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Listen up! What You Need to Know Regarding The CABAL Takedown
The only thing I can think of is because there is a Universal Law that prohibits ETs from doing this directly; they have to use/influence the humans to do it for them.  They are working with high-level government officials and those in control over them to lead us (the peons) in the direction they want us.
This all began when Pres. Eisenhower made a deal with them; even his granddaughter, Laura, talks about this.  

If you have never heard of Corey Goode, his revelations will sound unbelievable, coming in on the middle of all this.  He is a secret space program insider, whistle-blower who has been sharing knowledge for the past 18 months of what's really going on behind the scenes. His stories sound like they are straight out of a Sci-fi movie, but there have been others come forward since he did who have verified his accounts as truth.

You can subscribe to Gaia t.v. for .99 for the first month and watch all he has told to date on the show, Cosmic Disclosure, if you wish. 
Or, you can go to his blog and read past transcripts of the shows, I suppose.  I have it linked in another thread here somewhere. I'll try to find it and post it here for you.

I have been keeping up with all this since he first came on the scene, and, Yes, there is a lot going on in the background now to take down the Cabal, and also to announce that we have been visited by ETs for thousands of years.  The good guys (ETs) are up there helping us too.
I know I sound looney to anyone who is just now getting wind of this information, but open your mind and , at least, consider it, so you and others won't have a heart attack when things start going down.

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RE: Listen up! What You Need to Know Regarding The CABAL Takedown - by Mystic Wanderer - 06-16-2016, 06:44 PM

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