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No Western country has managed to successfully integrate Muslims
We must look to history and the incidents of it occuring

Eliminating muslim from the search
generalize to immigration

I can think of only one case off the top of my head where immigration was sucessful and immigration proceeded

The Irish in america

You can create a partial map

Other entries show what happens over time

Here we go

Rome's policies
The Khans
Alexander the Greats policies

Both involved key points of power

loyalty to the government
and only local city rulers stay for bare function

A second set both involving rome

both sets have issues

their are more bad examples then good ones

No large immigrant group integrates

Now looking at muslims

No intergration has a LOT against it
very few things in its favor

For integretion to occur.. things must be handled differently
Given current climates and growth rates

I cant give my recommendation on what is necessary

Messages In This Thread
RE: No Western country has managed to successfully integrate Muslims - by Armonica_Templar - 05-27-2019, 01:01 AM

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