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Media platforms: Rogue Nation continued growth
This is just my two cents, which has never been worth much to anyone... lol..

But where there is diversity of thoughts and views there is vigorous debate and discussion... that is what makes any discussion forum fun - it delivers on the discussion.

When everyone on any forum has similar views or are otherwise unwilling to debate differing views for fear of hurting feelings it's just not as fun, it doesn't have the same draw other than the draw of friendship... which keeps it small overall, because those who don't feel a part of that friendship feel they are on the outside looking in, and no one wants to feel like the third wheel until they get to know everyone or figure out where they might fit in...

It's not to say everyone here isn't welcoming - you are and couldn't do any better, it's just a thought as to perhaps why growth is stagnant. ..

I think a better idea for drawing in people is to stage some actual debates... good ones on relevant topics of the day. Have people take or assign people sides, and make it interesting - people from outside of here will be more willing to jump on that way with their own two cents.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Media platforms: Rogue Nation continued growth - by Wallfire - 01-21-2018, 01:21 AM
RE: Media platforms: Rogue Nation continued growth - by Grace - 01-21-2018, 04:18 AM
RE: Media platforms: Rogue Nation continued growth - by Wallfire - 01-23-2018, 08:26 AM
RE: Media platforms: Rogue Nation continued growth - by Wallfire - 01-21-2018, 01:49 PM

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