Britain Today. - Printable Version

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RE: Britain Today. - Snarl - 01-24-2021

(01-13-2021, 12:57 PM)BIAD Wrote: I found it odd that the sexuality of the three men who were sitting in the park on a summer's weekday
was always kept under wraps by the MSM in many of the articles of the attack. Why would that be?
Three single men -and others, enjoying a sit-down in a park on a warm day.

Could it be that they were gay and the attacker is an Islamic radical? Oh my, that would mean the narrative
of homosexual-tolerance and the Muslim faith might be in jeopardy, so best just to say 'three guys'.

The BBC kept this on the down-low too and even went as far as to say the killer's interest in such dubious dogma
was just 'fleeting'!

The story's getting more attention.

Comments section is less than hopeful anything will come of it.

If parts of the law fail to ensure citizens don't have to worry ... maybe it's time for the citizenry to start ignoring the whole of the law.  Criminals do it.  Why not??

RE: Britain Today. - Snarl - 01-26-2021

(01-23-2021, 11:21 PM)BIAD Wrote:
(01-23-2021, 08:18 PM)Snarl Wrote: Are the elites of Britain under any threat?  At all?

, the dozy peasants would believe that a mistake had been made and that they'd just put their children's future in jeopardy.

I suppose the real question to answer first is who are the true Elites of the UK and if they have such power to control society, did they fail miserably? To intrigue ourselves with that, we'd need to start with the East India Trading Company.

Just seems odd ... BREXIT.  Took so long ... still only seems partial based on a commoners expectations.  Leaves me wondering it the true Elites of the UK are walking a path other than rest of the World Elites.  And, what do they know?

RE: Britain Today. - BIAD - 01-26-2021

(01-26-2021, 04:17 AM)Snarl Wrote: Just seems odd ... BREXIT.  Took so long ... still only seems partial based on a commoners expectations.
Leaves me wondering it the true Elites of the UK are walking a path other than rest of the World Elites.
And, what do they know?

With Brexit, there were genuine logistics to unravel and real political knots to untie, one can presume these
actions could cause delays. Another factor was the unusual situation of real national leadership struggling to
flourish where several generations of political figures having been enjoying the lax-nature of followers for
almost forty years.
That's a little harsh, but true.

Other realities were that the media-machine and those in that persuasion-system needed to assuage their
anger over the fact that the lower-classes had over-ridden their perception of how the UK exists. The easy
conduit from London to Europe has been damaged and those who own third-homes in areas of France and
Spain needed to 'push' like-minded Members of Parliament to see if a U-turn could be possible.

Comments like "the old people in the UK who voted to leave have caused their youngsters to live a world of
poverty""there'll be no medicine for old people" and "airplanes will drop out of the sky because no European
airports will accept them".

All asinine statements displayed on national television by single, family-less activists who know their comments
are silly and yet the broadcasters didn't have a problem in airing them. The reason for these comments wasn't
due to some-kind of childish ranting, it was because they believed those who live day-to-day, week-to-week with
low finance would assume anyone on the boob-tube must be more intelligent than the listening working-class!

By the way, when we're talking about the Class-structure of Great Britain, we're not talking about levels of wealth.
The recent display by the major media companies in the UK of employing people from northern regions of England
is indicative of their virtue-signalling in regards of how they perceive themselves and anyone who has a more of a
guttural linguistic flavour.

Scotland isn't harmed by this, Scottish accents are seen as 'foreign' and Pro-European-colloquial. Again, a perception
that aligns with what the Left Euro-loving London-based influencers enjoy.
That was why I suggested 'northern regions of England' as those who speak strangely. Folk from 'the north' -and I don't
mean those who live around Manchester's Media City Hub, I mean the real north of England, these people are seen as
those a hundred years ago as 'those who live below-stairs'.

The Help, the people who -even if given a large chunk of wealth, could never hold a position with the aristocratic and
well-bred because of their stunted awareness of nuance debate, an acumen for global management and that horrible
'rough-boy'-glottal accent. My word... they even drop their 'H's'!!

In the world of trade, complete splitting between countries is very rare, but where some of the the bourgeoisie are
annoyed with is the reluctance to relinquish compatible political ties. The patriotism for the United Kingdom has been
dormant since the sixties when the callow era of 'freedom and love' shooed the remains of post-war nationalism to
a place underground.

Ironically, the televised images of young people enjoying a life of a sweet summer-child couldn't resonate with those
living in an impoverished environment, namely the working-classes. The motto that appeared "It's Grim up-north" was
a response to the lack of frivolity that more affluent regions of the country enjoyed due to the need of bringing a wage
into a household where family-planning meant less children to go out to work.

But it was here in the terrain of the semi-rural plebians that patriotism still existed. The belief of losing loved-ones in
conflict is a social-facet that been with us since we lived in trees and is a trophy that anyone from any strata of society
can proudly display above their mantle-piece. The ultimate sacrifice for family and country, it can make even the lowest
of a communal order has the opportunity of something larger.

It was this northern-embedded patriotism that scrawled a cross into the 'Leave' box during the 2016 referendum.

