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Massive data leak released: Panama Papers - The secret offshore world of the global e
I am coming to be of the opinion this was a hack job from outside (as the company has officially filed with the Panamanian Authorities earlier this afternoon) and that it wasn't intended or even considered to do near the damage it will.

I am starting to really think some people with intentions they believed to be good in rooting out tax cheats and 'insuring everyone pays their fair share' may have done this, and a disturbing thought, perhaps from the inside of the U.S. Government. Who the hack traces back to remains to be seen, but it'll hit much much further than just politicians and corporate scumbag behavior.

After all, lots of people use shell companies for lots of things. Among them...Intelligence and Security services all over the world, and every day of the week. They don't have magical 'spook companies' to go register them with, but blend in BY using what everyone else does. Like, say, a law firm in Panama that specializes in such things from a 40 year track record.

Right now? We're just seeing the political window dressing and corporate side shows. The REAL and lasting damage comes with NON-Journalists start cross referencing raw data and names with entirely different lists and databases to make connections several levels beyond the obvious. 

This story hasn't even begun yet, is my general take. The layers run like an onion for each just exposing another, so far.

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RE: Massive data leak released: Panama Papers - The secret offshore world of the global e - by Wrabbit2000 - 05-24-2016, 08:38 AM

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