaceful” and “gentle” Muslim father who was tired of his disrespectful 13 year old daughter.

Back in 2010 Moussa Sidime, 74, slapped his daughter to death because she did not finish her chores “properly.” When she was told to do the job right, the father says that he heard her say something disrespectful. So he slapped her in the face twice and then once on the buttocks. He hit her hard enough across the face to cause an artery in her head to rupture and she died in the hospital two days later.
Sidime was just sentenced to 60 days in prison for the manslaughter death of his daughter. He will serve the sentence two days a week for the next 30 weeks.
“I lost my daughter, but it was the will of God,” Sidime told Quebec Court Judge Richard Marleau. “I am not violent.”
Well… it’s good to know that Sidime believes it was god’s will that he slap his daughter to death.
Another story from Brooklyn shows how Islamic culture lends itself to the kind of violence we saw in Quebec… even from a “gentle” man.
Pakistani immigrant Noor Hussain, 75, got so angry that his wife didn’t make him goat for dinner that he beat her to death with a stick.
Apparently Mr. Hussain wanted goat for dinner, but his wife had made a vegetarian meal. He got angry and they began a verbal altercation which included some profanity… it was a this point that he took out a stick and began beating his wife until she was what police describe as a “bloody mess.”
Here’s his defense and how he is trying to get out of being punished.

Defense attorney Julie Clark admitted Hussain beat his wife — but argued that he is guilty of only manslaughter because he didn’t intend to kill her. In Pakistan, Clark said, beating one’s wife is customary.
“He comes from a culture where he thinks this is appropriate conduct, where he can hit his wife,” Clark said in her opening statements at the Brooklyn Supreme Court bench trial. “He culturally believed he had the right to hit his wife and discipline his wife.”
His normal everyday culture teaches him that it’s cool to beat his wife? Sounds super moderate.
Here’s hoping that the judge in this case doesn’t fold as easily as the judge in the Quebec case, and that this killer is forced to serve an actual prison sentence.
Stories like this are happening all the time all over North America as the Islamic population continues to swell. In some parts of Canada and the US these Islamic populations are even pushing to have Sharia Law recognized in their communities. People should be free to choose and practice whatever religion or non-religion they want… but we should have the clarity of thought to also recognize that Islam and our Western culture are incompatible.
Our culture is even incompatible with “moderate” Islam.

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RE: [England] The Grooming Clear-out? I Think Not. - by Wallfire - 12-15-2020, 02:10 PM
RE: [England] The Grooming Clear-out? I Think Not. - by Wallfire - 12-15-2020, 02:44 PM
RE: [England] The Grooming Clear-out? I Think Not. - by Wallfire - 12-15-2020, 04:01 PM
RE: [England] The Grooming Clear-out? I Think Not. - by Wallfire - 12-13-2020, 01:06 PM
RE: [England] The Grooming Clear-out? I Think Not. - by 727Sky - 12-16-2020, 02:48 AM

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