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I've read a lot of articles about 9-11, but Dr. Joseph Farrell brings some things out that I have never seen covered in this interview with Dark Journalist.

If you are a truth seeker, learn what really happened concerning 9-11. 
I can't urge you enough to watch this video!

Quote:In this exclusive Part 1 interview with Dr. Joseph Farrell, Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deeply into his brand new book on the role of a Fascist International Syndicate in the tragic events of 9/11 and the implications of the advanced energy weapons that were used to collapse the World Trade Center Towers.

Part 2 is here!  [Image: dT6e5RGT9.gif]

If you are interested in the 9-11 truth, you don't want to miss this 3 part presentation.  These interviews go deeper than any I've seen to date.

Quote:In this exciting Part 2 episode with Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt and Dr. Joseph Farrell on his new book: Hidden Finance, Rogue Networks and Secret Sorcery, they go deeper into his controversial research examining the Level 2 and Level 3 forces operating in the Deep State that penetrated the operations of 9/11 using the exotic technology of a TESLA DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPON.

While investigating the potential roots of the exotic technology used, Farrell discovered an unusual series of links to Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) and an engineer on their staff who was developing a scale model version of the Nazi Bell and anti-gravity ships. He also cites an interview with former NSA Director Admiral Bobby Ray Inman from a decade ago, in which he confirms that the SAIC was working on Anti-Gravity research. Inman is an enigmatic figure who has a tendency to exasperate his superiors by speaking his mind. He was one of the highest ranking intelligence officials to criticize the Bush Administration’s warrantless wiretapping policies program. His interest and connections to reverse engineered UFO Technology have been well-documented.

In researching the many anomalies of the Pentagon attack and the takedown of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania, Farrell discovered witnesses who described some perplexing features in their testimony, such as Flight 77 appearing to “melt" instead of crash into the building. Others described a missile with wings attached and some claimed they only saw an explosion with no plane visible! He also refers to photos that show almost no debris on the Pentagon lawn and the appearance of just a small hole at the crash site, hardly enough of a footprint for a major crash of an airliner.

Farrell also found that the same Swedish cleanup company that was remodeling the Pentagon before 9/11 was granted the contract to restore the damaged areas of the building complex and bizarrely to also handle all of the cleanup activities at the World Trade Center. The company donned nuclear protocol suits while they were working to clear the unusually small amount of debris at the major crash sites.

Farrell further investigates one of the main witnesses that has been put under embargo not to testify or be questioned named Frank Probst. A retired Army officer and Pentagon employee, Probst provided contradictory testimony, but his story of watching the plane fly into the Pentagon and having to jump out of the way became the foundation of the official story. In addition, he was somehow in a position to corroborate every major point of the narrative. Digging into his past, Farrell traces his background and expertise to being involved with the remote operation of airliners, raising major concerns about the crash being manipulated from the ground.

In this special part 2 of 3 episodes they reveal more astounding and shocking information which shows the parallels in Deep Events like the JFK Assassination and 9/11 and how they were designed as Mass Occult Ritual Sacrifice to provide the public with a psychic shock. Together they show how the obscure symbolism involved reveals the true purpose of the perpetrators behind these historic happenings.

Stunning, informative, unnerving and deeply revealing, this is the Dark Journalist episode you don’t want to miss!

The last 28 pages that were removed from the official 9/11 Report were finally released
and doesn't paint a happy picture of Saudi Arabia's involvement in the plot.

However, some sections of the mainstream media continue to show it in a different light.

Saudi officials are hoping that the release of a top secret chapter of an early congressional
inquiry into 9/11 will end accusations of Saudi complicity in the attacks -allegations that
have never been substantiated. Those who pushed for its release say it's only the beginning.

Congress on Friday disclosed the last chapter of a 2002 congressional report that has been
kept under wraps for more than 13 years, stored in a secure room in the basement of the

Lawmakers and relatives of victims of the attacks who believe that Saudi links to the attackers
were not thoroughly investigated had campaigned for years to get the pages released.

The document names individuals who knew the hijackers after they arrived in the United
States and helped them get apartments, open bank accounts and connect with local mosques.
Fifteen of the 19 hijackers were Saudi nationals and several had little experience living in the

Several investigations into the attacks followed the congressional inquiry.
The most well-known investigation was by the 9/11 Commission, which in 2004 stated that it
found "no evidence that the Saudi government as an institution or senior Saudi officials individually
funded" al-Qaida.

"This conclusion does not exclude the likelihood that charities with significant Saudi government
sponsorship diverted funds to al-Qaida."

