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The Great Awakening - Connecting the Dots
My Gawd... part of the strategy is titled 'Encourage good journalism' and comments that
'Traditional news outlets are dying...''!!
This just after several paragraphs on Fake news created by the Right!

So traditional news outlets are dying and it's because 'good journalism' wasn't encouraged
enough...! So without this nursing, is the default-setting of journalism 'bad'?!

I spoke to two neighbours today and both said that never watch mainstream television news
or bought a newspaper because "it made them angry with how fake it is"
Apart from my immediate family, these two men were the only people I spoke to today.

A strange coincidence or just a typical slice of reality?
I think we know which.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: The Great Awakening - Connecting the Dots - by BIAD - 08-21-2018, 05:28 PM

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