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UNH profs call for expulsion of Trump supporters
So have you heard?
Yes, the Tolerant, Loving, Compassionate Liberal - Progressive Left College and University Educators wish to Deny a Education to anyone who doesn't Support Their View!  minusculethinking Hummmm something wrong there I think. It's illegal isn't it? But then, Liberals don't enforce or support Laws They Don't Agree With, like Their Dear Leader, Obama.

Quote:[b]Professors at the University of New Hampshire are calling for the expulsion of two students who counter protested an anti-Trump rally while wearing Harambe and Richard Nixon costumes.


Two of the professors are part of the Women's Studies Department, which recently came under fire for promoting the protest against Trump on its official Facebook page.

Their Teaching Credentials should be Suspended.

Quote:A former UNH professor, Courtney Marshall, posted a photo of the students on her Facebook, writing, “There was a walkout yesterday at my former institution (UNH), and these two people showed up.”

The post led several current professors to call for the expulsion of the students, even writing sample letters to administrators in the comments.

“Time to call for an investigation leading to the expulsion of these students,” said Robin Hackett, an associate professor of English as well as a faculty member of the Women’s Studies Program, before listing the names of several administrators for professors to direct their complaints.

Another English professor and Women’s Studies Program faculty member, Siobhan Senier, drafted a letter to UNH President Huddleston and Provost Targett, claiming that the Harambe costume is “harassing, intimidating, and racist.”
Quote: [Image: Image1.jpg]

Quote:“Somebody knows who these two students are, who dressed as Nixon and Harambe,” Senier asserted. “And whatever their intent, it seems that a conversation with them is in order.”

[Image: Letter3.jpg]

Quote:English lecturer Molly Campbell decried the use of the American flag during the counter protest, whining that “there was a huge truck waving American and trump flags driving back and forth blaring it's horn. Nixon was throwing pacifiers at the crowd.”

Larry Beemer, another English lecturer, said his “10 year old son” had to explain to him that the Harambe and Nixon costumes were meant to represent the popular meme “Dicks out for Harambe.”

“Are they assholes? Definitely; are they Racist agitators? Yes, but probably only because of personal ignorance, which isn't an excuse,” Beemer asserted.
When asked about the professors’ posts, university spokesperson Erika Mantz told Campus Reformthat “Every member of the University of New Hampshire community has the right to hold, defend, and promote their personal opinions.”

Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
These students need to be prepared I think, their Professors will do everything they call to Fail them, I Think!
Quote:College Trump Supporters: “We’re The New Counterculture”

The new campus radicals quietly voted for Trump — and they want you to stop whining about it.

A week after Donald Trump won the presidency, many students on the University of Delaware campus were still devastated. Professors at the blue-state public school where Vice President Joe Biden is an alumnus canceled classes, helped organize marches, and held discussions so that students could process their feelings and fears.

But the UD students who voted for Trump were thrilled. It’s not just that their candidate won, but that the Democrats’ reliance on “identity politics” failed. Hillary Clinton’s campaign bet on the votes of women, minorities, the LGBT community, and other groups whose political positions are often shaped by the way they identify. But the Clinton campaign didn’t just fail to get out the vote — it also alienated white people who don’t like being told they’re bigots.

In the 1960s, the University of California, Berkeley, was known for free-speech protests, said Andrew Lipman, a UD senior and the chairman of the Delaware Federation of College Republicans. Now, in Lipman’s view, the university is known for “silencing conservative speech, because it’s considered hateful.”

Trump’s win is a boon for every college student frustrated by progressive campus activists’ concepts that have gone mainstream, such as “trigger warnings,” “safe spaces” and “microaggressions.” Lipman wasn’t a big Trump supporter, but he’s concerned by reports from UD students who say they don’t feel comfortable voicing pro-Trump sentiments in class, in their dorms, and around campus. He’s such an advocate for free speech that he helped bring Breitbart News writer and alt-right celebrity Milo Yiannopoulos’s “Dangerous Faggot” college tour to UD two weeks before the election.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Did they just call Trump a "xenophobe"?

