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[EU] Spain Wants Out Too!
(12-25-2019, 05:54 PM)guohua Wrote: They HATE Losing Control. They'll be pushing every Agenda they have to try and Stop this, look how Long it has taken Great Britain to be GREAT Again, they are Still Fighting the NWO.

Yes, yes they do, don't they?

It's similar to what is going on in the US. As the Socialist grasp on power slips, so does their grasp on reality. For example, the Socialist AG in Virginia has pronounced that the 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County movement "has no legal effect". He has so far spectacularly failed to explain why HE can flout Federal Immigration law by promoting "Sanctuary Cities" for illegals in VA, but "Sanctuary Counties" for the 2nd Amendment - which is another part of federal Law - "have no legal effect".

They can see their grasp on power melting away like a snowflake on a griddle, and it's causing them to lose their ever-loving minds and engage in acts of sheer desperation. They continually attempt to nullify the will of the American People by engaging in spurious impeachment after spurious impeachment, and have promised to continue the charade when they have still spectacularly failed to uncover any crime at all, much less an "impeachable" offense on the part of the duly elected President. Now they are so embarrassed by the charade that they can't even bring themselves to deliver the Articles of Impeachment that THEY voted on to the Senate for a fair trial. Now they are threatening yet ANOTHER impeachment when they have utterly failed to even finish the first one!

I don't think any of this is in a vacuum. There seems to be an uprising against Socialism throughout the world. Virginia seeks to disarm the People so they can run roughshod over them. They get massive pushback, and then double down on stupid here. Now they threaten Kentucky, Idaho, and Alabama among others with the same measures, after they've already seen the reaction amongst their constituents here. I'm not going to even feign wishing them good luck with that.

Socialists are panicking all over, from the Federal level down to several states in the US.  As their grasp on power slips more and more, their only solution is to try tightening their fists. That is not going to turn out well, I promise you that.

Now, it seems that the UK has thrown sand in their axle grease in Europe, and other countries are considering following suite. I say "good on 'em", and to borrow a phrase from the Socialists - "throw off the yoke of your oppressors!".

Can you imagine what it's going to be like a year from now, when all of their efforts in the US result in another Trump win, and their loss of the House of Representatives to boot? If you think they're melting down now, I don't think we've seen anything yet!

By then, Virginia will likely already be in a months-old shooting war, because Socialists don't know when they're whipped. They will double down on stupid and attempt to pack their jack-boots with lead ingots, and that is just going to blow up all over them.

The rest of the nation will follow suite shortly after the elections, because Socialists don't know how to accept loss, and Free Men WILL NOT accept loss... not while they still breathe. To do so is to no longer BE Free Men, but slaves.

The Second Amendment Sanctuary movement has now taken off in Kentucky. The Gun Grabbers have infiltrated there, and Kentucky is preparing to fight back as well.

Poland and Spain are kicking back against The Oligarchy goad now, since the UK has led the way. The desire for Liberty is suddenly spreading, and the Socialists just don't know how to handle it.

Good luck to us all, keep yer head down and yer powder dry!

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

Messages In This Thread
[EU] Spain Wants Out Too! - by BIAD - 12-25-2019, 11:48 AM
RE: [EU] Spain Wants Out Too! - by guohua - 12-25-2019, 05:24 PM
RE: [EU] Spain Wants Out Too! - by guohua - 12-25-2019, 05:54 PM
RE: [EU] Spain Wants Out Too! - by Ninurta - 12-26-2019, 06:21 AM

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