Adel al-Jubier, foreign minister for Saudi Arabia, which has urged the release of the chapter since
2002, said the documents should finally put to rest questions about Saudi Arabia's suspected role
in the Sept. 11 attack.

"That matter is now finished," al-Jubier said. "The surprise in the 28 pages is that there is no surprise."

Sen. Richard Burr, R-N.C., chairman of the Senate intelligence committee, and vice chairman Dianne
Feinstein, D-Calif., urged the public to read the results of the subsequent investigations by the CIA
and FBI that they say "debunk" many of the allegations in the congressional inquiry, and put conspiracy
theories to rest.

But former Florida Sen. Bob Graham, the co-chairman of the congressional inquiry who pushed hard
to get the pages released, remains convinced that the hijackers had an extensive Saudi support
system with links to government officials while they were in the United States.

"The information in the 28 pages reinforces the belief that the 19 hijackers - most of whom spoke little
English, had limited education and had never before visited the United States - did not act alone in
perpetrating the sophisticated 9/11 plot," Graham said.

"I'm a little flabbergasted that some of the people who contributed to the 13 years that this was
withheld are now saying it is not important," he told The Associated Press, without mentioning
any names. "If so, why did they keep it from the public for so many years?"

Graham also said he hoped the release would pave the way for more documents to be disclosed.

"This is not the end," he said. "Most of what we know about 9/11 is from the investigations that
were done in southern California and that's the primarily focus of the 28 pages. Ironically, two-thirds
of the hijackers lived, most of the time they were in the U.S., in Florida and we know very little about
their financing, who they associated with, or what assistance they may have received."

Graham said a federal judge in Florida is combing through 80,000 pages that include reports from the
FBI's investigation into the hijackers' activities in Sarasota, Florida, to see if they should be released in
a Freedom of Information Act suit brought by the corporate parent of Florida Bulldog, an investigative
reporting organisation.

Terry Strada, national chairwoman for 9/11 Families United For Justice Against Terrorism, also said she
hoped Friday's release would help get other material disclosed.

"There is so much more on the Saudi connection to 9/11 and this is the tip of the iceberg, but you had
to get this first," said Strada whose husband, Tom, died in the north tower of the World Trade Center on

"It's the beginning, but I don't think it's the end."

The document mentions scores of names that the congressional inquiry believed deserved more 
investigation. They included: -Omar al-Bayoumi, a Saudi national who helped two of the hijackers
in California, was suspected of being a Saudi intelligence officer.

The newly released document says that according to FBI files, al-Bayoumi had "extensive contact
with Saudi government establishments in the United States and received financial support from a
Saudi company affiliated with the Saudi Ministry of Defense. ... That company reportedly had ties
to Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida," which orchestrated the attacks.

The 9/11 Commission report, however, found him to be an "unlikely candidate for clandestine
involvement" with Islamic extremists.

Osama Bassnan, who lived across the street from two of the hijackers in California. According to
an FBI document, Bassnan told another individual that he met the hijackers through al-Bayoumi.
Bassnan told an FBI asset that "he did more than al-Bayoumi did for the hijackers."

The office of the Director of National Intelligence on Friday also released part of a 2005 FBI-CIA
memo that said "there is no information to indicate that either (Bayoumi) or (Bassnan) materially 
supported the hijackers wittingly, were intelligence officers of the Saudi government or provided
material support for the 11 September attacks, contrary to media speculation."

The document also notes that U.S. and coalition forces retrieved the telephone book of Abu Zubaydah,
the first high-profile al-Qaida terror suspect captured after the Sept. 11 attacks.

The telephone book, obtained during his capture in Pakistan in March 2002, contained an unlisted
number traced to ASPCOL Corp. in Aspen, Colorado, which the FBI field office in Denver determined 
"manages the affairs of the Colorado residence of Prince Bandar (bin Sultan)," who was the Saudi 
Ambassador to the United States at the time.

The document, however, also stated that "CIA traces have revealed no 'direct' links between numbers
found in Zubaydah's phone book and numbers in the United States." -Associated Press.

Phew! For a second there, I was worried there may have been a connection.

"The matter is now finished," Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir told a news conference in
Washington. Asked whether the report exonerated the kingdom, he replied: "Absolutely."

Okey-dokey, off to feed my unicorn now.
The Gatestone Institute.
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Thank you for posting that..... The truth is very illusive even when the Purps are caught red handed. Sunni Wahhabism will be the death of what is considered the civilized world.....IMO..... That was all under Bush 2 but the play continues

We now have a Muslim government...