But to answer your last question, do the Elite condone the UK leaving the European Union...?
The royal author -Robert Lacey stated that during a dinner at Buckingham Palace, Queen Elizabeth asked her guests to
give her “three good reasons why Britain should be part of Europe".
I think being in or out of the EU isn't a vital part of what the Elites do.

RE: Britain Today. - Ninurta - 01-26-2021

(01-26-2021, 01:11 PM)BIAD Wrote: But it was here in the terrain of the semi-rural plebians that patriotism still existed. The belief of losing loved-ones in
conflict is a social-facet that been with us since we lived in trees and is a trophy that anyone from any strata of society
can proudly display above their mantle-piece. The ultimate sacrifice for family and country, it can make even the lowest
of a communal order has the opportunity of something larger.

It was this northern-embedded patriotism that scrawled a cross into the 'Leave' box during the 2016 referendum.

Some things must be universal. It's the same here in the States - the less-urban areas are also the last refuge of "patriotism" here. Maybe, the folks living closer to the land, closer to the vagaries of nature, have a firmer grasp on just what "freedom" means, and is.

it's not having the latest iphone in order to be able to jack-in to your closest few thousand friends in order for them to be able to give your opinion to you from across the electroscape. It's being able to figure out for yourself what you think, and how you should react and act to any particular set of stimuli outside yourself.

It's being able to decide for yourself, and act accordingly, absent the restraints of ever-increasing and nested layers upon layers of other folks telling you what to do, how to act, and what to think. Ruralites, I believe, have a better grasp on that concept due to the nature of their interaction with life that often demands a more immediate response than simply waiting for orders from on high about how to handle it. It's the inactivity of that waiting period that'll kill ya.

Younger folks these days, in general, and urbanites in particular, seem to have lost all connection to being able to decide anything for themselves, which is the very essence of "freedom".


RE: Britain Today. - BIAD - 01-26-2021

Northallerton, a small town of just over 16,000 residents in the county of North Yorkshire, England.
He's operating in a small area of the town and uses the large games-field of the Northallerton School and
Sixth Form College to hide his passage. (marked in green)

If they can't find this dirty bugger, then I don't know what to think.

Quote:SEX FIEND SEARCH Women urged to not walk alone in Yorkshire market town after string of sex attacks

Women have been urged not to walk alone in a Yorkshire market town after a string of sex attacks.
Three assaults have been reported to North Yorkshire Police in just a few weeks - with cops even urging
women to carry personal alarms as they hunt the suspect.

The most recent attack unfolded on Friday afternoon when a woman in her early 20s was approached from
behind as she stood alone at the junction of Mowbray Road and Turker Lane in Northallerton.
Police said the suspect assaulted the young woman before running off down Turker Lane in the direction of
Brompton Road.

He is described as white, around 5ft 10in tall, slim build with a pale complexion and was wearing a dark
puffer jacket with a hoodie top with the hood up, and dark loose-fitting jogging bottoms.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9002]

The first incident saw a female jogger sexually assaulted near the B&M store on Willowbeck Road on the
weekend in September, with it reported to police in January.
And on January 5, a female jogger in her mid-40s was sexually assaulted on Brompton Road about 5.15pm.
The suspect ran off down Byland Avenue with cops trawling CCTV of the area in an attempt to find the person.
And they have now urged women to to carry a personal alarm after the reports.

Sergeant Nick Hill, of Northallerton Police, said “These incidents are extremely distressing to the female
victims concerned. They can be assured, along with the wider community, that North Yorkshire Police is
determined to arrest and prosecute those responsible for these offences.

“I urge women walking in the area alone to be extremely vigilant and be on the lookout for persons acting
suspiciously. "To maximise safety, walk with someone else if possible and stick to well-lit areas.

"Also consider having a personal alarm with you and a mobile phone, but please avoid prolonged use of
electronic devices to enable you to remain alert to your surroundings. “Anyone who has immediate concerns
for their personal safety should contact police without delay by dialling 999”...'
The Sun:

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9003]

RE: Britain Today. - Ninurta - 01-26-2021

Might I suggest they also carry a straight razor in addition to the "personal alarm device"? Alarms are cute, but someone has to be there to hear it, y'know? Sexual deviants do not, typically, attack when witnesses are around to hear alarms going off... and using a straight razor to expediently lop off any body parts that come into your reach not only has the wondrous effect of ending an imminent attack, it also has the miraculous effect of preventing future attacks... not with that same body part, anyhow...

Now, on the downside of that suggestion, there is always the occasional mentally under-developed deviant who will run to the nearest constabulary, display his oozing appendage, and remark that all he wanted was a bit of rape and tickle, and the strange woman just suddenly attacked him with no more provocation than that!

Darwin takes care of that sort of mental midget, eventually. If there are enough straight razors in play.


RE: Britain Today. - Snarl - 01-27-2021

(01-26-2021, 01:11 PM)BIAD Wrote:
(01-26-2021, 04:17 AM)Snarl Wrote: Just seems odd ... BREXIT.  Took so long ... still only seems partial based on a commoners expectations.
Leaves me wondering it the true Elites of the UK are walking a path other than rest of the World Elites.
And, what do they know?

I think being in or out of the EU isn't a vital part of what the Elites do.

