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Child Sex Trafficking/Pizzagate/Pedogate/Organ-Harvesting
(07-24-2019, 07:30 AM)Armonica_Templar Wrote:
Quote:Back in the mid-80's was peak child molesting time in Hollywood... 

One of the easiest of tell-tale signs of what goes on in Hollywood in regards of child-molesting can be seen with recent changes
that have been made in the iconic movie 'The Godfather'.

In the original production, a character named Jack Woltz -a renown Jewish movie producer is first seen celebrating a child-actress'
birthday on set at the Woltz Studious. A gift of a pony is given and with her mother looking on, the girl runs to thank Mr. Woltz for the
present and hugs him.

The Godfather's consiglieri, Tom Hagen -played by Robert Duvall, introduces himself in order to solve a career-problem of Don
Corleone's godson and after being investigated, Tom Hagen is invited to an evening meal at Jack Wolt's palacial mansion to
discuss the situation further

After a rowdy incident, Hagan leaves and passing through a large foyer, is witness to the same child-actress from the studio now
stood on a stairway landing crying. Her mother appears and tells her to get back into the bedroom and the scene ends.
The implication is that the movie producer molests the child-stars he comes in contact with and this is endorsed by a later scene
that begins with the Godfather muttering the word 'infamnia'.
A word that denotes disgrace.

But watch the The Godfather movie broadcast on television today and any scene that indicates that a movie producer -Jewish or not,
is involved in paedophilia and you will not find it. It's been took out because of its connotations towards Hollywood's false persona.

You can have Police Captain's shot in the throat and head, women blown-up in Sicilian cars and a horse's bloodied-decapitated head
found in a bed. High on the big screen, Talia Shire's character -Connie, is beaten with a belt by her husband and being heavily pregnant,
flees to the bathroom where we're treated to her cries as Carlo beats her even more.

But the audience cannot be allowed to read between the lines of a crying girl standing outside a bedroom...?
Why is that...? after all, it's in the book.

Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
With all the crap coming to light to day, its VERY possible the storys are true
Attorney General William Barr is getting prepared for the influx of child predators who will soon be gushing into our prisons.
I'm glad to see he's adopting an addendum to the federal execution protocol. We don't need to be paying to keep these soulless human shells alive who do such evil to our children, or anyone else for that matter.

There are already five people awaiting execution who are now on death-row.

Quote:Attorney General William P. Barr has directed the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to adopt a proposed Addendum to the Federal Execution Protocol—clearing the way for the federal government to resume capital punishment after a nearly two decade lapse, and bringing justice to victims of the most horrific crimes.  The Attorney General has further directed the Acting Director of the BOP, Hugh Hurwitz, to schedule the executions of five death-row inmates convicted of murdering, and in some cases torturing and raping, the most vulnerable in our society—children and the elderly.

“Congress has expressly authorized the death penalty through legislation adopted by the people’s representatives in both houses of Congress and signed by the President,” Attorney General Barr said.  “Under Administrations of both parties, the Department of Justice has sought the death penalty against the worst criminals, including these five murderers, each of whom was convicted by a jury of his peers after a full and fair proceeding.  The Justice Department upholds the rule of law—and we owe it to the victims and their families to carry forward the sentence imposed by our justice system.”
Found this, but once again because of source please check

Quote:Records show Clinton/Epstein connection starts as early as 1993 Clinton White House

