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Ancient Sites and Artefacts II
The Ancient Egyptian Underground Library

Quote:It can be easily considered as one of the greatest discoveries of Ancient Egypt, yet only a few know about the existence of the incredible underground Labyrinth of Egypt, believed to hold countless answers to history itself. Located less than 100 kilometers from Cairo, the ancient underground temple consists of over 3000 rooms that are believed to be carved with intricate hieroglyphs and paintings. Herodotus described this incredible ancient site: It has twelve courts covered in, with gates facing one another, six upon the North side and six upon the South, joining on one to another, and the same wall surrounds them all outside; and there are in it two kinds of chambers, the one kind below the ground and the other above upon these, three thousand in number, of each kind fifteen hundred. The upper set of chambers we ourselves saw.

Egypt's Secret Underground Temple Of Energy

Teotihuacan and the Pyramid of the Sun

[Image: Teotihuacan-and-Mica.jpg]

Quote:The ancient metropolis of Teotihuacan was established around 100 BC and was considered as one of the most important ancient centers in the New World until its fall somewhere around the seventh or eighth centuries. According to archaeologists the advanced design of Teotihuacan suggests that ancient builders had knowledge, not only of architecture but of complex mathematical and astronomical sciences, and one of the things that are just incredibly amazing and different from all other ancient sites is the fact that from the air, Teotihuacan‘s city layout strangely resembles a computer circuit board with two large processor chips— the Sun Pyramid and the Moon Pyramid. Researchers have also found numerous and remarkable similarities to the Great Pyramids of Egypt. The Pyramid of the Sun is exactly half as tall as the Pyramid of Giza and the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of the Moon, and the Temple of Quetzalcoatl are in the same layout as Orion’s Belt. The most impressive monuments and pyramids ever built in the New World are located in Teotihuacan. The name “Teotihuacan” is translated into “Birthplace of the Gods” or “Where Gods Were Born”, and no one knows built one of the most advanced ancient cities in Pre-Colombian America. The city was found in ruins by the Ancient Aztecs who gave it its present name.

Georgia Guidestones

[Image: Georgia-Guidestones.jpg]

Quote:Referred to by many as an “American Stonehenge”, the Georgia Guidestones is a granite monument in Elbert County, Georgia with carved inscriptions in four ancient languages: cuneiform Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit and Egyptian hieroglyphs. The author of these plates is so far unknown and the significance of the inscriptions is a matter of debate among experts and amateurs who cannot agree on the matter. The four outer stones are oriented to mark the limits of the 18.6-year lunar declination cycle. The center column features a hole drilled at an angle from one side to the other, through which can be seen the North Star, a star whose position changes only very gradually over time. The most widely agreed-upon interpretation of the stones is that they describe the basic concepts required to rebuild a devastated civilization.

The Submerged City of Heraklion

[Image: Heraklion_city_1200_years_ago_who_went_u...water1.jpg]

Quote:Many believed that Heraklion was just a myth as Atlantis. Heraklion was the Greek name of this ancient city, but for ancient Egyptians, the city was called Thonis. It was known to many ancient Greek philosophers, among them Herodotus, who referred to this ancient city in numerous of his writings, although the existence of this city wasn’t proven until the nineteenth century. Among the items found there were giant statues of the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis, Hapi and figures of a mysterious and unknown Egyptian Pharaoh, all of them were found in a surprisingly good condition. Hundreds of smaller statues were also discovered that once belonged to Cleopatra. Dozens of religious artifacts ere found that belonged to supreme gods of ancient Egypt such as Isis, Osiris and Horus. Underwater archaeologists also came across several sarcophagi with the mummified remains of animals sacrificed to Amun-Gereb, the supreme god of the Egyptians.



[Image: Masuda-no-Iwafune-570x410.jpg]

Quote:The Ancient Rock Ship of Asuka, Japan or the Masuda-no-Iwafune is another incredible ancient monument that has raised more questions than answers in recent years. The Rock ship of Masuda sits atop the steep incline of a hill located near the town of Asuka and its origin, purpose and meaning remain a mystery. It is the largest of the rock mounds found in the area with dimensions of 11 meters (36 feet) by 8 meters (26 feet), by 4.5 meters high (15 feet) and created out of SOLID GRANITE, meaning that this ancient Rock Ship weighs around one hundred tons. The mysterious monument has two holes each about a meters square in the center that continue through the ground. The truth is that so far, no one has been able to fully understand how ancient mankind created this monument and what its original purpose was. Experts note that the linear protrusion located at the top of the structure runs parallel to the top of the hill and strangely aligns with the sun on a day known as ‘spring doyou entry’ a date extremely important in the calendar for ancient Japanese agriculture as it marked the beginning of the agricultural season.

