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Did A Fox Sports Writer Tweet Barron Trump Is A Future Serial Killer?
First of all, is this "fact" that the kid has actually killed animals?
Or is it just opinion, poking fun at the kid?

And being as they live in N.Y. city, are there 100 of animals for someone to kill?
I mean, I don't see much around Trump Tower other than more buildings.
Just saying....

Yeah, that was a mean and cruel thing to post, totally uncalled for IMO.
Especially if it was in jest, making fun of the poor boy -- due to the fact that there are people out there that will read it and believe it, proof or not.

Takes a real azzhole in my view to even think of posting something like that about a 10 yo---why, all because he doesn't like Trump???
Another bully who likes to make fun of others.
Lowlife scum picking on a kid.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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RE: Did A Fox Sports Writer Tweet Barron Trump Is A Future Serial Killer? - by senona - 01-25-2017, 07:06 AM

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