[Image: aaephwu_orig.jpg]
                                  MSN Reports: Now, a Daily Beast investigation has uncovered ties between Epstein and the Clinton administration that date back to the president’s earliest days in the White House, casting doubt on the oft-circulated narrative that the two only began associating after Clinton left office. As early as 1993, records show, Epstein donated $10,000 to the White House Historical Association and attended a donors’ reception hosted by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Around the same time, according to a source familiar with the connection, Epstein visited presidential aide Mark Middleton several times at The White House. Two years later, businesswoman Lynn Forester de Rothschild wrote a personal letter to Clinton thanking him for their talk about the financier. 
                                     “President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York,” Clinton’s spokesperson, Angel Ureña, told The Daily Beast. “Any suggestion to the contrary, is both factually inaccurate and irresponsible.” Representatives for Epstein, de Rothschild and Middleton did not respond to multiple requests for comment. 
                                     Looks like the Clinton connection to Jeffrey Epstein who has been arrested for child trafficking dates even before the creation of the Clinton Foundation, as records indicate the Epstein/Clinton connection date back to 1993. Not only that but this new information revealing these records/documents that connect the Clinton's to Epstein starting in the Clinton White House in 1993, is that this shows that serial child trafficker Jeffrey Epstein was involved with the Clinton White House in some matter.
                                       The fact that records show that Epstein was donating to the White House under the Clinton's may also point that Jeffrey Epstein may of also been involved with the Clinton campaign before Bill took the Oval Office. So the Clinton's knew Epstein since 1993, and for the last week the Democrat establishment has attempted to connect Trump to Epstein...And now Epstein is being found out as being involved in the Clinton White House at the very beginning. It's really no surprise that Epstein's first connection to the Clinton's involves the beginning of the Clinton White House with a large donation. Wonder if they were plotting Epstein's child trafficking network, you only have to be curious why Epstein was involved in the very beginning stages of the Clinton White House?
"Attorney General William Barr is getting prepared for the influx of child predators who will soon be gushing into our prisons" 
@"Mystic Wanderer"  Let us hope that is a True Statement.  minusculebeercheers

"Found this, but once again because of source please check."
@"Wallfire"  Nice find!  minusculebeercheers
I found this to support your article.
Quote:Jeffrey Epstein Visited Clinton White House Multiple Times in Early 90s
[Image: AAEPhwr.img?h=909&w=799&m=6&q=60&o=f&l=f] Source
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
I found this, the worrying part of it is so many DOD workers are this sick. Think how they can be blackmailed and used in other ways. Sick bastards.
The swamp is been drained in a big way.


[Image: download-3_69_orig.jpg]

                                   The Hill Reports: Reps. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.) and Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) introduced legislation on Tuesday meant to halt the use of Department of Defense (DOD) computer networks by users for sharing or procuring pornographic images of children. The End National Defense Network Abuse (END Network Abuse) was introduced in the wake of in an investigation called “Project Flicker” carried out by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. This investigation identified over 5,000 individuals, including many affiliated with DOD, who were subscribed to child porn websites. The Pentagon's Defense Criminal Investigative Service subsequently identified hundreds of DOD-affiliated individuals as suspects involved in accessing child pornography, several of whom used government devices to view and share the images.
                                   It looks like we now know another reason why the Democrat establishment and the Deep State are pushing an anti ICE narrative to get rid of ICE, because oddly enough an ICE operation called Project Flicker identified 5,000 individuals within the DOD who were subscribed with child pornography websites. Not only that but it also looks like these 5,000 individuals within the DOD were also taking part in trafficking child pornography as well. 
                                     Usually when individuals are loud against President Trump or a government agency like ICE, you can usually connect the loudness against Trump or an agency like ICE to individuals who are likely involved in child trafficking. Basically what we have here is that ICE has uncovered a child trafficking network inside the DOD that involves around 5,000 individuals. Besides Democrats and the Deep State wanting to get rid of ICE due to ICE being let off the leash under Trump to remove illegal aliens, they also hate ICE because ICE uncovered networks like the following.
More AMAZING connections from the Amazing Polly.
She has quickly turned into my favorite of all independent journalists.  Just awesome!  minusculeclap

Here's one that will be a shocker for most people.  Mark Bloomfield, a long time former assistant to Mother Teresa, was beaten to death in Swansea, Wales Saturday.

Quote:Mark Bloomfield, 54, died in the hospital after an assault on July 18, at the Full Moon Public House. South Wales Police believe the incident happened between 11:30 a.m. and 3:15 p.m., and are looking for witnesses both inside and outside the pub.

Colin Thomas Payne, 61, is currently in custody, charged with causing grievous bodily harm. Two other people, a 21-year-old man and 50-year-old woman were previously arrested in connection with the incident, though they have been released. However, the two people are still under investigation.

Read more

Seems Mother Teresa did a lot of work that involved children...
And where children are involved, you can always find Hillary if you look hard enough.   tinyok 

Quote:What did Clinton work on with Mother Teresa? THE WEEKLY STANDARD has asked the Clinton campaign to clarify what the former secretary of state was talking about and has yet to hear a response. But it is true that when Clinton was first lady she knew Mother Teresa, corresponding with her and even helping open an adoption center in the nation's capital for the India-based nun's congregation, the Missionaries of Charity.