Shuffles off to me dreary spandrel 'appy to 'ave spent some quality time in well-tempered luminosity.


RE: Britain Today. - BIAD - 01-30-2021

Another facet of the illegal migrant problem in the UK, the standards are just not good enough for them
and the Police are trying to cover up the troubles. It's been going on on for some time.

RE: Britain Today. - BIAD - 02-01-2021

As my old Father used to say..."they all piss in the same pot"!
The closeness between Governments and the media is why we have the problems we have.

Quote:George Osborne departs newspaper role for investment bank

'George Osborne, the former UK chancellor known for having an eclectic range of jobs since leaving
office, is taking up a full time role at a small investment bank, Robey Warshaw.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9029]
Arrogant Twat. George Osborne.

It will mean leaving jobs at London's Evening Standard newspaper and BlackRock, the powerful
financial firm. At Robey Warshaw, Mr Osborne, chancellor from 2010 to 2016, will specialise in big
takeover deals. He said he was "proud to be joining... the best of the best".

Mr Osborne had been editor of the Evening Standard. Last year he became editor-in-chief of the London
free-sheet when Emily Sheffield took over as the day-to-day editor. BBC media editor Amol Rajan said he
leaves the paper "at a time when its business model, depending on heavy commuter footfall in London,
is broken".

Mr Osborne was a key lieutenant in David Cameron's Conservative government, pushing through policies
to reduce Britain's deficit in an austerity drive that divided popular opinion. Shortly before leaving Parliament
he took up an advisor role at fund manager BlackRock, a one-day-week job that reportedly paid £650,000
a year.

He also had jobs in academia and at the McCain Institute, a think-tank founded by the late Republican
senator John McCain.

'First-rate team'
Mr Osborne joins Robey Warshaw as a partner in April. The boutique investment bank specialises in
mergers and acquisitions, and its clients include Centrica, Vodafone, and BP. The firm is thought to have
only about 13 staff, but has advised on some major deals, most recently the London Stock Exchange's
$27bn takeover of Refinitiv, a data company.

Mr Osborne said: "Robey Warshaw is the best of the best, advising great businesses on how to grow,
and I'm proud to be joining this first-rate team." He will remain as chairman of the advisory board of Exor,
the holding company through which Italy's billionaire Agnelli family manages its investments.

Last year Sajid Javid, who served as chancellor from 2019 to 2020, took an advisory role at US investment
bank JP Morgan...'
Archived Source:

RE: Britain Today. - Ninurta - 02-01-2021

(02-01-2021, 10:19 PM)BIAD Wrote: As my old Father used to say..."they all piss in the same pot"!
The closeness between Governments and the media is why we have the problems we have.

Archived Source:

I feel like a new term is being called for. Instead of "MIC" for "Military-Industrial Complex", it needs to be expanded to "GIC" for "Government-Industrial Complex", which of course would include the legacy mews media and even modern "Social Networking" as integral parts of the "Industrial" side of the equation.

And, speaking of the "Social Media", as an aside, that needs to be renamed. "Social" implies it is "for society" or, by extension, "for the people", the users. It is not. It is, instead, for the government, a virtual organ of government, so long as the government remains Marxist, which it gives all signs of being and remaining for the foreseeable future. I propose rechristening it as "Marxist Media" insead of "Social Media", in keeping with the Truth in labeling concept.


RE: Britain Today. - BIAD - 02-02-2021

(02-01-2021, 11:23 PM)Ninurta Wrote: I feel like a new term is being called for. Instead of "MIC" for "Military-Industrial Complex", it needs to be expanded to "GIC" for "Government-Industrial Complex", which of course would include the legacy mews media and even modern "Social Networking" as integral parts of the "Industrial" side of the equation.

And, speaking of the "Social Media", as an aside, that needs to be renamed. "Social" implies it is "for society" or, by extension, "for the people", the users. It is not. It is, instead, for the government, a virtual organ of government, so long as the government remains Marxist, which it gives all signs of being and remaining for the foreseeable future. I propose rechristening it as "Marxist Media" intsead of "Social Media", in keeping with the Truth in labelling concept.

I've heard the expression 'The Cathedral' to explain the wide parameters of those who politically steer societies and
the 'useful-idiots' who implement those controls.

It will always astound me that those who are deemed difficult or even obstructive in the dominating social administration
have -not only what they write on social media, but what they type and then delete during the actual composing of what
they're about to type!
Talk about mind-reading!

Meanwhile, back in the UK...

Quote:Huge County Lines drug ring smashed with 72 members jailed for 221 years

'A huge County Lines drug ring has been smashed — with 72 members jailed for more than 221 years.
Undercover cops spent two years infiltrating the operation across 18 counties.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9032]
Spot the 'Masterminds' !!!

Gangs used dealers as young as 14 to sell crack cocaine and heroin in London, Birmingham, Wolverhampton
and Northampton. At the end of 2019, Northamptonshire Police made arrests and seized drugs worth over

A total of 72 men and women have been jailed for more than 221 years, shutting down 30 drugs lines.
It is believed to be the biggest case of its kind by a single UK police force. Five men convicted of conspiracy are
described as “big players”.

