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Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner
(10-29-2016, 05:47 AM)1984hasarrived Wrote: "it's far far from how he will act as president with leaders from other's for us, his electorate and his potential electorate."

I genuinely wish I shared your optimisim about this, but I fear he cannot change, and this is not just an act he is putting on for the election. Even he does not know what is going to come out of his mouth when he is speaking -

"Just thinking to myself right now, we should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump," the Republican presidential nominee said during a rally here on Thursday.

Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner -

As he is fond of telling us he speaks his mind and is open, allegedly.  And therein lies the scary part.

So what some people are actually saying is that they want a joker for a president, well - be careful what you wish for is all I can say.

Oh, and I know that peoplewill criticise the fact the source is CNN - but the undeniable fact is those are his words - and he admits he is just winging it, as he is giving a speech.  Yes, I undertand adlibbing or going off at a tangent, but he is just saying whatever comes into his head.

One of the great attributes of Rogue-Nation is that we can discuss such sensitive issues with respect and in civil manners. This is such a major difference from other websites out there that are vitriol filled when it comes to even talking about a topic, especially elections topics : )

I agree with you that Trump has said some pretty stupid things. I don't think that anyone can deny that. I also agree with the fact that he's shown that he doesn't have much respect for some women. I absolutely agree that he's a wild card, an undiscovered country in itself. He is a narcissist, no doubt.

But I think that he has the United States of America at heart. I think that he could change the way American businesses jump ship and head overseas. I think that he would be a tough one to deal with when it comes to foreign policies.

I don't think he is a joker. I think he addresses the people in a way that they can relate to. I saw an article yesterday where Putin has come out saying that Trump may seem extravagant because of the way he wants to send his message across to the voters. But that Trump is far from being an idiot and is somehow very similar in thinking to his way of playing on international grounds.

I don't think Putin is a joker either. Thing is, we know very little on how Trump deals when it comes to business. It's a fact.

But we do know how Hillary does. Most alternative news websites have it all, her long history of dealings, decades long.And it ain't pretty.

1984, I am 100% with you about optimism. Optimism during this election, is like being stuck in a cage with a hyena and a bear. The hyena has years of experience, and while he's just moving around, keeping his distance, almost looking friendly, the truth is that he's just waiting for the right moment to jump to your throat. The bear is an unknown. He might just sit there and watch over you or he might shred you to bits, in an instant's notice.

In either case, you have to take one out of the cage and agree to be with the remaining one for four years.

I'd take a chance on the bear.

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RE: Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner - by Sol - 10-29-2016, 01:27 PM

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