Read more

Was Mother Teresa involved in child trafficking?  I don't know, but after her death her order was investigated for child trafficking in India.

Quote:India has ordered its state governments to inspect child care facilities run by the Missionaries of Charity — the Roman Catholic order founded by Mother Teresa — after arrests of a nun and a worker accused of baby trafficking.

Earlier this month, Indian authorities shut down a shelter home for pregnant, unmarried women run by the order in Ranchi, a city in the eastern state of Jharkhand, after discovering that four infants had been sold, including a 6-month-old boy who changed hands for 50,000 rupees ($730).

A nun, identified as Sister Koncilia, and a staff member, Anima Indwar, were arrested in connection with trafficking. According to The Times of India, Indwar confessed to selling the children.

At the time of the arrests, a dozen pregnant women were living at the shelter, according to Catholic News Agency.
CNA reports that one couple reportedly paid Indwar 120,000 rupees ($1,760) in exchange for a child, but that she later took the child back without returning the money. The couple then tipped off police, according to CNA.

India's NDTV cites an unnamed police source as saying all four babies were sold within the past year.

The Times reported on Monday that the last of the four, the 6-month-old boy, had been located and recovered. The newspaper said he was bought by a couple living near Ranchi.

"We are getting many leads, but we cannot divulge them as of now," Ranchi Superintendent of Police Anish Gupta was quoted by the Times as saying.

"We are working on verifying them," Gupta said.
In a statement on Monday, Women and Child Development Minister Maneka Gandhi said she had instructed states "to get child care homes run by Missionaries of Charity all over the country inspected immediately."

Gandhi's ministry said that under India's Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, shelters dealing with adoption must register with the Central Adoption Resource Authority. However, it said some 4,000 institutions have yet to comply more than two years after the law went into effect.

Read More

Well...   this is sad.  If Mother Teresa was involved in this evil, then I just don't know what to say... or think anymore.  Is everyone in power, or seen as an esteemed individual, actually bad?   tinyshocked

Credit for this information goes to (from Twitter) Tiffany FitzHenry
Has anyone ever asked themselves, who takes care of the Priest that have been accused and sometime jailed for molesting children?
[Image: 800.jpeg] 

This may shock you.
Quote:Unmarked buildings, quiet legal help for accused priests
I'll post some of the article here, but you need to go to the source and find out just how corrupt the Church/Vatican is.
Quote:DRYDEN, Mich. (AP) — The visiting priests arrived discreetly, day and night.

Stripped of their collars and cassocks, they went unnoticed in this tiny Midwestern town as they were escorted into a dingy warehouse across from an elementary school playground.
Neighbors had no idea some of the dressed-down clergymen dining at local restaurants might have been accused sexual predators.

Full Coverage: The Reckoning

They had been brought to town by a small, nonprofit group called Opus Bono Sacerdotii.
For nearly two decades, the group has operated out of a series of unmarked buildings in rural Michigan, providing money, shelter, transport, legal help and other support to hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Catholic priests accused of sexual abuse across the country.

Again and again, Opus Bono has served as a rapid-response team for the accused.

When a serial pedophile was sent to jail for abusing dozens of minors, Opus Bono was there for him, with regular visits and commissary cash.

When a priest admitted sexually assaulting boys under 14, Opus Bono raised funds for his defense.

When another priest was criminally charged with abusing a teen, Opus Bono later made him a legal adviser.
That is not all.
Quote:Though Catholic leaders deny the church has any official relationship with the group, Opus Bono successfully forged networks reaching all the way to the Vatican.


Ok, you go to Church and you are a Faithful Christian and give your Weekly or Monthly Tithes the the church and part of that money is sent to support Child molesters.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
(07-29-2019, 07:09 PM)guohua Wrote: Has anyone ever asked themselves, who takes care of the Priest that have been accused and sometime jailed for molesting children?
[Image: 800.jpeg] 


Ok, you go to Church and you are a Faithful Christian and give your Weekly or Monthly Tithes the the church and part of that money is sent to support Child molesters.

This will absolutely shock some church members of the Catholic faith, but it needs to come out.  No longer can we allow this evil to fester in the church, or any other organization where good people think they are doing good by supporting them, but they are actually funding evil.  It's despicable!   tinyok
[Image: th?id=OIP.qsNLJROWS-IE2mOr2ItVNwHaHa&w=2...=5&pid=1.7] yes they have their own Seal!
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
This could be slightly off topic or just an example of the 'back-end' result of the harvesting industry.