Aways Osman, 28, of Romford East London, got nine years, six months; Hussein Jimale, 26, of Dagenham, got five
years, two months; Bruno Borges, 24, of Hendon, North London, got six years, four months; an unnamed man, 25,
of no fixed address, and Levi Bernard, 33, of Birmingham, both got seven years.

Northants Chief Constable Nick Adderley said: “To say this was a phenomenal operation would be a complete
understatement. "The drive, commitment, determination, creativity, tenacity and relentlessness these detectives
have shown here is incredible and I am so very proud of them."...'
The Sun:

RE: Britain Today. - BIAD - 02-04-2021

I could've sworn that somewhere on Rogue Nation, I'd done a piece on Sir Captain Tom Moore and his walk for charity.
But maybe my memory is going.

However, this old chunk of gray matter between my ears isn't totally defunct as I've come to realise that the majority of
the postings in the thread 'Britain Today' have a racial tone and caused myself to ponder on my own inner-beliefs.

Then the answer hit me... this isn't about race -or my own perception of my reality, it's a 'forced-adoption' of a consciousness
displayed by someone else. Namely, the mainstream media!

I recall the comments from Desk Editors suggesting to Reporters that this-or-that part in a piece could be re-worded to 'spice-it-up'.
But I never realised that a mundane, 'not-worth-the-printing' article can be transformed into an eye-catching report just by twisting
it a bit and using emotional social-triggers.

The standards of conduct I grew up with have faded, I know this for sure. This is probably due to certain factors connected with
education, religion, appreciation of other cultures and family-structuring unfettered from old taboos. But when it comes to 'doing wrong'
against a grey-hued cartoon of a society, I have noticed that the articles I merely copy-and-paste do have a racial tone to them, as if
the colour of the suspect's skin is somehow connected to the alleged crime.

But.. I didn't write it, it was just there on the mainstream media's website and one could wonder if the vast range of topics we peruse
are entirely just mental lures, bait arranged with the correct wording to draw customers in. Here's an example.

This old guy called Tom Moore decided to keep his almost-one-hundred-year-old body going by walking up and down in his garden.
In actuality, the retired British Army Officer was pushing his metal walker along the forecourt of a large property owned by his daughter
-Hannah Ingram-Moore, a co-Director with her husband of Maytrix. Maytrix is a business recruitment company that works to enhance
businesses' profiles and by the look of the property that old Tom was trudging up and down outside of, it seems it is a wealthy enterprise.

So to generate a £1000 for charity, Tom -like many other eldery folk in Britain, walked around in the garden and became a celebrity due
to his endeavours. The media caught onto it and because of the lack of news due to the Covid lock-down, his walking became a sensation
A WWII song was utilised and hit the music charts, Spitfire planes flew over his home to celebrate his work and birthday and it seemed old
Tom could do no wrong.

The charity-money for the UK's National Health Sevice -the social medical service that's been a concern after Brexit, reached around 33
million pounds and poiticians, the media and virtue-signalling TV personalities applauded Tom's walk on the grounds of an old rectory in
the village of Marston Moretaine, Bedfordshire.

On the 2nd February 2021, the now knighted one hundred year-old Sir Tom Moore died in hospital after a holiday in the Bahamas.
But his death doesn't mean his media-use is over... oh no, there's still things we can attach his name to.

By the way, Tom had been a contestant in a game-show for the BBC back in 1983. So it was lucky the first media-outlet that broadcast
his walk for charity was the BBC and I guess they still had his telephone number.

Quote:Captain Tom Moore – Clergyman apologises after saying clapping for war hero was
‘cult of white British nationalism’

'A Church of England clergyman yesterday sparked fury as he branded the commemoration of Captain Sir Tom Moore
as a "cult of white British nationalism". The Reverend Jarel Robinson-Brown appeared to dismiss the efforts of the war
hero, which had been praised by the Archbishop of Canterbury and political leaders.

The cleric, who was newly appointed to a prestigious post by the Bishop of London, said he would not join yesterday's
national clap to mark Captain Sir Tom Moore's death.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9045]
Sir Tome and the dark man of religion.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9046]
Moore's family, the virtuous Prime Minister and those who applaud or Tom's walk.

In a now-deleted tweet, he wrote: "The cult of Captain Tom is a cult of White British Nationalism.
I will offer prayers for the repose of his kind and generous soul, but I will not be joining the “National Clap”."

Former Tory MEP David Campbell Bannerman said it was an "appalling comment". 
The clergyman's comment appeared to contradict The Archbishop who marked Captain Tom’s death by saying he was
"an inspiration to millions".

Mr Robinson-Brown deleted the tweet after receiving backlash and wrote an apology that read: "I offer an unreserved
apology for the insensitive timing and content of my tweet regarding the clap for Captain Tom." He said he will sign the
church’s digital charter, which is designed to "help make social media and the web more widely positive places".

Last night, Britain saluted hero Captain Sir Tom Moore last night with doorstep applause ringing out across the nation.
The 6pm tribute was led by Boris Johnson standing outside 10 Downing Street with partner Carrie Symonds.
And among those joining in were Captain Tom’s daughter Hannah, grandchildren Benji and Georgia and son-in-law
Colin in Marston Moretaine, Beds.
The family were said to be “incredibly touched”.

