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EXCLUSIVE: A Look Inside The Chat Room The Deep State Uses To Fight Trump
This about 'the Limey' AFTER she left The Guardian...

'...The anti-Trump blogger Louise Mensch, who scooped mainstream
reporters earlier this year, excited her followers over the weekend with
a nonsensical 92-word post claiming that a sealed indictment -intended
by the justice department to “form the basis of Mr Trump’s impeachment”
-had already been “granted” against the president over his links to Russia.

Skeptics noted that criminal indictments are not “granted”; that impeachment
is initiated by Congress, not an executive agency; and that Mensch appeared
to have misunderstood the supremacy clause of the US constitution,
which she incorrectly said meant Trump must be impeached before he could
be prosecuted.

“This new reality, in which purveyors of fake news occasionally report verified
information, reminds us, once again, of how difficult it is to be news literate in
our information ecosystem,” said Jonathan Anzalone, a lecturer in journalism
at New York’s Stony Brook University.

Undeterred, Mensch bullishly said on Twitter on Monday that mainstream
reporters “know they are being scooped on the story of the century”.

In a series of messages to the Guardian, Mensch denied that she had posted 
naccurate stories. “I believe in a free press. People both can and should write
whatever they want,” said Mensch...'

It seems our Louise didn't keep up her subscriptions for 'The Guardian Clique
-Club' and when she crossed the Atlantic to be with her hubby, her ex-fellow
employees' loyalty didn't go with her!
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: EXCLUSIVE: A Look Inside The Chat Room The Deep State Uses To Fight Trump - by BIAD - 05-30-2017, 06:35 PM

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