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Facebook has attacked Trump Supporters
Two black Ladys have old Zucker on the run
The hilarious duo of Diamond and Silk is a danger to societyThat’s according to Facebook. The pro-Trump pair posted on the embattled social media platform on Friday night, saying after months of correspondence, they were deemed to be “unsafe to the community.” Diamond and Silk have been corresponding since September 7, 2017, with Facebook (owned by Mark Zuckerberg), about their bias censorship and discrimination against the D&S brand.
“Finally after several emails, chats, phone calls, brand appeals, beating around the bush, lies, and giving us the run around.”Facebook gave another bogus reason why millions of people who have liked and/or followed the Diamond and Silk page no longer receive notification, and why the page, post and video reach was reduced by a very large percentage.  The Policy team sent a note saying they have come to the conclusion that the D&S content and your brand has been determined unsafe to the community.”
The network said their decision is “final and it is not appealable in any way.” The flashy black ladies posed several questions to Facebook and Zuckerberg, including, “What is unsafe about two black-women supporting the President Donald J. Trump?” This is deliberate bias, censorship and discrimination. Diamond and Silk shot to fame after the Drudge Report linked to several of their videos and they made appearances with then-candidate Trump on the campaign trail. One of their big moments came when they tore into Republican debate moderator Megyn Kelly in 2015.

Hope you found these Ladys MW, It would be fun to
 have them here

Messages In This Thread
RE: Facebook has attacked Trump Supporters - by Wallfire - 04-14-2018, 11:19 AM
RE: Facebook has attacked Trump Supporters - by Wallfire - 04-19-2018, 10:54 AM

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