The First Presidential Debate; Your impressions.. - Printable Version

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RE: The First Presidential Debate; Your impressions.. - Mystic Wanderer - 09-28-2016

BREAKING: The Debate Was Rigged! Neil Cavuto Just Exposed Lester Holt’s Lies!

Quote:The very first presidential debate that went on last night against Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton and her Republican adversary Donald Trump was filled with vehement dialogue between the nominees, and there were also a few questionable instances.

VIA Conservative Tribune
Quote:NBC’s Lester Holt, the moderator for the debate, started getting flak before the debate was over after he repeatedly interrupted Trump to “fact-check” him, except that his fact-checks were more or less wrong.
In one of the more contentious exchanges, Holt insisted that Trump had supported the Iraq War from the beginning, but Trump continuously denied it, USA Politics Today reported.
Rather than ask Clinton why she voted for the war, Holt continued to press Trump, saying that in an interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, Trump expressed his support for the war.

After the debate was over, Cavuto aired the interview in question and showed that Trump wasn’t all gung-ho about invading Iraq before we went in — he had his reservations.
“You know, what happened to the days of Douglas MacArthur? I mean he would go in and attack. He wouldn’t talk. I mean we have to, you know, it’s sort of like either do it or don’t do it,” Trump said.
“Well, he’s (Bush) either got to do something or not do something perhaps. Because perhaps he shouldn’t be doing it yet. Perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations. You know, he’s under a lot of pressure,” said Trump, clearly unsure if invading Iraq was the right choice.
You can see it here:

Quote:Instead of hammering Trump for his alleged “support” for the Iraq War, the moderator really should have asked Clinton why she voted to authorize the war when she had access to much more information than Trump did.
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the mainstream media turned what could have been a substantive debate into a chance to try to smear Trump’s name.
Fortunately, Donald Trump remained focused and demonstrated that he can fight on both frontiers against Hillary and the media that support her.


Hopefully, both parties will see all the conversation about how disappointed the citizens were on the issues that weren't covered and they'll cover it in the next debate.

But... wasn't someone missing?  Don't we have an Independent candidate in this race?   tinybighuh  I guess it really doesn't matter, since the Elite PTB would never let them win anyway.   tinyok

RE: The First Presidential Debate; Your impressions.. - Sol - 09-28-2016

Quote:But... wasn't someone missing? Don't we have an Independent candidate in this race?

You have 2, actually.

Gary Johnson from the Libertarian Party & Jill Stein from the Green Party but they didn't meet the polling numbers needed to be in the debates (15%).

Explanation HERE.


RE: The First Presidential Debate; Your impressions.. - Sol - 09-29-2016

Perhaps it isn't a bad thing that Gary Johnson wasn't invited to participate in the debates lol ....

Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson Unable to Name a Foreign Leader

Oh boy...

RE: The First Presidential Debate; Your impressions.. - guohua - 09-29-2016

(09-29-2016, 03:44 PM)Sol Wrote: Perhaps it isn't a bad thing that Gary Johnson wasn't invited to participate in the debates lol ....

Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gary Johnson Unable to Name a Foreign Leader

Oh boy...
DAMN! REALLY? He must of had a Brain-Fart! minusculethinking 
[Image: brain_fart_lg_wht_zps4df1236a.gif~c200]

RE: The First Presidential Debate; Your impressions.. - Mystic Wanderer - 09-30-2016

And they just keep getting caught!   smallroflmao     minusculeclap 

[Image: xholt-earpiece-01-800x416.jpg.pagespeed....l57PeR.jpg]


RE: The First Presidential Debate; Your impressions.. - Mystic Wanderer - 09-30-2016

We need to get Obama's "endorsement" of Hillary out there! 
Watch the video from the Source Page.


RE: The First Presidential Debate; Your impressions.. - BIAD - 09-30-2016

Of course it was arranged to favour the candidate who would benefit the corporate entities
from all around the world. It's just good business!

What I cannot get my head around is how Hillary can sell out her country like that
in the name of money. One can only presume she's somehow trapped and consoles herself
with the amount of cash and young women she will be given.

These low-level media-snakes that assist her campaign will one day, rue the moment they
took the thirteen pieces of silver because, I can assure them that they will not be above
the harmful corruption that waits around the corner.

To bring a small mount of levity to my post, I would say that the look on the faces of
the many journalists who have promoted this evil woman's career -when the Powers
-That-Be close the door on their underground bunker, will be a sight to see.
Sadly, we will be on the outside with them.