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George Floyd Riots - Staged Event?
(06-03-2020, 12:44 PM)Wallfire Wrote: Its all part of the game plan

Quote:US: Far-left terrorists torched house with children inside then blocked fire department (VIDEO)

A police chief in the state of Virginia broke down into tears at a press conference on Sunday as he described how left-wing terrorists and Black Lives Matter rioters set fire to a multi-family home with children inside and then prevented firefighters from responding.

William Smith, the head of Richmond Police Department in Virginia, burst into tears in front of members of the press as he recounted the chaos that occurred during Saturday night’s riots.

Smith describes how “protesters” intentionally set fire to a residence with a child inside and then blocked firefighters and emergency services from reaching the fire. Luckily, officers were able to assist the firefighters to break through the line of Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioter to reach the home and save the child
Smith also notes that his police department has intelligence that many of the anarchists have traveled from across the country to take part in the unrest.
“We know this is an organized effort. We are committed to identifying those that are behind it. And we are doing are very best to arrest those that are perpetrator the violence on our community, on our city, and on our citizens,” Smith concludes


Note: Sorry, Wallfire. I accidentally hit the "edit" button instead of the "reply" button on your post and added my comments there. When I saw my mistake, I edited it again and put my own post where it ought to be - yours is back to it's original state now, but has an edited tag.


Yeah, that happened here in my state - BUT it was in Richmond, the capitol. Richmond is in the part of VA east of the Blue Ridge Mountains, out in the flatlands, and therefore the uncivilized part of the state. Behavior like that is expected out there where there be dragons.

We've had little trouble of that nature here. We'll shoot the bastards, not wait on police or military to do it for us.

There have been a couple of protests here that I am aware of. One in Russell County in the town of Lebanon, which was organized by the daughter of an old friend of mine from years ago. She had intention of going to the wars in Tennessee to protest, but he talked her out of it since part of his responsibility as a parent is to look out for his offspring, and not let them go into harm's way if there is anything he can do to stop it... so he said "well, how about getting something going here instead of traveling to the wars?" so she did. There were between 30 and 50 people, all white as far as I could see, holding signs beside the main street of the town, and no problems. Just a bunch of kids expressing their young and probably unformed opinions.

There was another in Wise VA, a college town, home of UVA-Wise, what was formerly Clinch Valley College. That's where I studied computer programming when I was in high school, back in the days of BASIC and punch-card IBM programming. There was not much trouble at that one, either, despite it being in a college town. I was mildly surprised, and thought it was a fair bet that Antifa or Black Block would make an appearance, since it IS a college town. They did not. Another friend of mine, a Left-winger that I used to work with, went to it and took both her daughters. No trouble much to speak of, although one car load of hooligans did threaten them and get a little too close to her kids. Police were in attendance and handled it, while insuring the protesters did not block the road as they have in so many other places.

There was a report (on the national news of all places) of 2 officers shot in Richlands, 30 miles east of here in Tazewell County, but I've found nothing at all about it locally - it's either  someone blowing smoke up the media's ass, or else the media trying to blow smoke up the world's ass. Maybe a little of both. Had two cops been shot in Richlands, it would be on the lips of everyone around here, and there would be armed citizen patrols looking for the shooters. We like our cops generally, and don't like outsiders screwing with them. They are OUR cops to screw with, not yours. A few years ago, 4 deputies got shot by a deranged individual here in my county and it was big news in 4 states around. That guy did not survive the ordeal.

There were reports of unrest in Johnson City, TN, but when I checked into it, it was not riots, looting or burning, it was just some dumbasses blocking roads, which got them arrested. I've never understood their proclivity for blocking traffic and free passage, and therefore assaulting the rights of others. Humans are small and squishy, vehicles are not - guess which wins in a collision? So it's a dumbassed move.

On the other side of the state line, in Pikeville and Paintsville, KY, there were demonstrations, all peaceful with no trouble.

Us mountain folks, despite our reputations, are in general (there are a few outliers) a peaceful sort unless someone wants to give us a war. We're always up for the occasion if they do, but if left alone we're disposed to live and let live.

American Flatlanders are not like that, as can be seen in the riots currently burning down the nation. They better keep that shit out there, though. They bring it here, they're gonna get lit up. The police and military will be the least of their worries - matter of fact, they'll be begging for the police and military to come save them, 'cause without that help, they won't make it out alive. They'll never be seen again - they'll just go to sleep and some hogs will eat them, and they will end their existence as piles of hog shit in the muck of a hog pen.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

Messages In This Thread
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by Wallfire - 05-29-2020, 07:10 PM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by Wallfire - 05-30-2020, 07:55 AM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by Wallfire - 05-31-2020, 03:51 PM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by Wallfire - 05-31-2020, 04:39 PM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by BIAD - 06-01-2020, 09:30 AM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by Wallfire - 06-01-2020, 09:53 AM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by BIAD - 06-01-2020, 10:48 AM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by BIAD - 06-02-2020, 08:50 AM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by Wallfire - 06-02-2020, 11:29 AM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by Wallfire - 06-03-2020, 07:43 AM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by Wallfire - 06-03-2020, 12:44 PM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by BIAD - 06-03-2020, 01:13 PM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by Ninurta - 06-04-2020, 04:11 AM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by Wallfire - 06-03-2020, 07:04 PM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by BIAD - 06-04-2020, 08:25 PM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by BIAD - 06-08-2020, 10:22 PM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by Wallfire - 06-09-2020, 08:53 AM
RE: George Floyd Riots - Staged Event? - by BIAD - 07-14-2021, 07:17 PM

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