Quote:Mystery surrounds grisly discovery of Brit shipping containers ‘filled with body parts'.

Human body parts and organs have allegedly been found in British shipping containers sent to Sri Lanka.

'Customs officials at the port of Colombo in Sri Lanka made the grisly find after they were disturbed by a “strong smell”
coming from the storage units. Workers at the port said the remains were disguised as recyclable materials in more than
100 large containers that were carrying mattresses, plastics and other clinical waste.

Among the crates inside the containers, officials found the “extremely hazardous” materials mixed in with mattresses,
plastics and clinical waste, the Daily Telegraph reported.
Local authorities in Sri Lanka are pushing for the putrid shipments to be sent back to Britain.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=6138]

The UK’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs has since launched a probe in an attempt to get to the
bottom of the sickening discovery. A spokesperson said: “We are committed to tackling illegal waste exports, which is
why individuals found to be exporting incorrectly described waste can face a two-year jail term or an unlimited fine”.

“We are yet to receive a formal request from the Sri Lankan authorities, but Defra has contacted them directly to find
out more information.” But, one unnamed Sri Lankan official reportedly described the situation as "a well-organised
racket that has been going on since 2017,” according to reports.

A spokesman for Sri Lanka’s Central Environment Authority said: "The waste material brought to the country under the
guise of mattresses from the UK is extremely hazardous." Sri Lanka is the latest country to clamp down on criminal groups
exporting mislabelled waste materials.

China, Vietnam, Malaysia and Thailand have also announced a crackdown on plastic imports as they attempt to stem the
tide of waste from European countries which are unable or unwilling to dispose of it themselves. Disguising human remains
as recyclable metals can be highly lucrative as it is illegal to export "anatomical waste", British waste disposal experts said.

If the reports are confirmed, it is feared the human remains may have originated from NHS hospitals that are struggling to
dispose of anatomical waste...'

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Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Authorities Arrest ICE’s ‘Most Wanted’, Alleged Leader of Human Trafficking Ring

Federal authorities have detained a man accused of running a human trafficking and drug ring at a Detroit motel. He is one of Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) “most wanted.”

Darrick Bell, 48, who has been on the run for more than two years, was apprehended by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the U.S. Marshals Service in Monroe, Michigan, on July 31, according to a local ICE spokesman cited by local reports.
Bell, a U.S. citizen, had given authorities the slip in January 2017 when they raided the Victory Inn in Detroit, where authorities say a massive human trafficking and narcotics distribution operation was being run.

[Image: darrickBell-1-600x772.jpg]
Darrick Bell. (ICE)

ICE later added Bell, who goes by the names “Tone” and “Ghost,” to HSI’s “most wanted” list.
They finally caught up with Bell at the Econo Lodge motel in Munroe, about 30 miles from Detroit, with $12,000 cash and suspected cocaine, reported the Detroit Free Press.

The allegations center on activities at the Victory Inn in Detroit.
[Image: Homeland-Security-agents-frisk-a-possibl...747500.jpg]
In this March 29, 2018, file photo, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents frisk a suspected MS-13 gang member and Honduran immigrant after arresting him at his home in Brentwood, New York. (John Moore/Getty Images)

The motel, which is flanked by a topless club and an adult bookstore, had been on authorities’ radar for some time.
Detroit Police in 2016 logged more than 115 calls to the location for crimes such as shootings, aggravated assaults, and two homicides allegedly linked to former motel guests, according to ICE.

“The sophisticated operation at the motel allegedly was manned by lookouts and armed enforcers,” according to an ICE statement.

When over 200 officers descended on the motel on Jan. 12, 2017, in one of the largest such operations in the city’s history, Bell had gone.

According to the Detroit News, 14 women were rescued during the raid.

The alleged criminal enterprise had all but taken over the motel, according to the Detroit News, leaving only two of the 42 rooms for legitimate customers.

“I’ve never seen anything like this in my life,” said Jeremy Forys, a HSI special agent who helped plan raid at the time.
Bell is charged with five other defendants in a 9-count indictment with trafficking in persons, forced labor, drug trafficking, money laundering, extortion collection and conspiracy, among other charges, said the ICE statement.

