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Start by spaying and neutering all democrats!
As most people know, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez and her ginger-haired boyfriend are activists using her Puerto Rican
heredity to push their far-left socialist agenda. She believes that those who don't agree with her opinions are
racists because she uses a faux-argument that if everyone is human, then we're all the same.

Using a identity-politics lens, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez argues in a paradigm of physical and mental equality,
all positive benefits should be available to all. A noble -but fanciful ideal that treads on laws and social reality.

She's disingenuous though, a rational person cannot take the position that race, gender, physical abilities and
poor education are the reasons why white-skinned people live better lives than anyone in the above categories.
They do have merit has factors and these social elements can impact a better existence, but where Ms. Ocasio
-Cortez shows her duplicitous act is these factors are also self-accountable.

How can she -a New York-born female of Puerto Rican descent, become a U.S. House of Representative if such
attributes are obstacles...? Ocasio-Cortez gets around that by playing to undeveloped minds and presents herself
a 'champion', a warrior for those who believe their personal preferences are a reason they fail in their endeavours.

Like most Democrats, she seek a dormancy in individual-attainment. Big Government is to be relied on for one's
existence and an ingrained conviction that those in political authority are 'super-parents' who will judge what a
society really needs.

Success must be due to those who control, as it endorses the emotive archetype that only leaders can bring their
people happiness and gratefulness is the tribute. It's like something out of a kids comic!
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez doesn't live in reality, she portrays herself as someone who mentally romps in a world that
Lee Harvey Oswald is said to have believed Russia enjoyed.

A happy, hard-working population that has no debt, no serious living concerns and feels an affinity with each other for
their agreed goal. Those in authority who make the heavy decisions might seem be rewarded with the baubles of an
hedonistic lifestyle, but in their hearts, they're controlling the masses because they care.
Yeah, right.

The bottom-line is she's a conman, a young woman who talks gobbledygook to young minds in order to placate their
unschooled beliefs. In the past, carpetbaggers sold elixirs that promised everything, now Ms. Ocasio-Cortez sells dreams
to a sexually-naive and societally-confused youth. And her currency is votes.

P.T. Barnum would be proud... if he wasn't white.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: Start by spaying and neutering all democrats! - by BIAD - 02-26-2019, 12:35 PM

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