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Pixie Investigation With Mr. Erwin Saunders.
(06-04-2019, 10:05 AM)BIAD Wrote: From past discourse, I realise that 'Blood Feuds' are something that you -yourself and others in your mountainous abodes take
very seriously... and frequently. I'd advise that contacting the local constabulary when such disagreements arise, but I also recall
your temporarily-suspended run-in your law enforcement.
This could have a bearing.

C'mon now! Everyone has to have a hobby!

I'm an old man now, and part of the old guard. When I was a teenager learning the ways of men, I only saw a police officer about twice a year, and even then they were just passing through on their way to somewhere else. We never, EVER called the constabulary, because even if we did, it would have taken them 45 minutes to get to us, and by then our bodies would have already started cooling, and all the police could have done would be fill out a report.

So we handled life on our own, without them.

Nowadays, police are everywhere here, thanks to Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. You can't hardly throw a rock without hitting one (and boy, do they get testy when hit with a rock!). There is one living just up the road from me... and I STILL never call them. Old habits die hard, I reckon. I just handle life, and folks announce themselves before they come visiting, so it's all good. Most everyone knows not to screw around my house nefariously, and we all get along pretty well for it. 

I've even got a sign in my yard soliciting votes for a gentleman running for the office of county sheriff - but I don't need him poking around in my business, as I can handle it on my own just fine, thank'ye very much (hat tip to the sheriff's department!).

Quote:Without sounding combative, maybe the gnomes and wee-folk that live around you aren't as bad-tempered as you?

No, they are. They're every bit as ill tempered as I am. What can I say? They learned from the Master of Ill Temper! It's likely my fault they are so grouchy and curmudgeonly. I tried to make amends by building little stick log cabins for them and leaving them around in the woods, but they usually just burn them to the ground and whoop and holler while dancing around the flames. I wish they'd put on clothes for that last part, but they've probably said the same about me.

Quote:With the current problems regarding immigration, this sort-of shoot first, shoot again and then empty the clip -tactic of interaction
with an unknown species (a tactic that some suggest Ninurta adheres to), isn't very European and I'm sure Mrs. Merkel and her
son -Emmanuel, would not condone such behavior.

(BIAD re-reads his post and smiles at the opportunity of leaving the EU!)

I'll have you know it's extremely European! We come from stout Scots-Irish and Welsh stock! I descend in a direct line from Charles Martel through Charlemagne, and another branch runs to Alfred the Great. Yet another runs to William the Conqueror, and on back to a thoroughly irascible set of Vikings. Another goes to Brian Boru, and still another traces to some McElwaine "Lairds of Grimmet" in Ayrshire Scotland - granted they were lowland Scots, and not badass highlanders like Gordi, but Scots all the same... All of 'em European, and all of 'em thoroughly grouchy when poked with a stick!

Where would Europe be without 44th great-grandpap Charles Martel dealing with an influx of "immigrants"? It would be in Arabia, that's where!

Why, I'm probably more European than those German girly-men, who, after all, got skeert enough to bus' a cap in some poor gnome's ass (well, several caps, it seems) who was just asking for directions to the nearest convenience store!

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

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RE: Pixie Investigation With Mr. Erwin Saunders. - by Wallfire - 09-07-2020, 12:15 PM

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