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Clinton: Half of Trump supporters are in 'basket of deplorables'
(09-10-2016, 05:45 AM)guohua Wrote: Bill is no better, he's helping her.
I think it'll do them know good.

Bill Clinton Mocks “The Coal People” Who Oppose Hillary (September 9, 2016)

I'm one of those "Coal People" (is that racist, or what?), and I can tell you, he's right. We don't like those bastards even a little bit. I can tell you why Trump signs are popping up in yards around here like daisies after a storm.

See, Obama, Hillary, and their ilk absolutely wrecked our economy around here, and replaced it with nothing at all. They wrecked our economy and have left us for dead.

Do they really wonder WHY we don't like them any more? Maybe they can explain it all to kids that are hungry because they ran daddy out of work, and he can't find a job any more because they've kept the economy as low as they can after destroying what WAS here. Meanwhile, there they sit, rich as 3 feet up a bull's ass, and we just get skinnier.

It's one thing to leave us to our own devices to fend for ourselves with what we have and nothing more. Hell, we're used to that. It's what they did for near 200 years. It's another thing altogether to actually prevent us from using what we have to try to make a living, to try to starve us around to their way of thinking. That's goddamned criminal!

Yeah, he's right. We don't like them even a little bit. We have good reason.

They can kiss the darkest, most puckered up part of my Coal Person ass.

ETA: I've lived long enough to see 20,138 mornings, and do not recall a single one when the "sun didn't rise". That would be a remarkable thing, it would send the world into a panic, and not a single person would give a rat's ass about the president at that point, much less whether he thought he had the power to keep the sun from rising. If that day ever does come, exactly what in the hell would it have to do with "Coal People" anyhow? Is Billy Boy getting as senile as his wife?

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: Clinton: Half of Trump supporters are in 'basket of deplorables' - by Ninurta - 09-11-2016, 09:41 PM

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