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HIV Meds To The Rescue
I am putting this in the chit chat forum, because my concern with the approval of Paxlovid for the treatment of COVID, has little to do with the science.

Maybe I am just wearing my tin foil hat too tight, but it seems everything the CDC is pushing lately has to do with same sex intimacy.

They are pushing for a vaccine for monkey pox, which they claim is most prevalent in same sex relationships.

Now they are pushing Paxlovid for the treatment of COVID, and it is an antiviral used in the treatment of HIV.

Maybe I am connecting the wrong dots. But I find this all a bit suspect. Especially since they went full retard when people were using Ivermectin for the prevention of the virus. They said it was too out there and unproven to work.

I am feeling the same way about this new HIV/COVID medication.

I think it is just a case of money laundering. Forcing people to take something that doesn't work, while raiding the coffers.

Just saying.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

(07-18-2022, 11:06 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: I am putting this in the chit chat forum, because my concern with the approval of Paxlovid for the treatment of COVID, has little to do with the science.

Maybe I am just wearing my tin foil hat too tight, but it seems everything the CDC is pushing lately has to do with same sex intimacy.

They are pushing for a vaccine for monkey pox, which they claim is most prevalent in same sex relationships.

Now they are pushing Paxlovid for the treatment of COVID, and it is an antiviral used in the treatment of HIV.

Maybe I am connecting the wrong dots. But I find this all a bit suspect. Especially since they went full retard when people were using Ivermectin for the prevention of the virus. They said it was too out there and unproven to work.

I am feeling the same way about this new HIV/COVID medication.

I think it is just a case of money laundering. Forcing people to take something that doesn't work, while raiding the coffers.

Just saying.

Power-Profit-Control. NO profit in cures.  All that matters to them in science is the bottom line. $$$$

FDA authorizes Pfizer’s Covid-19 pill, December 22, 2021 under the brand name Paxlovid; generic name Nirmatrelvir / PF-07321332.

[Image: icxNHd6.jpg]

Pax = "kiss of peace" from Latin pax (genitive pacis) "peace," in Ecclesiastical Latin, "kiss of peace." Have a peaceful death.

LoVid artist from 2011:
[Image: QN9AAhl.jpg]

[Image: uRZM8Af.jpg]
Lovid-19 (film short, June 17, 2020; Italy only)

This makes perfect sense. Apparently, AIDS and COVID have a lot in common.

Oddly enough, the drug can actually lead to...HIV-1 drug resistance?

[Image: OJwiKUM.jpg]

Remember the fear pron tactic to manipulate/force you to wash your hands 10x a day with hand sanitizers?

[Image: YyYNO8Z.jpg]
Daily Puke

Pfzer: "Have you heard about our new cancer vaccines"?

Big pharma propaganda producing chaos on society.

[Image: UaOIV8w.jpg]
"The New World fell not to a sword but to a meme." – Daniel Quinn

"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that." ― John Lennon

Rogue News says that the US is a reality show posing as an Empire.

HIV is also a man made biological weapon, one the government has been working on since the 1970s. COVID is merely the new and improved bio-weapon I've been calling airborne AIDS, that's why the world went insane over some "newly discovered" "novel" corona virus and called it a pandemic.

Quote:Coronavirus Contains "HIV Insertions", Stoking Fears Over Artificially Created Bioweapon
by Tyler Durden Saturday, Feb 01, 2020 - 10:49 AM

. . . Now, a respected epidemiologist who recently caught flack for claiming in a twitter threat that the virus appeared to be much more contagious than initially believed is pointing out irregularities in the virus's genome that suggests it might have been genetically engineered for the purposes of a weapon, and not just any weapon but the deadliest one of all.

In "Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag", Indian researchers are baffled by segments of the virus's RNA that have no relation to other coronaviruses like SARS, and instead appear to be closer to HIV. The virus even responds to treatment by HIV medications.

Quote:Fauci Emails Reveal Damage Control Scramble After ZeroHedge Spotlights Man-Made COVID-19 Theory by Tyler Durden Tuesday, Jun 01, 2021 - 07:22 PM

In January, 2020, when the World Health Organization insisted that COVID-19 wasn't transmissible between humans, and Dr. Anthony Fauci said that the risk to the American public from the virus was "low," officials at the National Institutes of Health were scrambling to perform damage control after a controversial - and now withdrawn - study suggested that there were HIV-like 'insertions' included in SARS-CoV-2.

The study, "Uncanny similarity of unique inserts on the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag," posited that segments of the virus's RNA had no relation to other coronaviruses such as SARS, and instead appeared to be closer to HIV.

Quote:Coronavirus could attack immune system like HIV by targeting protective cells, warn scientists
Published: 5:30am, 12 Apr, 2020 Updated: 7:12am, 15 Apr, 2020
. . . Researchers in China and the US find that the virus that causes Covid-19 can destroy the T cells that are supposed to protect the body from harmful invaders
. . . One doctor said concern is growing in medical circles that effect could be similar to HIV
The coronavirus that causes Covid-19 could kill the powerful immune cells that are supposed to kill the virus instead, scientists have warned.

The surprise discovery, made by a team of researchers from Shanghai and New York, coincided with frontline doctors’ observation that Covid-19 could attack the human immune system and cause damage similar to that found in HIV patients.

. . . In February, Chen Yongwen and his colleagues at the PLA’s Institute of Immunology released a clinical report warning that the number of T cells could drop significantly in Covid-19 patients, especially when they were elderly or required treatment in intensive care units. The lower the T cell count, the higher the risk of death.