“Bell came to the attention of HSI special agents in September 2016, when one of his alleged victims escaped and special agents later confirmed he was operating out of the Victory Inn,” according to ICE.
[Image: ICE-agent-arrests-man-600x400.jpg]
An Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent detains an illegal immigrant in Los Angeles on Oct. 14, 2015. (John Moore/Getty Images)

“The indictment alleges that Bell, along with his co-conspirators, formed and operated a massive human trafficking and narcotics distribution operation out of multiple rooms at the now-shuttered motel. The women were allegedly exploited and abused by forcing them—through threats, coercion and isolation—to work as commercial sex workers for the financial benefit of Bell and other defendants, while a broad range of illegal drugs were allegedly available in other parts of the motel.”

The women were forced to hand all of the money given to them to Bell and his co-accused, according to ICE.

The Inn was demolished about a year after a judge ordered the inn’s closure following the 2017 raid, reported the Detroit Free Press.

minusculeclapminusculeclap minusculeclap           Source
The White Hats continue to take these sickos out of the equation.  Excellent!  Keep it up!   minusculeclap 

Quote:An FBI-led operation has culminated in the arrest of 67 suspected sex traffickers across the United States and the recovery of 103 child victims, authorities announced.

The initiative—dubbed Operation Independence Day—was a month-long operation that took place in July. In total, 161 operations were conducted nationwide as part of the initiative, which was a revamp of a previously successful program. More than 400 agencies participated.

According to the FBI, the sweep included undercover operations that led to the opening of five dozen federal criminal investigations. FBI agents and analysts worked closely with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) to identify potential victims, which can include “young runaways, missing kids, and juveniles.”

FBI agents also worked with state and local partners to carry out the operations.

“This initiative has two crucial goals: rescuing children being sold for sex and prosecuting their adult traffickers,” Attorney General William Barr said in a statement. “Child sex trafficking is a heinous crime that preys on the most vulnerable in our society.

“Perpetrators victimize children in communities throughout the country, and we are determined to find and rescue them,” he continued. “Through the FBI’s leadership, we have recovered thousands of child victims, and this latest operation adds to the success of that decades-long effort.”

In a similar statement, FBI Director Christopher Wray noted that the bureau is “fiercely focused” on reaching the two goals Barr had pointed out. He said their staff works tirelessly to make sure victims receive the help they need “to reclaim their lives.”

President Donald Trump, who has made combating human trafficking a focal point of his administration, signed into law the Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act and Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act, or SESTA-FOSTA in 2018. The legislation stops the shielding of website operators from state criminal charges or civil liability if they facilitate sex ads or prostitution.

Sex-trafficking website—the largest human-trafficking portal in the United States—was taken down by the FBI in 2018.

“We know this horrendous crime impacts communities across our country every day and we applaud the FBI for continuing to work tirelessly to locate these victims and hold accountable those who are selling children for sex,” said John Clark, president and CEO of NCMEC.

The FBI’s Crimes Against Children and Human Trafficking Unit and the Department of Justice coordinated the operation.
In some areas in the United States, illegal immigrants drive child sex crime charges, The Epoch Times previously reported. 

In North Carolina alone, during the past 18 months, more than 331 illegal aliens have been charged with 1,172 child rapes and child sexual assaults, according to data collected by an independent researcher.

James Johnson, who tracks the data on his website (North Carolinians for Immigration Reform and Enforcement), says he is only able to gather data from 30 of the state’s 100 counties, which means it’s likely the statewide count is significantly higher.

Johnson has tracked rapes and sexual assaults on children by illegal aliens since 2013, using original police reports and calling arresting agencies to verify immigration status. His data doesn’t cover every month, but for the 54 months he has recorded, an average of 34 illegal aliens per month were charged with 151 counts of raping or sexually assaulting a child in North Carolina.
Geoffrey Rogers, co-founder and CEO of the U.S. Institute Against Human Trafficking, told The Epoch Times previously that the child trafficking problem in the United States is an “epidemic that’s continuing to spin out of control.”

“I’m outraged at the fact there’s over 100,000 kids in America that are sold for sex every single day,” he said. “What we are also outraged about is—where is the outrage?”

Rogers said there’s one major commonality of both boy and girl victims of trafficking—they had come through America’s foster care system.

“We’ve seen studies that say about 70 percent of kids who are trafficked in America come out of the foster care system,” he said.