The Giant Stone Head of Guatemala

[Image: guatemala-stone-head.jpg]

Quote:Many researchers would agree that the Jungles of Guatemala and surrounding countries hide great secrets of mighty ancient civilizations that ruled the lands in the distant past. From ancient temples and mysterious civilizations, anything can be discovered in these mysterious jungles. One of the most mysterious findings is surely the Giant Stone Head of Guatemala. First reports about the mysterious stone head came in 1987 when Dr. Rafel Padilla received a photograph of the mysterious monument in the Guatemalan jungle. The image was taken sometime in 1950 by the owner of the land where the state had been found. To make things even more mysterious, we take a look at the features of the Giant Stone Head like thin lips, long nose, a face directed to the sky and a gigantic body suspected to hide underground. Researchers suggest that the facial features of the giant stone statue represent Caucasian features which are inconsistent with all of the known pre-Hispanic races of America. Regrettably before researchers managed to investigate this incredible statue, it was destroyed by rebel forces and militia, used as target practice.


Machu Picchu

[Image: wallpaper-of-machu-picchu-1024x768.jpg]
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Quote:We don’t need to travel to far from Bolivia to reach our next destination. Located in Peru, at an elevation of 2,430 meters above sea level we find Machu Picchu, a 15-century Inca City situated on a mountain ridge above the so-called Sacred Valley. This ancient site extends over an amazing 5-mile separation, emphasizing more than 3,000 stone steps that connect the different levels of this mysterious ancient site. Archaeologists have been baffled by the fact that most of the junctions in the central city are so perfect that not even a blade of grass can fit between the stones. The biggest mystery at Machu Picchu is without a doubt the “Intihuatana”. This giant rock situated on a raised platform that towers above the main plaza were believed to be a sundial. However, recent studies have disproved this theory shedding more mystery on this incredible ancient site. Some believe that “the Intihuatana” may have been used for astronomical observations, or even might have been connected with the mountains that shelter Machu Picchu. But the “Intihuatana” isn’t the only mystery at Machu Picchu. Located in the southwestern part of the main plaza is the Temple of the Three Windows, one of Machu Picchu best-known features. The stone hall which spreads 35 feet in length and 14 feet in width contains three trapezoidal windows along one of its walls, something considered as a rare feature in Inca masonry. However, this feature can be found in numerous monuments around the world, and many hints towards a mysterious connection pointing towards what we like to call “Sacred Architecture”


Click on this link to see a spectacular view of Machu Picchu that allows you to zoom in and out of the entire frame: LINK
Mystic, I've found the underground Labyrinth of Egypt to be Very Interesting, I believe the Egyptian Government being controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood will destroy this Fine before they'd allow a Westerner to investigate and Document for the World!
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
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Yes, just think of the Secrets kept in those underground rooms. Just Think Of The History Written on The Walls! Who Knows possibly even the Secrets Of Our Ancestors, Our Creators.
[Image: diagram-egyptian-labyrinth.jpg]
Quote:he diagram of the Egyptian labyrinth produced by 17 th-century German scholar, Athanasius Kircher

There are Ancient Greek Historian's who've wrote of Actually Walking Through This Complex Above and Underground.
Quote:This I have actually seen, a work beyond words. For if anyone put together the buildings of the Greeks and display of their labours, they would seem lesser in both effort and expense to this labyrinth… Even the pyramids are beyond words, and each was equal to many and mighty works of the Greeks. Yet the labyrinth surpasses even the pyramids.
These are the words of ancient Greek historian Herodotus written in the 5 th century BC (‘Histories’, Book, II, 148), describing a colossal temple said to contain 3,000 rooms full of hieroglyphs and paintings. It was named ‘Labyrinth’ by the Greeks after the complex maze of corridors designed by Daedalus for King Minos of Crete, where the legendary Minotaur dwelt. Yet today, nothing remains of this supposedly grand temple complex – at least not on the surface. The mighty labyrinth became lost to the pages of history.

