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The Horrifying Muslim Destruction Of Germany
Quote:I saw an article just yesterday where the democrats are still working to get our guns banned.  

If this ever passes, we are doomed, just as all the countries before us have been doomed.

I need to correct the above statement.  It wasn't the democrats, it was the UN. 

UN Demands America Give Up Its Guns

Quote:The United Nations’ human rights chief called on the United States Tuesday to enforce more effective gun control measures in the aftermath of the Orlando terrorist attack, dismissing as “irresponsible pro-gun propaganda” the notion that firearms make societies safer.

U.N. human rights commissioner urged the U.S. government to live up to its obligations to protect citizens from the “horrifyingly commonplace but preventable violent attacks that are the direct result of insufficient gun control.”

“Examples from many countries clearly show that a legal framework to control the acquisition and use of firearms has led to a dramatic reduction in violent crime,” he said.

“In the United States, however, there are hundreds of millions of guns in circulation, and every year thousands of people are killed or injured by them.”

He deplored what he called the ease with which individuals can buy firearms in America – “in spite of prior criminal backgrounds, drug use, histories of domestic violence and mental illness, or direct contact with extremists – both domestic and foreign.”
[Image: 1442505207498.jpg]

“How many more mass killings of school-children, of co-workers, of African-American churchgoers, how many more individual shootings of talented musicians like Christina Grimmie, or politicians like Gabrielle Giffords, will it take before the United States adopts robust gun regulation?” he asked.
American Omar Mateen killed 49 people early Sunday morning at a gay nightclub in Orlando, in a terrorist attack that quickly stoked fresh debate about gun control.
President Obama’s early response to the shooting included the view that it was “a further reminder of how easy it is for someone to get their hands on a weapon that lets them shoot people in a school, or in a house of worship, or a movie theater, or in a nightclub.”

“And we have to decide if that’s the kind of country we want to be,” the president added. “And to actively do nothing is a decision as well.”
Others contend that had some nightclub goers been legally armed, they may have been able to stop the terrorist.

(For some weird reason, I can't post the Source here.  Just google the title above to read the full story.)

Ah yes, they make it sound like if they take away our gun rights, no criminal will ever use a gun to commit an act of violence again. 
They really think we're that stupid! (And it turns out, some people are!) tinylaughing

Most of the mass shootings this guy was talking about were False Flags, or done using some poor sap under CIA mind control.  After seeing the reports in Vault 7, I'd say there were a few CIA Black OP agents mixed in as well, just to make sure enough rounds got fired off to create the panic and deaths they needed to scream "WE NEED TO BAN GUNS!"

They are scamming the American people!   minusculeredtantrum

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RE: The Horrifying Muslim Destruction Of Germany - by Mystic Wanderer - 03-18-2017, 11:19 PM

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