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The REAL Deplorables...This Makes Me Sick.
Agree with Grace's explanation of what is going on today with people.  
Think she nailed it.   minusculethumbsup

 The leftist are no longer tolerant of opposing views and instead sling insults and want to harass people who do not think like them.
Of course, having the majority of the media doing the same thing only pushes that agenda further along.

They have become very confrontational at times and yet claim the others are "haters", which I have yet to figure that one out. smh.

It is really embarrassing to see what our country has turned into.

As an Independent on the fence watching everything going on, I am appalled at some of the peoples actions towards others.
For example, the DNC committee hiring people to create chaos and start fights at Trump rallies.
WTF is up with that anyway????
What kind of people do that shit?  Besides low class, deplorable, desperate people.

And regardless of who wins this election, the divide will always be there.
The next 4 years will be a rocky one I'm afraid.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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RE: The REAL Deplorables...This Makes Me Sick. - by senona - 10-30-2016, 12:47 AM

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