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ICE arrests hundreds
I always find it suspect when one of the pro-sanctuary mouth-pieces shows-up on television
and berates the Trump administration for expelling illegal immigrants that have broken the law.

Of course, they never use negative words like 'illegal' and instead, offer the movie-style idea of
a frightened fleeing family crossing a desert at night to better themselves in a land born from
the notion of pioneering spirit.

Yes, I understand the touchy-feely side of the issue. In many instances, the relatives (because
this isn't just about children)... have come across the border because one or more of their family
have been living in the US and become accustomed to the situation.
But that situation is illegal, whether it's a few months or thirty years-old.

If asked, an honest person would reply that if they committed a crime in their country, they would
expect the system to hold them accountable. So how is this different?

"But the children of illegal immigrants haven't committed a crime" I hear the usually West-coast
liberal cry and if they haven't, fine... There's a system to deal with that grey-ish area.
But if those born from undocumented parents in the US have committed a crime whilst in the country
they're living, then does that country really have the right to hold them accountable?

It can be argued that the country they are legally connected to through their parents should be the
ones who administer judgement via proxy, but since the crime took place on US soil, then that
country -just like all others, decides on the crime.

And the carousel turns, all based on crime. The eternal quibbling of what to do with criminals.
That first footstep across a border is directly to tied to the future of one's decendants and a true
adult would know that even if his family flourishes, it is all based on a wrongdoing.

If persons move from one country to another without the legal requirements being fulfilled by that
country of entrance, then it's an illegal move and whether you believe you're doing the best for
your family or not, you must be aware... even the most ignorant of adults must be aware that they're
deliberately enacting an illegal function.

But I'm frolicking in the liberal meadow here, the truth is that the US system is far-better than the
one that the illegal immigrant wishes to leave and so, wants what the United States has to offer.

You can do it through the proper channels and if you have had the fortitude to learn at school and
acquire a skill, your chances increase and at the very least, you can morally (touchy-feely) believe
that you're putting something back into the system that you want your family to benefit from.

In reality of course, these virtues are never looked at because illegally entering the country of choice
is to take, to use the system that others created and abuse the moral trust that they were unable to
manifest in their own land. It's not communal, it's not a long-term strategy of furthering one's family's
future... It's just theft.

We can all make mistakes and we must all be held accountable.
In truth... and I mean the real truth of morality, not the shitty 'Oh, I want to be seen as a good person'
garbage that you hear from well-dressed fakers on the screen every night, the real truth is that the
accountablility begins in one's heart and judgements are made from that.

There's a reason for the saying 'Don't Do The Crime If You Can't Do The Time' and it's not refferring
to a prison sentence, it's about self-guilt.

I would think a Father would want his son or daughter to make a difference in the world and do it
within the boundaries of social acceptance. That's where the pride comes from and the peace of
the soul in knowing you've done the right thing.

By making that decision of sneaking over the border and living a life of keeping one's head down
and hiding, the ones that didn't commit a crime whilst in the United States are no different from the
crazy drug-selling vehicle-crasher because of that simple first-step.

It's time to 'Do The Time' and I'm sure many -if not all of the Fathers know that.

*Drops microphone and the meekly picks up the broken appliance because I realise it's my own!*
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

Messages In This Thread
ICE arrests hundreds - by guohua - 09-28-2017, 10:55 PM
RE: ICE arrests hundreds - by Mystic Wanderer - 09-28-2017, 11:01 PM
RE: ICE arrests hundreds - by guohua - 09-28-2017, 11:37 PM
RE: ICE arrests hundreds - by Mystic Wanderer - 09-29-2017, 12:53 AM
RE: ICE arrests hundreds - by BIAD - 09-29-2017, 10:04 AM
RE: ICE arrests hundreds - by Mystic Wanderer - 09-29-2017, 03:28 PM

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