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Mr. Simonton's Extraterrestrial Pancakes.
The main problem I can see is that many of the researchers have heavily relied on Jacques Vallee's book 'Passport to Magonia'
and over time, small additions have been added to enhance the account.

In 1961, some researchers state that Joe Simonton was said to be a plumber; auctioneer and Santa Claus -annually, for the
Eagle River Chamber of Commerce and he reported his age as 55 or 60, depending on the interviewer. He was also seen
as a single male living in a run-down shack and rearing chickens near the small town in the state of Wisconsin.
So which one is it?

Jay Rath wrote in his 'W-files' book that:

Quote:"J. Simonton heard a whining sound and saw an object, 10 m (32 feet) in diameter, 4 m high (13 feet),
with exhaust pipes around the periphery, land near his house...'

It's not much, but the actual audio of Simonton never mentions a whining noise or even offers the description of pipes on the
surface of the craft. Joe states that he saw something come down in his yard -that he initially believed was his metal roofing,
and was confused with what it might be.

At a time when the Ufo-mania was still maintaining it's 'Cold-War' grip on the citizens of the US and also being nurtured by a
cynical media and exciting sci-fi television serials, real people with real lives with reports of these alleged aliens in a very
'human' manner were often mocked and the stories became assigned to the 'silly season' time 

The Betty and Barney Hill incident is a fine example. Betty said she observed a 'star-map' and that the purported aliens were
fascinated that Barney wore dentures. After a physical examination, the couple were 'mesmerised' in such a way that the
outlandish encounter was hidden so successfully that only hypnotic regression could bring the Hills' memories of that night, back.

Brazilian farmer Antonio Vilas Boas in 1957, took time-out from ploughing his field to be abducted by small aliens who -not
only wore helmets to perform the capture, but when Antonio was bundled into the craft, he was urged to have sexual intercourse
with a human-like female.
This same odd-looking woman indicated that any offspring from the act -by pointing to her stomach, would exist 'up there', and
gestured upwards with her finger!

With the Wisconson event, the pilots of the craft wanted water from Mr. Simonton, knew how to indicate 'drinking' and even saluted
in gratitude. Food being cooked in a similar manner to humans, a US-favoured fare (which -by the way, was originally a flapjack
during early reports of this particular incident) and a doorway that used a latch.

Smoke filling the object from burning food on a grill and terrestrial food given in human-like trade, all fall within the realms of
everyday Earth-bound living. 

So aliens come from above us...? or was it that social-conditioning demands we think that way? They need maps on pull-down
screens to be able to find their way across galaxies and yet, have the ability to alter time perception and memory access.
These highly techology-driven extraterrestrials look similar to us and wear apparel like we do when in space, use water and eat
the same types of food as we do.

During the Vilas-Boas encounter, he was reported to been given back his clothing after his forced-tryst and taken on a tour of the
ship by his abductors. Which is nice of them, except they caught him attempting to take a clock-like device as proof of his encounter.
Betty Hill was given a book that she was later told she couldn't take with her.

Jugs of water, food on grills,  tour of the spaceship, a 'clock-like' device, sex with an alien, examination of both Betty and Barney
Hill's genitals and a book full of symbols. All human-esque realities in alleged non-human realities.

Of course, a rational person would suggest that the people mentioned above were simply lying and playing out their attention-grabbing
scenarios with a limited imagination gleaned from television. It would make sense in one respect, except it would also bring ridicule.

Simonton never benefited from his account, even after enhancing it with announcements that he had further visitations from aliens.
Betty Hill did write a book after her husband's death, but since most of her story is based on 'dreams' and recollections via hypnosis,
I would suggest she was seen mainly as a favourite in UFO-enthusiast circles and not a strong proponent for reasonable hypothesis.

It seems the account of Vilas-Boas brought him a wife and four kids, this after dealing with -what seemed like radiation poisoning
from his interaction. He did evolve from a Brazilian farmer to a Brazilian lawyer, so does that count as a selfish benefit?!

So who knows? There is a theory that indicates a society-tracking-like habit of the aliens, where their flying machines look like
everyday objects that observers throughout time would appreciate. Maybe they follow our dietary habits too!

That's the problem with aliens, they never land on the White House lawn and only seem to visit people in isolated areas.
Maybe the answer lies in that fact.

As a non-connected edit, as I was typing the Joe Simonton incident on Thursday morning (UK time), my wife was watching a tennis
match between Felix Auger Aliassime and Kei Nishikori in the Barcelona Tennis Open. What I have found many times -and I believe
it is part of the high-strangeness phenomena, is that intricate links connect one subject to another in ways so subtle, we miss them
most of the time.

As I acquired the image in the article of Mr. Simonton holding up his version of a pancake, my better-half laughed and told me that
during a rest-break in the match, the camera was panning across the meagre crowd. What looked like three adult couples were
indulging in some brought-in snacks and as the overhead 'Spider-Cam' caught the eye of one of the females, she held up a potato
crisp (potato chip in America), offered it to the passing device and smiled.

At that same moment of my wife was relating the tale, Joe was offering me a pancake from my laptop screen!
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mr. Simonton's Extraterrestrial Pancakes. - by Wallfire - 04-26-2019, 09:03 AM
RE: Mr. Simonton's Extraterrestrial Pancakes. - by BIAD - 04-26-2019, 06:32 PM

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