Charlotte Cuthbertson contributed to this report.
They're rounding up the child sex-trafficking rings. So many - who knew?  And we're not done yet. tinyhuh 

Quote:Glamorous social media star, 48, known as 'La Madame' is pimp with prostitution ring where 250 underage girls were branded with tattoos, prosecutors claim
  • Social media star allegedly worked as a pimp recruiting underage girls

  • She is accused of forcing underage girls to work in her sex-trafficking ring

  • At least 250 minors were reportedly lured to Cartagena in one year

  • She was arrested last year alongside 17 others in 'Operation Vesta' police sting

Read more: Source
This one requires a strong stomach to take in, but it's information that needs to be heard so you know what has, and probably still is, going on out there.

(This content could harm young children's mind, so please don't have them around when you watch this.)

Still clearing-up the hidden activities from the past.

Quote:Rotherham child sex abuse: Five jailed for exploiting girls.

'Five men have been jailed for sexually exploiting eight teenage girls in Rotherham more than a decade ago.
Vulnerable girls were targeted and given alcohol and drugs before some were raped by multiple men, Sheffield
Crown Court heard.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=6309]
Abid Saddiq, Sharaz Hussain, Aftab Hussain and Masaued Malik were jailed
(Far Right) Mohammed Ashan admitted three counts of indecent assault and will be sentenced at a later date

Aftab Hussain, 40, was jailed for 24 years and Abid Saddiq, 38, for 20 years, with the judge calling the latter a
"determined sexual predator".

Judge Michael Slater criticised the authorities for not taking action.
The three other men sentenced were Masaued Malik, 35, who was jailed for five years; Sharaz Hussain, 35,
who was jailed for four years and another man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, who was jailed for 10 years.
The men abused girls in the South Yorkshire town between 1998 and 2002.

'Ineffectual or indifferent'
The sentencing follows the latest trial to arise out of Operation Stovewood - the massive National Crime Agency
investigation into the sexual exploitation of teenagers in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013.
The agency has said it believed 1,510 teenagers were exploited in the town during the period.

Sentencing the five, Mr Slater said he was "quite satisfied" that the "relevant authorities" were well aware of the way
vulnerable teenagers were being targeted for sexual exploitation at the time. He described it as a "lamentable state
of affairs", saying that the authorities at the time were at best "totally ineffectual" and, at worst "wholly indifferent".

Saddiq was found guilty of two counts of rape, five of indecent assault, and two of child abduction.
Hussain, Malik and Hussain were found guilty of indecent assault.
The other defendant was convicted of rape and indecent assault.

Malik was told that his sentence will follow on from a 15-year term he is already serving for similar offences.
Another man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was also found guilty of offences earlier this week.
He will be sentenced at a later date, as will a seventh defendant, Mohammed Ashan, who pleaded guilty to sex offences
at a previous hearing.

One of the women who was abused sat in court for the sentencing, and another made an impact statement which was
read out in court. Mr Slater said the women should instead be praised for the "incredible resolve and bravery" they each
showed to bring the men to justice and how they "stood up to ensure that what happened to her should never happened to
young girls in the future".

Rotherham Ch Supt Una Jennings said: "The bravery they [the victims] have shown to re-live the horrendous time they went
through deserves praise and recognition. "They have shown immense courage and bravery throughout this lengthy trial and
have ensured that their abusers face justice.

"The sentences handed out today will never make up for the abuse these girls suffered, but I hope that it does go some way
to help them move forward."...'

The court officials made a big deal of the girls' bravery due to the threatening pressure they've had before and during the trial.
The BBC just won't say it.

'Rotherham paedos get 63 years – one told victim's mum 'I f****d your daughter'...' -Daily Star.

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Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
Surfacing of 'hopefully'-harmless perversion of the young elitists in the television/movie business.
And they make kids cartoons.

Edith Head Gives Good Wardrobe. 
This sounds like some of those movies I've seen. What a horrible life for these women. tinycrying
Life in prison is too good for him. Why should the tax payers have to keep his sorry a$$ up? 
Give him the death penalty and let's rid the world of this scum!

Quote:DALLAS — A Dallas man was charged Wednesday with operating a large-scale human trafficking organization.
These charges were announced by U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Texas Erin Nealy Cox.  This case was investigated by the following agencies: U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), and the North Texas Trafficking Task Force, with the assistance of the Oakridge (Texas) Police Department, along with the FBI and Dallas Police Department.

