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No Collusion Between Trump and Russia – Not a Crime If there Was
If one looks at this current situation of 'Trump-election-collusion-Russia' an average browser would
ask the question that where are the facts. A non-fact-based insinuation is broadcast and with the
firing of James Comey hung onto the accusation, the storyline may look healthy, but still no facts
are produced.

The media are fuelling the accusation and with the use of words, framing and enforcing a dialectic,
it certainly looks like it's having an effect on the average voter.

With this constant stream of innuendo and scare-mongering, it seems that more and more, the idea
that candidate Trump, his administration and an ignorant electorate were tricked by Russian agencies.

The proof...? none yet, but if credible evidence does surface and proves that the above occurred, it will not
only show the ineptness of the FBI, the CIA and the NSA to prevent, halt and attack the exterior invasion, it
will also prove that the US mainstream media have been noble in the reporting of this terrible situation.

If no evidence can be found, then the same media must be held accountable for their biased reporting and
the mentioned agencies should be confronted for their reluctance to state their positions.

I'm mildly interested that if this 'Putin's Puppet'-thing is real, then where does it put the last Superpower that's
fallen for the equivalent of the old 'Eh, yer' shoelaces are untied!'?
But what I'm really interested is if this 'Putin's Puppet'-thing is bunk, how the media scurry away and begin to
build a different narrative to protect their status.

The politicians who called for impeachment should be approached and questioned on their decision-making
prowess. After all, if they screwed-up and insulted their country and fellow citizens because of hate-filled rumour
and media-thrusted innuendo, surely their abilities within their government-funded appointmentsmust be in

The national and international embarrassment will stand either way and in a more mature environment, everyone
involved would hold their heads in shame.

My only tip for the hacks milling around D.C asking slanted questions is... think about how some people utilise
opposing force to assist in driving an assailant to the ground and leave them sprawling in the dust.
And Trump hates the media!
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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RE: No Collusion Between Trump and Russia – Not a Crime If there Was - by BIAD - 05-19-2017, 05:15 PM

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