09-07-2022, 03:18 PM
I wish there was one things she says here that I could actually say I think is untrue or over reacting. This is the straight up truth, and something that everyone of us should know.
Please don't blame this problem on the doctors, nurses, and medical staff. I walked out on this kind of demanding, commanding, overworked and under paid, demeaning, environment, back in 2014. It has only gotten worse, and continues to grow worse by the minute.
When I was in the VA hospital back in the early 2000s, and they had little robots running orders back and forth for the pharmacy, I saw the handwriting on the walk, even way back then.
I have been in the medical field for near 50 years. During that time I have participated in the pioneering of many new innovations, and technologies in medicare care and treatment. I have watched the medical industry move from patient centered, to profit centered, and they did not just walk rough shod over the patients, they had to walk over the staff to get to the patients.
I tried to stay in the battle. I lived in Satan's den, hoping to protect my patients. I did that as long as I could. I fed the system parts of me to protect my patients. Until one day I looked at myself and realized, that I didn't have one pea sized portion of myself left to swap. I had to leave, and I have watched slowly over the years, all the good nurses and doctors that I know, do the same thing, and they too had to leave.
What we got traded for is a whole new generation of nurses, doctors, and medical staff, that were trained to provide a service that is profit centered. The patient has become an inconvenience, and a nuisance. They are no longer trained that hands on care, interaction, and individual assessment, is the foundation of good medical care. Now they are trained to collect data to input into the computer for analysis by algorithm.
I agree also with her statement of, "Good Luck". We are going to need it.
Please don't blame this problem on the doctors, nurses, and medical staff. I walked out on this kind of demanding, commanding, overworked and under paid, demeaning, environment, back in 2014. It has only gotten worse, and continues to grow worse by the minute.
When I was in the VA hospital back in the early 2000s, and they had little robots running orders back and forth for the pharmacy, I saw the handwriting on the walk, even way back then.
I have been in the medical field for near 50 years. During that time I have participated in the pioneering of many new innovations, and technologies in medicare care and treatment. I have watched the medical industry move from patient centered, to profit centered, and they did not just walk rough shod over the patients, they had to walk over the staff to get to the patients.
I tried to stay in the battle. I lived in Satan's den, hoping to protect my patients. I did that as long as I could. I fed the system parts of me to protect my patients. Until one day I looked at myself and realized, that I didn't have one pea sized portion of myself left to swap. I had to leave, and I have watched slowly over the years, all the good nurses and doctors that I know, do the same thing, and they too had to leave.
What we got traded for is a whole new generation of nurses, doctors, and medical staff, that were trained to provide a service that is profit centered. The patient has become an inconvenience, and a nuisance. They are no longer trained that hands on care, interaction, and individual assessment, is the foundation of good medical care. Now they are trained to collect data to input into the computer for analysis by algorithm.
I agree also with her statement of, "Good Luck". We are going to need it.
Quote:In this video, Patriot Nurse discusses the realities one must face in the current health system infrastructure when taking someone to the hospital. The nursing and caregiver shortage is only part of the equation, and today we delve into the deeper issues of the medical industrial complex and state-mediated kidnapping of children under the guise of 'protecting' patients. You need to know.
For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not.
Yet I still post.