There was also clapping at Premier League matches and at Bedford hospital, where he died from Covid on Tuesday,
aged 100. Troops took part outside the Army Foundation College in Harrogate, North Yorks — where Captain Tom was
made an honorary colonel last year.
He had captured the country’s hearts by raising £39million for NHS Charities Together by walking laps of his garden...'
Archived Article:

RE: Britain Today. - BIAD - 02-05-2021

In the US, this sort of 'distraction' is common and I'm just wondering if the UK are -and have, attempted this type
of hindrance to divert the public eye.

Alex Salmond held the title First Minister for the Scotland and was the leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP)
until 2014. In 2018, he resigned from the party after allegations arose of sexual misconduct in 2013 while he was
First Minister.

On 24 January 2019, Police Scotland arrested Salmond, and he was charged with 14 offences, including two counts
of attempted rape, nine of sexual assault, two of indecent assault, and one of breach of the peace. He appeared in
court on 21 November and entered a plea of "not guilty".

The trial started on 9 March 2020 and on 23 March 2020, Salmond was cleared of all charges.
A jury found him not guilty of 12 charges, one charge was dropped by prosecutors earlier in the trial while one charge
was found not proven.

But later -something that the mainstream media of the UK were reluctant to investigate, there were rumours that his
successor to the Leadership of the SNP, Nicola Sturgeon, had been involved in a conspiracy to tarnish Mr Salmond's
career by using these sexual claims to bring his downfall.

The whole situation is only now beginning to see the light of day and Nicola Sturgeon's husband seems to be an integral
part of this alleged clandestine operation. It's supposed to be all about secret discussions, texting and using the media
who favour Scottish independence.

One thing that will always bother me is when the MSM write of Nicola Sturgeon, they always give her the title of 'Ms' and
yet she is married to a man with the surname 'Murrell'. This in itself -in my view, is another reason why the media like
to paint this lady with striking colours.

Anyway, this entirely-different incident occurred on Thursday 4th February and I'm probably just overreacting.
tinywondering (Just as a heads-up, there's an update on the stabbing incident at the botttom of this posting.)

Quote:One 'stabbed' and Kilmarnock hospital locked down following 'serious incidents'

'At least one person is reported to have been stabbed during three "serious incidents" in East Ayrshire.
University Hospital Crosshouse in Kilmarnock was placed in lockdown on Thursday evening, with ambulances
diverted to University Hospital Ayr as police dealt with the unfolding events.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9050]

The three-hour lockdown was lifted shortly before 23:00.
The PA news agency said it understood at least one person was stabbed. There was no official confirmation
from Police Scotland. Officers were called to the first incident at the Crosshouse site at about 19:45 on Thursday.
They believe another in the centre of Kilmarnock about 20 minutes later and a serious crash on the A76 may be linked.

The incidents are not being treated as terror-related.

In a statement on Twitter Police Scotland said there was no cause for concern for the wider community.
It added that inquiries were at an early stage and that the areas involved have been cordoned off.
The second incident was on Portland Street, which is about two miles from the hospital, at about 20:05.
Officers were called to the crash on the A76, on the outskirts of the town, at about 20:30...'
Archived BBC Article: (More in the link)

Quote:Alex Salmond inquiry: Nicola Sturgeon's husband Peter Murrell to testify after compulsion threat

'Nicola Sturgeon’s husband is to give further evidence to the Holyrood inquiry into the Alex Salmond affair after
MSPs [Member of the Scottish Parliament] agreed to use compulsion powers if he refused.
SNP [Scottish National Party] chief executive Peter Murrell is expected to be grilled about text and WhatsApp
messages about Mr Salmond which he has previously said under oath do not exist.

Mr Murrell had twice failed to appear before the inquiry after being recalled to clear up contradictory evidence he
gave in December. He skipped proposed dates on January 26 and February 2 after taking legal advice.
That followed Labour urging the Crown Office to investigate whether he had “perjured himself” at his first appearance.
However Mr Murrell has now reluctantly agreed to return to the committee on Monday, February 8.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9051]
Mr Salmond, Ms Sturgeon and Mr Murrell.

The climb-down followed growing exasperation among MSPs at his attempts to evade questioning.
The Scottish Tories earlier this week threatened Ms Sturgeon with a Holyrood vote unless she made her party’s top
official comply with the recall request.

The Tories planned to table a motion accusing Ms Sturgeon of misleading parliament given she told MSPs in October
the SNP would “cooperate fully” with the inquiry. It is understood MSPs on the inquiry agreed to use parliament’s power
to compel the appearance of witnesses if Mr Murrell refused to appear at all. 

Though it did not make the ultimatum explicit to Mr Murrell, it is understood he was aware of it - and of the political damage
it would cause his wife and the SNP for him to be seen being dragged to testify. The inquiry is looking at the Scottish
Government’s mishandling of sexual misconduct complaints made against Mr Salmond in 2018 by two civil servants.

