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What's the Wildest or Most Powerful Dream You've Ever Had?
2 Stand out the most for me!

First one was sort of a series of dreams I used to have. I would have this recurring dream of a Woman that I could not see who would come to me on a night, I would sit up in bed (in my dream) and talk to this Woman for what seemed to last forever, she would talk about problems in my life and about me, tell me that I am strong no matter what happens in my life, I just have to stay the course, and it was the most comforting thing I ever felt in my life. The thing about the dream was this, she called herself Moon, and throughout every dream I was facing my window and would see this bright oversized moon shining into my bedroom, and sometimes the conversation would just stop and I would wake, sat up in bed exactly like I was in the dream, as if I had been awake the whole time.

This is where I got my affinity for the Moon from, It just means comfort to me, and why when I make music I use that name!

Second dream is about my Mam.

She passed away suddenly a couple days before Christmas when I was 26. I was ridiculously close to my Mam, we were never apart for more than 6 days my whole life, and her death really fucked me up to be blunt, and sent me on a shitty path in life, and I still have not recovered/come to terms with it after almost 9 years! I am the youngest of 6, she had me in her mid 40's and the Doctor tried to get her to abort me, because of her age, and the risks involved. My Dad always said I was the apple of her eye, sometimes I wonder if that played a part.
Anyway, I remember the day she died like yesterday, she just collapsed on the kitchen floor, she could barely talk but just kept calling my name and I felt so helpless, her dog (which is my dog now) sat in front of her and bit and barked at anyone who went close, he made my hands bleed, as I moved him out the way for the paramedics, they were inseperable, spent 24 hours a day together, ate together and he slept at the bottom of her bed.
A few hours after she had been in hospital, she passed away, I said my goodbyes and walked out before it happened I didn't want it to be real, I went in the corridor and cried every last tear my body had. I didn't go to her funeral because I was a mess emotionally, I was terrified of seeing her in a Casket!
My life took a big dive from there, I wanted to be with her, and a lot of things happened!
A time later I had this dream, she came to me, and took me into another place that I had never seen before, and we just sat and talked and she hugged me, told me that she isn't gone, and why would I think she'd be angry at me? she said, all those little things you see and hear, that's me! and I instantly knew what she meant! don't want to go into too much and put personal stuff out there, so apologies. Not the most fascinating dream, but it meant something to me and affected me a lot! Still find it hard to talk about her without tearing up.

Those are my 2 Powerful dreams anyway!

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RE: What's the Wildest or Most Powerful Dream You've Ever Had? - by Moonmagic - 07-10-2020, 03:41 PM

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