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University’s ‘Whiteness Forum’ takes ‘critical look at whiteness’
They can kiss my mostly white ass, and shove their "white privilege" where the sun don't shine.

I was raised rough, and have had to fight every step of the way for what little I have. There sure as hell wasn't any "white privilege" involved. I've lived all sorts of places, even in the ghetto, and can say first hand they are so full of shit it's gotta be squirting out their ears.

When I was growing up, no one had 600 dollar iphones, no one had 400 dollar tennis shoes, or even the equivalents of those for the times - but I saw an overabundance of those things in the ghetto. Hell, I didn't even have indoor plumbing. the only running water we had was the kind you have to run outside to get, and in the summer we had to run a mile down the holler to the one live spring around to get it, and carry it back in emptied milk jugs. I rigged a system where I could carry 10 at a time on the trek back to the house. The toilet was a shack out back, summer or winter. Some times, you had to scrape the snow from the seat, and hope there wasn't enough moisture left over to freeze you to it. Electricity was hit or miss, and many is the evening when I had to study my lessons for school by an oil lamp. I have been awakened in the winter by snow flakes working their way through the tin roof and hitting me in the face, and a glass of water on my nightstand would be frozen in the morning. The walls had cardboard "paneling", and no insulation until we finally put some in - which didn't help the tin roof I slept under much.

There's not a goddamned thing they can tell me about my "white privilege". They're living in a fantasy world, making up bullshit to attempt creating a narrative that does not exist in the real world.

Where I live now is a comparative mansion. 4 rooms, one bath, and an addition built onto the side of it for a laundry room. It's not very big, but it's big enough, cozy, and I like it. Beats hell out of the shack I was raised in. I didn't get here because of any "white privilege", I got here by working, and not blaming MY problems on other folks. Instead of whining "woe is me" and pointing my finger at some nebulous "other" who was "holding me down", I put those fingers to work and improved my lot in life. While doing that, I didn't have time for bitching, pissing, and moaning about how good other folks have it, and how badly they were keeping me down - I was too busy improving my little corner of the world. One thing that's for sure, anyone that has time to piss and moan about a non-existent "white privilege" has too goddamned much time on their hands, and ought to get a fucking job - or two, of all they can find is part-time (yeah, I did that, too) to fix their own damned problems, improve their own damned corners of the world.

They can bite me, and stay the hell away from my little corner of paradise - if they ever came to visit, all of their fantasy dreams would be shattered in an instant.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: University’s ‘Whiteness Forum’ takes ‘critical look at whiteness’ - by Ninurta - 12-06-2016, 05:52 AM

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