Herodotus was not the only historian to describe the labyrinth of ancient Egypt. The massive temple complex was described by many classic authors, including Manetho Aegyptiaca (3 rd century BC), Diodorus Siculus (1 st century BC), Strabo (64 BC – 19 AD), Pliny (23 – 79 AD), and Pomponius Mela (c 43 AD), and at least two of whom claimed to have seen the labyrinth first-hand.
Herodotus was the first to describe the labyrinth of Egypt. In the second book of his ‘History’, the Greek writer gave the following account:
It has twelve courts covered in, with gates facing one another, six upon the North side and six upon the South, joining on one to another, and the same wall surrounds them all outside; and there are in it two kinds of chambers, the one kind below the ground and the other above upon these, three thousand in number, of each kind fifteen hundred. The upper set of chambers we ourselves saw;… but the chambers underground we heard about only… For the passages through the chambers, and the goings this way and that way through the courts, which were admirably adorned, afforded endless matter for marvel, as we went through from a court to the chambers beyond it, and from the chambers to colonnades, and from the colonnades to other rooms, and then from the chambers again to other courts. Over the whole of these is a roof made of stone like the walls; and the walls are covered with figures carved upon them, each court being surrounded with pillars of white stone fitted together most perfectly; and at the end of the labyrinth, by the corner of it, there is a pyramid of forty fathoms, upon which large figures are carved, and to this there is a way made under ground. Such is this labyrinth.
Based on the detailed descriptions provided by Herodotus, and other ancient historians, Athanasius Kircher, a 17th-century German Jesuit scholar and polymath, produced the first pictorial reconstructions. At the centre of the drawing is a maze, which is surrounded by twelve courts described by Herodotus.

Just Imagine, The Size of This Complex!
Quote:It is not clear whether the Egyptian temple was described as a labyrinth simply because it was so huge and so complex that one could easily become lost, or whether it was intentionally designed as a maze where one had to find their own way through it. Ancient Greek historian, Strabo, who also claimed to have visited the temple, wrote in his geography book 17, I, 3, 37 and 42:
... Before the entrances there lie what might be called hidden chambers which are long and many in number and have paths running through one another which twist and turn, so that no one can enter or leave any court without a guide.
Roman geographer Pomponius Mela (1 st century AD), in his ‘Chorographia’ Book I, 9, 56, describes the temples as having “innumerable paths” which “cause great perplexity both because of their continual winding and because of their porticoes which often reverse their direction.” The Roman army commander and philosopher, Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) in his Natural History book 36, 84-89, also describes the labyrinth as a “bewildering maze of paths”, adding that, not only did individuals who entered the temple have to navigate through a confusing array of ramps, porticoes, rooms, and stairs, but they were also confronted with “a fearful noise of thunder” and had to pass through the chambers in darkness.
There is a high level of consistency between the different descriptions of the labyrinth written over six centuries between the 5 th century BC to the 1 st century AD. All of them, for example, describe a roof made out of a single stone slab, and all of the accounts are in agreement about its immense beauty. Greek historian Diodorus Siculus (1 st century BC) gives one of the most colourful descriptions:

[Image: lost-labyrinth-egypt.jpg]
Quote:When one had entered the sacred enclosure, one found a temple surrounded by columns, 40 to each side, and this building had a roof made of a single stone, carved with panels and richly adorned with excellent paintings. It contained memorials of the homeland of each of the kings as well as of the temples and sacrifices carried out in it, all skilfully worked in paintings of the greatest beauty.
The detailed and consistent descriptions of the labyrinth indicate that it is a place that did indeed exist in the ancient past.

Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
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Quote:guohua wrote:
...The Roman army commander and philosopher, Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) in his Natural History book 36, 84-89, also describes the labyrinth as a “bewildering maze of paths”, adding that, not only did individuals who entered the temple have to navigate through a confusing array of ramps, porticoes, rooms, and stairs, but they were also confronted with “a fearful noise of thunder” and had to pass through the chambers in darkness.

Seems like an ancient Halloween Haunted House.
What would have been the purpose of this amazing display?
The Mysterious 5000-Year-Old Stone Spheres

These odd spheres are one of the greatest archaeological puzzles of the 21st century. Some believe they indicate knowledge of the five Platonic Solids. And, being that they are 5000 years old, this would mean that the Ancient Peoples held this knowledge a millennium before Plato.

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Quote:These mysterious spheres are one of the greatest archaeological enigmas of the 21st century. These ‘anomalous’ petrospheres are found mainly in Scotland, Britain and Ireland and date from the late Neolithic to possibly the Iron Age. On their surface, the mysterious spheres have from 3 to 160 protruding knobs with a size varying from approximately 2.75 inches up to 7 centimetres across. In comparison, the stone spheres are about the size of tennis balls or oranges.

While researchers around the world have proposed numerous theories trying to explain their origin and purpose, their history remains a great enigma for scholars.

While researchers have discovered these spheres with up to 160 knobs, those with six knows are the most common. Mathematicians seem to have a particular interest in the spheres because of their incredible aesthetic beauty and mostly because, amongst them, they represent all the symmetrical forms of the five Platonic Solids.

While nearly all of the mysterious spheres have been found in north-eastern regions of Scotland, people have come across them in other surrounding areas. Researchers speculate that given the similar distribution of the spheres to Pictish symbols, many have suggested that the mysterious spheres are in fact Pictish artefacts. According to reports, by 2015, a total of 435 stone spheres have been recorded, while researchers expect that there are hundreds more waiting to be found.

