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7-Foot Tall Hellhound Skeleton Has Been Unearthed
(06-20-2016, 11:24 PM)Ninurta Wrote: ...I know you'll find this hard to believe, but I come from stock that may not be entirely sane or sober...

(Sarcasm to bring the best out of Ninurta!)
There's a perfectly-placed Dog Obedience facility in Morgantown where I'm sure your Grandfather
could have seen the benefits of a mutual understanding of traversing the bridge with a canine coming
the other way.

I mean, the poor cur may have been terrified by the sudden appearance of a man brandishing a stout
stick and I'm sure that if the lost-and-bewildered animal had an owner, some sort of of counselling would
have to be acquired.

In the case of your great-great Grandfather, I can see how -due to the lack of Government funded 'Safe
Spaces', he may have later undergone a time of exasperation and stress after such a terrible encounter
and may have been unsure of how to deal with it.

There are professional people that can now assist in getting over such awful ordeals and I'm sure you'd
agree that your great-great Grandfather would have sought out such areas if they had been available, yes?

I have watched many of the old Disney-wildlife episodes where wildcats and mountain lions don't seem
that ferocious and tend to shy away from human encounters, usually with some nice music in the

But I may be wrong.

(UPDATE) I am wrong!
Mum Fights Off Mountain Lion Attacking Son, 5
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: 7-Foot Tall Hellhound Skeleton Has Been Unearthed - by BIAD - 06-21-2016, 09:48 AM

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