[Image: ?ui=2&ik=d4efd28c50&view=fimg&th=155fd20...&zw&atsh=1]John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia.
[Image: ?ui=2&ik=d4efd28c50&view=fimg&th=155fd20...&zw&atsh=1]Obama's top adviser, Valerie Jarrett, is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her parents still live.
[Image: ?ui=2&ik=d4efd28c50&view=fimg&th=155fd20...&zw&atsh=1]Hillary Clinton's top adviser, Huma Abedin, is a Muslim, whose mother and brother are involved in the now outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
[Image: ?ui=2&ik=d4efd28c50&view=fimg&th=155fd20...&zw&atsh=1]Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan, is a Muslim.
[Image: ?ui=2&ik=d4efd28c50&view=fimg&th=155fd20...&zw&atsh=1]Homeland Security Adviser, Mohammed Elibiary, is a Muslim.
[Image: ?ui=2&ik=d4efd28c50&view=fimg&th=155fd20...&zw&atsh=1]Obama adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati, is a Muslim.
[Image: ?ui=2&ik=d4efd28c50&view=fimg&th=155fd20...&zw&atsh=1]Obama's Sharia Czar, Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America is a Muslim.
[Image: ?ui=2&ik=d4efd28c50&view=fimg&th=155fd20...&zw&atsh=1]Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel, is a Muslim.

[Image: ?ui=2&ik=d4efd28c50&view=fimg&th=155fd20...&zw&atsh=1]Nancy Pelosi announced she will appoint Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind, as the first Muslim lawmaker on the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
It would make Carson the first Muslim to serve on the committee that receives intelligence on the threat of Islamic militants in the Middle East!  He has suggested that U.S. schools should be modeled after Islamic madrassas, where education is based on the Quran!!!
[Image: ?ui=2&ik=d4efd28c50&view=fimg&th=155fd20...&zw&atsh=1]And last but not least, our 'closet Muslim' himself, Barack Hussein Obama.
It's questionable if Obama ever officially took the oath of office when he was sworn in.  He didn't repeat the oath properly to defend our nation and our Constitution.  Later the Democrats claimed he was given the oath again in private.
[Image: ?ui=2&ik=d4efd28c50&view=fimg&th=155fd20...&zw&atsh=1]CIA director John Brennan took his oath on a copy of the Constitution, not a Bible??
[Image: ?ui=2&ik=d4efd28c50&view=fimg&th=155fd20...&zw&atsh=1]Valarie Jarret wrote her college thesis on how she wanted to change America into a Muslim-friendly nation and she is an Obama top advisor.
[Image: ?ui=2&ik=d4efd28c50&view=fimg&th=155fd20...&zw&atsh=1]Congressman, Keith Ellison, took his oath on a copy of the Qur'an.  (This should never be allowed in America because the Qur'an is totally anti-thetic/opposite to everything the USA stands for.  Islamic leaders admit they want to take over America by any and all means!)
[Image: ?ui=2&ik=d4efd28c50&view=fimg&th=155fd20...&zw&atsh=1]Congresswoman Michele Bachman was vilified and verbally tarred and feathered by Democrats when she voiced her concern about Muslims taking over our government.

Considering all these appointments, it would explain why Obama and his minions are systematically destroying our nation, supporting radical Muslim groups worldwide, opening our southern border, trying to make us believe Islam is a "religion of peace" while turning a blind eye to the genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over Africa, Europe and the Middle East.

The more damage Obama does, the more arrogant he's become!  Our nation and our government has been infiltrated by people who hate us ("the big Satan") and whose leaders have declared they want to destroy us.  It can only get worse if we allow them to continue to reside in the US and hold positions of authority over us.  Once their population reaches 10% of any country, they start trying to take over.  It took Europe 300 years of wars to get all Muslims out of their countries.  How long will it take us?

Japan is smart:  Muslims aren't allowed to take up residence in their country, nor are they allowed to acquire property or build mosques there.  They are only allowed short visits.
[Image: images2ITQUV09.jpg]Somewhere in Obama's book he said, "If it comes down to it, I would side with the Muslims."  And so, he has.
(07-20-2016, 11:51 AM)727Sky Wrote: [Image: images2ITQUV09.jpg]Somewhere in Obama's book he said, "If it comes down to it, I would side with the Muslims."  And so, he has.

With all the in-fighting across the US in regards of people yearning for some-kind of civil-rights war,
the Police being gunned down and high-politic corruption, one has to wonder if a hand of direction
is somehow involved in the shadows.

Obama has certainly killed-off the old-style 'US spirit'
Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 

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