[Image: Kelvingrove_Art_Gallery_and_MuseumDSCF0239_11.jpg]

Read much more about these mysterious spheres below.

Mysterious Spheres

Chan Chan, The Largest Pre-Colombian City In South America

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Quote:The Chimu State or also called the Kingdom of Chimor was an Andean civilization established in Peru around 850 AD. It was one of the cultures conquered by the Inca in 1470. Its capital, Chan Chan, was the largest pre-Colombian city in South America. Located today in the region of La Libertad approximately five kilometers west of Trujillo.

This ancient city covers a staggering twenty square kilometers with a dense urban center of six square kilometers. It was the imperial capital called home for over fifty thousand people.

The ruins of Chan Chan are in a fairly good condition, mainly due top the fact that the region does not have much rainfall it was a city built of adobe brick, one of the biggest adobe cities in the world in fact. The center of the city is incredible, the design and architecture present at Chan Chan can be compared to other incredible sites in Peru.

Archeologists have discovered pyramidal temples, cemeteries, gardens, reservoirs, and symmetrically arranged rooms in the center of the city that consisted of several walled citadels.

Read More: LINK

The Yonaguni Monument, Japan’s Atlantis

[Image: yonaguni-complex-image.jpg]

Quote:Experts call it one of the greatest discoveries of underwater archaeology. It has been a subject of debate between archaeologists and researchers ever since it discovery in 1985 by Dive Tour operator Kihachiro Aratake. The Yonaguni monument is a underwater formation that is located off the coast of Yonaguni, the southernmost of the Ryukyu Islands, in Japan. Man made or natural formation, that has been the debate for years in the field of archaeology. Some researchers and historians believe that the structures at Yonaguni could be the ancient remains of Mu, a fabled Pacific civilization rumored to have vanished beneath the Ocean.

Here are some of the main features of the Yonaguni monument Source:

Quote:Two closely spaced pillars which rise to within eight feet of the surface;
A 5 m (16 ft) wide ledge that encircles the base of the formation on three sides
A stone column about 7 m (23 ft) tall
A straight wall 10 m (33 ft) long
An isolated boulder resting on a low platform;
A low star-shaped platform;
A triangular depression with two large holes at its edge;
An L-shaped rock.

These incredible formation have lead archaeologists to compare the Yonaguni monument to other sites world wide. The semiregular terraces of the Monument have been compared to other examples of megalithic architecture like Sacsayhuamán in Peru and other ancient civilizations which according to many researchers, show incredible similarities in design and construction. See images below for comparison:

[Image: comparison.jpg]

Quote:The above image is very interesting. On the left we have the image of the underwater monument of Yonaguni while on the right side we placed an image of Sacsayhuaman a walled complex on the northern outskirts of the city of Cuzco, Peru, the former capital of the Inca Empire. These two images are extremely similar, from the stairs to the walls the similarity is just incredible. 90° angles and sharp edges are just some of the features present in these two images used for comparison while we can also identify in both images straight edges and square corners that add to the incredible similarity of these two images. The only thing here left to do is to imagine Sacsayhuaman underwater and you would practically have two identical sites both displaying similar angles and sharp edges. It is up to the reader to decide whether there are similarities between the two.

Read much more: LINK

The Dwarf's Door in Cesky Ráj, Bohemia, Czech Republic

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I don't have any information on this place, but I thought it was amazing, so I'm including it here.

The 100 Ton ‘Boxes’ At The Serapeum of Saqqara: Ancient Precision At Its Best

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Quote:Located North West of the Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara, we find the Serapeum of Saqqara. According to archaeologists, it was the burial-place of the Apus Bulls, literally speaking the living manifestations of the Egyptian God Ptah. This necropolis found near Memphis, Egypt is believed to have been built sometime around 1300 BCE, by Ramesses II.

Ever since its discovery in 1850 the Serapeum of Saqqara has puzzled archaeologists and researchers and the tunnels that have been unearthed since have been the subject of debate among many. This majestic ancient labyrinth is home to 25 megalithic stone ‘boxes’, weighing between 70 to 100 tons. Ancient Egyptians, the builders of these incredible ‘boxes’ possessed incredible knowledge in fields such as geometry and mathematics.

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Quote:Part of the megalithic boxes, the 30-ton lids were made of the same blocks of stone. Upon discovery, some of these were blown open with the aid of gunpowder, only to find the inside of these giant boxes empty. Researchers have no idea what their true purpose is now how these giant boxes were assembled thousands of years ago.


Continued on Ancient Sites and Artefacts III - The Great Wall of China

Then it she said,,,,, READ MORE!!!!
That's is a lot to absorb,,,,, But I;m Working On It!  Smile
Actually, I think if we could actually explore the ocean depths they'd discover more signs of civilization.
When our ocean levels were lower.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]

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