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Inspite of what you may hear Trump won the popular vote
Quote:But I think everybody learned a thing or two in the last week when it comes to "oh those votes are totally going to her.."

I will admit, the MSM really got the polls and the public's opinions WRONG!

In fact, you know damn well that it caught Hillary off guard when she saw Trump pulling ahead of her.
She was probably thinking WTF was going on, that is not what was predicted by so many "experts".

Kinda felt sorry for her......kinda.

And now, she wants to place the blame everywhere......except where it belongs, which is herself.
That alone makes me that more grateful that she did not win, for the simple fact she will not accept responsibilities for her actions.

Just because she was not charged, does not mean all is fine and dandy.
She comes across as a dirty corrupt politician who can lie to you in a heartbeat without thinking twice about it.

I saw where the 'popular' vote was very, very close......yet the Dems make it out to sound like she won it by a landslide. NOT.
 Close, but no cigar.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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RE: Inspite of what you may hear Trump won the popular vote - by senona - 11-14-2016, 03:48 AM

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