From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary :


noun xe·no·phobe \ˈze-nə-ˌfōb, ˈzē-\

Definition of xenophobe
  1. :  one unduly fearful of what is foreign and especially of people of foreign origin
xenophobic \ˌze-nə-ˈfō-bik, ˌzē-\ adjective

xenophobically\-bi-k(ə-)lē\ adverb

I gotta ask - how in the hell can you be xenophobic if you have MARRIED a foreigner?

When asked about the professors’ posts, university spokesperson Erika Mantz told Campus Reform that “Every member of the University of New Hampshire community has the right to hold, defend, and promote their personal opinions.”

They should have added "unless their personal opinions are conservative", because these gents were clearly holding, defending, and promotion their personal opinions, and even being helpful by tossing pacifiers to the crybabies!

I believe NIH funding should immediately be cut to everything else, and the full force of it directed towards genetic research into growing test tube balls, because these little snowflakes are never ever gonna be able to grow their own!

I finally had to look up a few of these Collectivist terms, because I'm tired of being in the dark when folks start talking that crazy jingoistic nonsense jargon. I started with "trigger warning", and laughed my ass off. The only "trigger warning" we get around here is the "click" when you hear the goddamned hammer being cocked!

ETA: Hey Snowflakes - here's a microaggression for you:

My wife has more balls than you do. Does that make me gay, or does that make you a pussy? I'll let you figure it out. Probably better go to a Safe Space to do yer thinking on the matter, though, and have mommy pack you a lunch, 'cause you may be there for a while.

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

Better idea ..... fire all the leftist commie professors ..... dump the useless bullshit courses ..... hire real professors to teach real subjects so that students can actually get jobs in the real world .......  maybe then america start catch up with rest of world ......
Better to reign in hell ....
  than serve in heaven .....

Divide and conquer. Headings, labels, name-calling... all schoolyard acts that work on
children. Children with communication devices and a narcissism that needs nurturing.

You raise your voice at someone and that someone is supposed to feel 'singled-out'
separated from the group. A group like a classroom. Remember the feeling?!


"Yes, I must be because you say so. Now please, ask your cohorts for peace and who
are terrified at not being in the gang to roll my car over"


"Yes, I was aware of that in history. You see, I never skipped lessons to run off and
paint my face in protest or hurl abuse at passers-by. I decided to take advantage of
what was available and acquire an education so I can go out into the world as an
adult and make a difference. It's something called self-responsibility"


"Is that for ALL behind her or just women...? White women or white girls with green hair?
I can see by your rage that you firmly believe she should be given the job because of her
physical differences. May I ask that if this reason is perfectly valid, then why haven't invested
any monies -using Bob Bone's advice and looked at cattle futures...? You-too can make it to
the White House"


"Well, it must be because once again, you've said so... and petulantly -I might add.
What about beating me to a pulp in the name of democracy...? Is that still on the cards
How does one spell 'FBI'?"


"Which Government...? The one that uses the IRS to investigate certain opponents of candidates?
The same organisation that turned the other cheek when Major General Smedley Butler reported
that he'd been asked to be involved in a political coup d'etat to overthrow President Roosevelt...?
That one?"


"Life isn't fair... I'll give you that. But is this the same patriarchy who allegedly held down Juanita Broaddrick
in her hotel room and raped her? Go on... you can use the race-card too. On the flip-side of that is the
fact that she was married to someone and having an affair with another man... but that statement may
imply a slur against a female and we can't have that, can we?"

Men are men and women are women. We're not assigned these 'labels' -or any of the other ones
doing the rounds, it's just the best way that a species can continue. There are mature decisions made
by the majority of a species and whether you like them or not, you abide by them or work in the same
mature manner to change them.

Twitter and Facebook are gossip markets and that's fine. You live in a country that believes you have
a right to have your say... but not by the use of violence. One of the main ways of having a say is to
vote, another act your country enjoys.

Grow up and make a difference.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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