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Ponderings over my morning coffee
(11-08-2021, 05:41 PM)GeauxHomeLittleD Wrote: Good morning RN!

Just drinking my morning coffee and pondering the crazy world we live in. So many other things I need to be doing. I did get dinner started in the slow cooker but I'm dreading a long list of other things I need to get done today. Meh... they can wait a bit!

This morning I've been thinking about the fact that soooo many people have been brainwashed by the constant onslaught of propaganda we are being fed by the so-called "news media". I guess their Jedi mind tricks don't work on me. Don't feel bad MSM, the US Army didn't succeed with that either! I guess I just wasn't the "droid they were looking for".

A whole lot of people have figured out that this "pandemic" is not at all what it seems to be and despite the constant propaganda others are beginning to wake up. This morning I have been thinking about things that were done years in advance in preparation for this brain washing.

I have talked quite a bit over the years about the push to get everyone on drugs for their "mental health". Decades ago they removed the barriers to advertising these powerful psychoactive drugs on television and radio and suddenly entire generations have been taking these drugs for their entire lives. No wonder with the advertised symptoms carefully worded to basically fit everyone. Long gone are the days of just being nervous or a little sad- now we all have "anxiety" and "depression". No wonder we are so easily brainwashed with our brain chemicals being controlled by these drugs.

But psych drugs by themselves are not enough. Then came hormones being added to our foods and drinks. The corporate owned farms and dairies have been pumping everything full of hormones for decades now. Any woman who has been through menopause (and their partners) can tell you that hormone imbalances can affect your thinking and actions in a big, big way. Not only can they make you act like a crazy person and give you numerous physical symptoms they can also give you brain fog or make you extremely reactionary based on the emotional effects.

As if those two things weren't enough now I have started thinking about frequencies and wavelengths. Since it has been proven that different frequencies and wavelengths can not only effect behavior but also suggestibility I have to ponder if this is being used as well in the brain washing process. Subliminal signals are definitely not a new thing. Retailers play particular music to get you to buy more, "white" noise can put you to sleep and binaural beats can put you into a trance state- these are things that we know for certain. It is even public knowledge that the CIA has done experiments in using frequencies in mind control and behavior modification experiments.

So now I have been thinking about several years back when all television and radio were forced by the government to switch to digital signals. Yes, the government gave their excuses but what were the REAL reasons? With everything going on today I have to wonder if this was done in preparation for what we are witnessing now. I don't know much about digital signals (or any signals really, that's more of hub's area of expertise and he is still sawing logs) but I feel like it isn't much of a stretch to think that digital signals are being used to either modify behavior or enhance susceptibility... or both.

When we put together the psych drugs, the hormones, the frequencies and the onslaught of propaganda it seems to create the perfect brain washing storm. If we also factor in PC culture and social media dopamine rewards from "likes" it would seem like the government (at least in the USA) have figured out the perfect formula to create and maintain psychological control of the masses without a single bullet being fired. They have almost complete control of the herd.... ALMOST.

There are still some of us old black sheep hanging around who realize the cute Sheltie is really a wolf in disguise and when they begin in earnest trying to cull us from the herd I'm not so sure things are going to go to the shepherds liking.

Now, on to fix my last cup of the morning.
Have a great day!

I bow to your reality-check and I can't agree more!
minusculeclap minusculethumbsup

If the true amount -of utter drivel that the MSM have pushed, is ever revealed for the sake of agendas they don't
care about and don't truly understand, we will have a long haul in finding what our true reality is again.
In many cases, the horror -because it's always negative, seen in the media, is there to evoke emotions merely to
keep them in work.

It's all been tried before under a different disguise, the only difference is they have a younger audience who -possibly
like us when we were their age, fail to understand this simple truth.

Well done again, GeauxHomeLittleD.

Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: Ponderings over my morning coffee - by BIAD - 11-09-2021, 08:07 PM
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RE: Ponderings over my morning coffee - by guohua - 11-09-2021, 03:10 AM
RE: Ponderings over my morning coffee - by Kenzo - 11-11-2021, 07:46 AM

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