The former First Minister had the exercise set aside in a judicial review, showing it was “tainted by apparent bias”,
a Government flaw that left  taxpayers with a £500,000 bill for his costs.
He was later charged with sexual assault but cleared on all counts at a Highh Court trial last March.

The inquiry last month used parliament’s powers to compel the production of documents for the first time against the Crown
Office in relation to WhatsApp and text messages involving SNP chief operating officer Sue Ruddick.
Mr Salmond had pushed MSPs to seek the files, which were obtained by his trial defence team, so that he could tell the
“whole truth” under oath.

He had been threatened with prosecution if he released the confidential material himself.
The inquiry refused to publish the material it was sent by the Crown, as it involved private messages from different women
in a “safe space for confidential support”.

However MSPs were not satisfied the Crown had released all the relevant material it had asked for, including messages
involving Mr Murrell, and want it to check again. Mr Murrell has already admitted sending two text messages to Ms Ruddick
on the day Mr Salmond was charged with sexual assault in January 2019, urging further police and prosecution action.
Giving evidence in December, he denied any similar messages existed.

He also denied using the WhatsApp message service, but after it emerged a WhatsApp account was linked to his mobile
phone, he was forced to revise his evidence and said merely that he not use WhatsApp at present.
Mr Murrell also contradicted himself by saying he had and hadn't known Mr Salmond was coming to his home on 2 April 2018
to talk to Ms Sturgeon, and that he had and hadn't been there at the time. 

SNP MP Kenny MacAskill, a supporter of Mr Salmond, last month claimed senior SNP and government figures were part of a
WhatsApp group called ‘Vietnam’ which discussed Mr Salmond in the run-up to his trial, including how to encourage a witness
to testify.

Mr Salmond’s supporters claim he was the victim of a high-level conspiracy to stop him making a comeback and rivalling his
estranged successor. Ms Sturgeon has dismissed that as a “heap of nonsense”.
Mr Salmond is scheduled to give evidence on February 9, Ms Sturgeon on February 16...'
The Herald:


Quote:Kilmarnock stabbing – Two women and man dead after ‘nurse and another person’ knifed at hospital followed by car crash

'...Two women and a man died after the incidents, Police Scotland confirmed today.
A 39-year-old woman was found injured in the car park outside Crosshouse Hospital at 7.45pm on Thursday.
She received medical care but died at the scene.

The second incident occurred 20 minutes later in the town's Portland Street, where a 24-year-old woman was stabbed.
Emergency services attended and she was taken to Crosshouse Hospital where she later died.

A further incident, a fatal road crash, occurred on the C50.
Emergency services attended but the 40-year-old man driving the car was pronounced dead at the scene.

Police said the three incidents were linked and an investigation is ongoing.
Police Scotland Chief Superintendent Faroque Hussain said: "A number of locations remain cordoned off as officers continue
to conduct inquiries.

"We are working to confirm the full circumstances of what has happened. If anyone has any information which could assist our
enquiries, please do contact us. "Understandably, people will be shocked by what has happened. We are still in the process of
establishing the full circumstances, however, I would like to reassure people that there is no wider threat to the community.
"Officers will be on patrol and anyone with any concerns can approach these officers."

Local journalist Alex Tiffin said he had been told by a police source that the events in Kilmarnock were linked to a "domestic
incident on a horrific scale you thankfully rarely hear of."
Crosshouse Hospital was under lockdown for about three hours while ambulances were diverted from the area.
The local council said the scene will remain cordoned off today...'
The Sun:

RE: Britain Today. - BIAD - 02-06-2021

I waited until most of this incident evolved, but with another stabbing taking place at the same time I'm typing,
it just seems pointless. Welcome to just an average London weekend.

Quote:Croydon stabbings: One killed and 10 injured in spate of attacks

'One man has died and at least 10 others have been injured in a spate of stabbings across parts of south London.
Police were called to four reports of stabbings in Croydon, Chislehurst and Wandsworth on Friday evening.
None of the stabbings are being linked by detectives, but Metropolitan Police said extra officers would be deployed
in south London. Det Supt Nicky Arrowsmith described the violence as "needless and completely abhorrent".

The Met said none of the nine wounded on Friday night were now considered to be in a life-threatening condition
and added that two people had been arrested.
On Saturday afternoon a 10th man, aged 24, was stabbed near West Croydon station on Oakfield Road.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9060]

One of two men reported to have been injured at a property in Wisbeach Road, Croydon, was found dead at the scene
just after 20:00 GMT. A resident described seeing police and medical staff trying to save the 22-year-old man.

The witness, who asked not to be named, said: "There was blood everywhere, it looked like he was cut in the leg and
they tried to stop the bleeding. "His mum was here crying and she was in pieces.
"It is terrifying, my son is 19 and I'm worried for him."
Homicide detectives have launched a murder investigation following the Wisbeach Road stabbing.

The other attacks are being investigated by officers from the South Area Basic Command Unit, the Met said.
These include a man who was stabbed on Chapman Road, Croydon, at 18:56 and four men who took themselves to
hospital with stab wounds following a fight in the Penwortham Road area of Wandsworth.
Another two men, both in their 30s, also went to hospital after a stabbing on Jay Gardens, Chislehurst, just before 21:00.

