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The Results of the UK's European Members Election 2019.
Thank you BIAD, im very pushed for time at the moment and just cant find things online.
Gordi the EU is not a unicorn flying over Europe farting rainbows and good will, its a force that wants to rule Europe. Before the UK joined the EU the EU had already a large influence on what happened. Since the end of ww2 there has been a large social experiment on the go in the UK, the EU just expanded it to find what cultures and religions were best at destroying local cultures and the best at lowering the IQ of a country. 
Having seen how well it worked in the UK the EU started to flood Europe with the same cultures, as is been done today.
A country that has its culture destroyed and IQ lowered is much easier to control.
The culture and religions that are invading Europe are just useful fools who will be taken care of when the time come.
The three things the EU is working to ( same as Stalin used)
An enemy with out (at the moment Russia)
An enemy with in (at the moment Christianity but that will change to islam when there purpose is served)
And fear used to control. ( EU army and police)
Take a walk around the citys and towns of Scotland , look at the people and ask yourself are these people part of the Scottish culture and will they fight to keep Scottish culture of fight to destroy it.

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RE: The Results of the UK's European Members Election 2019. - by Wallfire - 06-02-2019, 05:34 PM

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