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Bataan death march and Dyess Airfocre Base
I am slightly miffed when I hear someone who knows little about history say it was wrong to nuke Japan. 

I can understand how their thinking goes but alas they do not consider the absolute atrocities committed by the Japanese against all the people they tried to subjugate . 

The Japanese are lucky there was anyone left alive on their islands due to the hatred they has fostered all over Asia and back in the USA. I used to hear stories from the old folks all over Asia about the Japanese and their war of conquest and those stories were, "NOT NICE"!

Amazing how advertising and Japanese cars have just about wiped the slate clean...which is a good thing IMO as hate can kill the hater just as it can kill the hated..

Anyway enough of my incoherent B.S. If you get a chance watch the video as I doubt you will regret it. 

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Bataan death march and Dyess Airfocre Base - by 727Sky - 07-05-2019, 10:11 AM

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