Police are also investigating the stabbing of a man in his 40s who was found wounded on Dingwall Road at 21:12.

The victim has since been arrested on suspicion of affray and a 38-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of grievous
bodily harm and remains in custody, the Met added. Gold commander Ade Adelekan said: "While work continues to
investigate the motivation and circumstances of these four incidents, I can say that they are being treated as isolated.

"However, that does not make this series of violent incidents any less shocking and I understand that residents in and
around the areas where these incidents occurred will be rightly concerned." Labour MP for Croydon North Steve Reed
said in a tweet that the "absolutely horrific news" would "devastate our community"...'

RE: Britain Today. - Ninurta - 02-07-2021

I found the story of the Ayrshire stabbings interesting.

One branch of my family tree traces back to the Lairds of Grimmet, in Ayrshire. They once held estates at Attiquin, Grimmet, and Thomaston in that area, and were surnamed "McElwain". McElwayne", "McIlvaine", etc. The last of that surname in my direct descent died in 1852, and his tombstone spells the name "Mucklewaine". Phonetically, I suppose. Spelling was hit or miss in those days.

During Revolutionary War times, that particular Mucklewaine, at the age of 14, was what was then called an "Indian Spy", a Scout or Ranger who ran a 60 mile route on foot, continually, looking for signs of Indian incursion into the area, and responsible for warning 3 forts along that route if he found any.

Anyhow, 500 or 600 years ago, a McElwaine lad in his teen years was "cooling his heels" in something called a "caitchpoole" in Maybole, Ayrshire, just minding his own business. He was set upon by a few sword-armed grown men (Kennedys as I recall, of the Bargany batch of Kennedys), and defended himself from them as prudence dictated. He stabbed the bastards right back. Energetically. he apparently had a knack for it.

Several folks wound up stabbed that day, too, and the lad escaped relatively unscathed.

The more things change, the more they remain the same.

As for the McElwaines, my particular branch apparently ran afoul of the Crown in matters of religion, and were "transported" to plantations in or around Belfast. They hung out there for around a hundred years, and then came to America, landing on these shores around 1718, in what is now Delaware. They didn't stay there long. To further escape the Crown they headed for the hills...

... and here am I, in this current day.


RE: Britain Today. - BIAD - 02-09-2021

Come and see Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament and the London Eye.
But please, just step around the puddles of blood.

Quote:London knife crime: 2 dead and 15 stabbed in shocking weekend of crime across capital

It has been an awful weekend for London.

'London was devastated by a horrific weekend of crime.
Two men are dead and another 15 have been injured following a number of knife attacks over the past few days.

On Friday (February 5), five incidents were reported in South London between 6.56pm and 9.12pm.
A further four incidents called in on Saturday (February 6) between 11.20am and 6.12pm.
Over the weekend five separate stabbings took place in Croydon. The youngest victim was just 15.

Here are the knife crimes that took place over the weekend:

22-year-old stabbed to death on Croydon estate.
Larvaun Witter, 22, was stabbed to death at a property in Selhurst on Friday.
Police were called to a residential address in Wisbeach Road shortly after 8pm.

Despite the best efforts of the emergency services, Larvaun, also known as Lavz, was pronounced dead at the
scene at 9.09pm. "His death is being investigated by homicide detectives from the Specialist Crime Command,"
a spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police said.
A second man also sustained non-life threatening injuries in this incident.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9069]
Larvaun Witter & Sven Badzak.

Man chased and stabbed to death in Kilburn.
A 22-year-old was stabbed to death in Kilburn on Saturday.
Sven Badzak died in Kilburn after going out to buy some orange juice from Waitrose.
A bag of shopping was found next to him as he lay motionless after the attack.
A 16-year-old boy was also stabbed in the attack and is fighting for his life in hospital.

Detective Chief Inspector Darren Jones, who leads the investigation, said: “At this early stage we believe Sven
and his friend became involved in an altercation with a group of males.
“As this group chased the pair, Sven and his friend became separated.

“Sven fell to the ground and was attacked by a number of the group. His friend was also attacked but managed
to seek sanctuary in a shop – however, he remains critically ill in hospital.” Officers and London Ambulance Service
were called at around 5.40pm to reports of a stabbing in Willesden Lane on Saturday.

Paramedics performed CPR on Sven at the scene and he was taken to a Central London hospital but despite
the best efforts of the emergency services he died there.

Man stabbed in fight in Camden
Police were called at 5.28pm on Friday to reports of a fight involving a group of males in Hatton Gardens, Camden.
When officers arrived the group had already fled the scene and a man aged in his 30s was found in the street suffering
from a slash injury to his face.

One man, believed to be aged in his 30s, was detained by City of London Police following a vehicle stop in Granville
Street. The victim was taken to hospital by the London Ambulance Service but his condition is not life-threatening.
Police are working to trace a number of men and are appealing for the public's help.

Man stabbed in Chapman Road, Croydon
A man was stabbed inside a property in Croydon on Friday evening.
Emergency services were called to Chapman Road, not far from IKEA, to reports of a stabbing at just before 7pm.
A man was found at the scene suffering a knife injury. His injury is not life-threatening, Scotland Yard said.
No arrests have been made.