Tremont Blakemore, 40, was charged by criminal complaint with sex trafficking through force, fraud and coercion; he made his initial appearance before Magistrate Judge Rutherford Sept. 11.

According to victim statements detailed in the complaint, Blakemore — who goes by the street name “Macknificent” — may have trafficked hundreds of women across the United States between 2011 and 2018.

Blakemore allegedly cultivated an “environment of paranoia,” demanding near constant updates from the victims he forced into commercial sex and doling out severe physical punishment from those he believed were “keeping secrets,” according to the criminal complaint.

Victims said they were required to alert Blakemore of each illicit encounter as it happened or face grotesque abuse.
“I’m going to make an example out of someone soon,” he wrote in a group text message to victims. “I will not continue to tolerate disrespect that’s one of my biggest pet peeves.”

Blakemore allegedly set a quota of commercial sex proceeds — generally about $1,000 or more per day — and required victims turn all earnings over to him, either in bulk cash or via money transfers. He set the rates for various commercial sex acts, and occasionally lowered victims’ rates to flood out competition.

“We need to be bringing in 100k a week,” he told victims in another text. “Those don’t like working need day jobs.”
To enforce the rules, Blakemore allegedly slapped, punched, choked, and kicked his victims, and occasionally burned them with cigarettes.

After one victim expressed a desire to leave his organization and have a family, Blakemore allegedly body-slammed her into an air conditioning unit, leaving her bruised, bloodied, and with severe back injuries. The victim told agents she believed Blakemore wanted to “make an example” in front of the other victims so they’d be afraid to talk about a life outside his control.

Blakemore allegedly appointed certain victims “group leaders” tasked with managing the trafficking organization’s business, including posting commercial sex ads online and booking women’s cross-country travel to engage in commercial sex as far away as New York and Hawaii.

To recruit new victims, Blakemore flouted his lavish lifestyle on social media, giving the illusion that his victims were also living in luxury.

Blakemore even encouraged women to tattoo his street name on their bodies to signal their loyalty to him.
A criminal complaint is a formal accusation of criminal conduct, not evidence, and like all defendants, Blakemore is innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.

If convicted, Blakemore faces a sentence of up to life in prison.

This case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Melanie Smith, Nicole Dana and Cara Foos Pierce, Northern District of Texas.
POTUS keeping his promises to save the children.  I love this man!

Quote:Published: 09/13/19 12:00 pm EDT
Updated: 31 minutes ago

COLUMBUS, Ohio - More than 100 people have been arrested in a massive human trafficking and internet sex sting.
Among those charged - a medical doctor and a church youth director.
The operation focused on three central Ohio counties: Franklin, Fairfield, and Delaware.

One by one, they were marched in front of a judge. Twenty-four men over three days.
All accused of the same crimes: attempted unlawful sexual conduct with a minor and importuning.
Major Steven Tucker with the Franklin County Sheriff's Office says they all showed up with the intention of meeting a child for sex.

"We make sure there is no mistake about that," Tucker said.

He oversaw the sting operation run by the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.
He says it starts with online chats between the men, and who they believe to be underage boys and girls.
It's actually an officer posing as a juvenile.

"The reality that they were operating in, is that there absolutely was a child at the other end of that device, and that's who they were coming to see."

And he says each of the 24 men followed through.
"They show up with sex toys, they show up with lubrication. They show up with things that clearly somebody isn't going to show up to a house with, unless they intended to engage in sexual activity."

"This four-part simultaneous operation involved more than 30 law enforcement agencies," said Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost, announcing the operation Friday.

It was focused not just on internet predators, but human traffickers and the men who feed the sex trade with their dollars.
"Criminals involved in trafficking other human beings prey upon those individuals that are already at risk, subjecting them to prostitution and addiction," Yost said. "Predators who seek to harm our children and grandchildren are not hiding in the bushes, they're lurking on the internet."

"Please talk to your children," said Tucker. "Please know what they're doing online. Set the rules. Be the parent. Be the parent. Know who they're talking to. You're entitled to ask. You're entitled to know. The children need to know, you can't trust everybody. Not every adult is trustworthy."

Here's a breakdown of those 104 arrests:

You can see the breakdown here: 104 arrested in massive central Ohio trafficking, online child sex sting

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