Four men turn up to South London hospital with stab wounds
Police were called at 7.15pm on Friday to a South London hospital after four males in their 20s, self-presented
suffering from stab and slash injuries.

It has been established that the injuries happened following an altercation in Penwortham Road, Streatham.
None of their injuries were life-threatening and there have been no arrests.

Two men stabbed in Bromley
Police received a report of two men in their 30s attending a South London hospital with stab injuries at 8.51pm on Friday.
It is believed both men sustained their injuries during an incident in Jay Gardens, Chislehurst .
Neither man’s injuries were life-threatening. There have been no arrests.

Man in his 40s stabbed in Croydon
A man in his 40s was found suffering a stab wound on Friday night.
Police were called to an address in Dingwall Road, Croydon shortly after 9pm.
The man was taken to hospital for treatment where his condition was assessed as non life-threatening.
He was subsequently arrested on suspicion of affray and a 38-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of GBH and
remains in custody.

Man in his 20s stabbed in fight in Croydon
A man in his 20s was stabbed after a fight broke out in Hadleigh Grove, Coulsdon on Saturday morning.
Police were called at 11.20am to reports of the fight.
They found a man in his 20s who had been stabbed. He was taken to hospital with non-life threatening injuries.
Two men have been arrested in relation to that incident.

24-year-old man stabbed in London Road, Croydon
A 24-year-old was stabbed in Croydon on Saturday afternoon.
Police were alerted by London Ambulance Service that the man had been stabbed just after 3pm.
He was taken to hospital where his injuries were assessed as non-life threatening.
London Road was cordoned off for a number of hours following the attack.

15-year-old stabbed in Pimlico
A 15-year-old is being treated in hospital after he was stabbed in shortly after 6pm on Saturday.
The teenager was taken for medical care after police were called to Churchill Gardens Estate close to the River Thames.
Police have said that his injuries are not life-altering and no arrests have been made at this time.

Man, 20, fighting for his life in hospital after stabbing near Tesco in Harrow
A 20-year-old man is currently fighting for his life in a West London hospital after he was stabbed near a Tesco in Harrow.
Emergency services were called to Hindes Road, at 3.19pm on Sunday (February 7) to reports of a fight and found the
victim suffering from severe stab wounds.

Paramedics treated the victim at the scene before he was taken to hospital. Police have arrested five people in connection
with the attack. A video on social media shows a number of police vehicles and an ambulance at the scene of the crime.
Two men have been arrested on suspicion of GBH and possession of an offensive weapon, a police spokesperson told
"A further three people – one male and two females – have been arrested for conspiracy to commit GBH," they added.

RE: Britain Today. - BIAD - 02-15-2021

Is your nose too big...? Are you from the correct ethnic stock?
Important statistics when you're handing out licences in Swansea, South Wales.

Quote:DVLA staff ordered to reveal their waist size and can’t go to office if they’re too big

'DVLA [Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency] staff have been ordered to reveal their waist size -and if they’re
too big they can’t go in to the office.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9100]
Fat bastards to the camp... and on the double!

Women had to say if they measured above 34in and men above 40in amid Covid concerns.
An email asked staff at the driving licence HQ in Swansea, South Wales, to reply “ASAP”.
The request was part of a “points-based” system. 

Staff score a point for higher Covid risk factors -such as being overweight -being male, pregnant or from
an ethnic minority background. Those who score four or more and can’t work from home can be given
“special paid leave”.

Unions called the request “demeaning”. A DVLA spokesman said: “Our focus is on the safety of our staff.”...'
The Reliable Sun:

RE: Britain Today. - Wallfire - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 10:16 AM)BIAD Wrote: Is your nose too big...? Are you from the correct ethnic stock?
Important statistics when you're handing out licences in Swansea, South Wales.

Quote:DVLA staff ordered to reveal their waist size and can’t go to office if they’re too big

'DVLA [Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency] staff have been ordered to reveal their waist size -and if they’re
too big they can’t go in to the office.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9100]
Fat bastards to the camp... and on the double!

Women had to say if they measured above 34in and men above 40in amid Covid concerns.
An email asked staff at the driving licence HQ in Swansea, South Wales, to reply “ASAP”.
The request was part of a “points-based” system. 

Staff score a point for higher Covid risk factors -such as being overweight -being male, pregnant or from
an ethnic minority background. Those who score four or more and can’t work from home can be given
“special paid leave”.

Unions called the request “demeaning”. A DVLA spokesman said: “Our focus is on the safety of our staff.”...'
The Reliable Sun:
Thats border line body shaming

RE: Britain Today. - BIAD - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 10:34 AM)Wallfire Wrote: That's border line body shaming

Yes, but lose a few pounds, turn white, cut your penis off or have an abortion... and you can be back in the office
by next Monday!

RE: Britain Today. - Wallfire - 02-15-2021

(02-15-2021, 10:42 AM)BIAD Wrote:
(02-15-2021, 10:34 AM)Wallfire Wrote: That's border line body shaming

Yes, but lose a few pounds, turn white or have an abortion... and you can be back in the office
by next Monday!

The UK has become a very strange place