This observation was later confirmed by autopsy examinations on more than 20 patients, whose immune systems were almost completely destroyed, according to mainland media reports.

I've been storing all my research at this forum

I post my threads there first before here or other social media. Often I cut and paste like I did here in this thread.

I have DDZ pages and the source material stored on the cloud, and on two different hard drives off line. Please feel free to add to the reports at my Dead Drop online Safehouse.
Our government and big pharma, don't have a very good track record for protecting the people.

Both, on several occasions, have used us as guinea pigs, and profit has has always made us expendable.

So excuse me if I don't trust their novel miracle drugs.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

It just keeps getting better.

The coming of a supposedly "updated" vaccine, does very little to promote or rebuild trust in big pharma or our government. 

I don't think I am alone in my view point. I agree with the writer, that the industry and our government has created its own problems, though I don't have as much confidence as the writer seems to have, regarding the solution to "their" problem.

Quote:Read: America created its own booster problems

With two years of data on COVID vaccines’ safety and efficacy, the case for dosing up has only strengthened, scientifically. But the public’s interest and trust in the shots has fallen off as recommendations have shifted, often chaotically, and the number of necessary shots has ballooned.

Even Americans who lined up for their first doses are now over the idea of rolling up their sleeves again. Abdul-Mutakabbir hears often: “I got the two doses; that’s what you told me I needed to do. I’m not doing anything else.” In Camden County, New Jersey, a team led by Paschal Nwako, the region’s health officer, has “knocked on doors, given out freebies and gift cards, visited people in all areas: grocery stores, shops, restaurants, schools, churches, shows,” he told me. “We have exhausted all the playbooks.” Still, people have refused.

The shifting culture around COVID in the U.S. has undoubtedly played a role. “We don’t have the same sense of desperation that we did in December of 2020,” Maldonado, of Stanford, told me. Americans are eager to put the pandemic behind them. And boosters are a tough sell in a nation that has dispensed with nearly all other COVID-prevention measures, and where political leaders are triumphantly declaring victory. “We start talking about COVID, and people’s eyes glaze over,” says Nathan Chomilo, a pediatrician and health-equity advocate in Minnesota. “The messaging will have to be fundamentally different, even, than last year’s conversation about boosters.”

Read: Don’t wait to get your kid vaccinated

When the vaccines were fresh, the popular narratives were tantalizing: The shots could permanently stop transmission in its tracks. But that was probably never going to pan out, says Luciana Borio, the FDA’s former acting chief scientist. “Everybody that worked in the vaccine space,” she told me, knew that the safeguards against infection “were not going to last. Their voices did not get listened to.” Instead, the more appealing story took root, setting “expectations that could not be sustained.” Disappointment ensued, fracturing public faith; mis- and disinformation seeped into the cracks. And no one, including the nation’s leaders, was able to offer a compelling enough counternarrative to put the matter to rest.

An upgraded shot could be enticing to some pandemic-weary folks. “I know a lot of people, including my family members, who say, ‘If it’s the same vaccine, why would I have to get it?’” Nwako told me. “They want something different.” Chomilo suggested that it may also be wise to stop counting how many shots people have gotten: “I hope no one 15 years from now is saying, I’m on my 15th booster.” But nothing about these new vaccines promises to unify Americans around the why of COVID vaccines. At April’s advisory meeting, Marks said the FDA knew that the U.S.’s current vaccination strategy couldn’t go on forever. “We simply can’t be boosting people as frequently as we are,” he said. And yet, the nation’s leaders now seem keen on okaying another round of original-recipe shots for adults under 50—without emphasizing other tactics to lower transmission rates.
I have not had the vaccine. Not any of them. I have been blessed not to have had the virus. I continued working as a 1st responder during the lockdowns. I have cared for many loved ones and friends, that did have the virus. Maybe that is why God kept me well. To provide care for those that did get sick.

I had zero trust or faith in the first roll out of vaccines, there is no way I will willingly take any of the "updated" concoctions.

I don't know if DeSantis will change his mind on mandatory vaccines, and I don't know if my job will continue to put up with my noncompliance, but there is one thing I am absolutely sure of.

They will never stop. Give them an inch and they will take ten miles. None of this is about us. It is all about them.

It is big club. And you are not in it.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

Here is a rather long list of possible treatments for COVID if you are adverse to getting the jab. Once again, at the DDZ forum. Not trying to lead anyone away from here at R-N3, but I tire of cutting and pasting the same information over and over again.

Biological - SARS-CoV-2 - Medical Treatments
(07-19-2022, 04:16 PM)Michigan Swamp Buck Wrote: Here is a rather long list of possible treatments for COVID if you are adverse to getting the jab. Once again, at the DDZ forum. Not trying to lead anyone away from here at R-N3, but I tire of cutting and pasting the same information over and over again.

Biological - SARS-CoV-2 - Medical Treatments

It is interesting that the list is so long.

It adds another level of doubt to why the are pushing an experimental drug to the point of making it mandatory, when there are other options.

As the article states, the level of it's efficacy is not that great. So they can't use that excuse.

Everyone is different. They know their bodies better than some guys sitting in an office somewhere that you have never met.

The last time I was sick with a respiratory virus was back in 2009. I got that weird bug from an infant on a ventilator. I was down for several weeks, and have not been sick since.

All but one of my friends and relatives, but one, that got sick with the virus, has been completely vaccinated, and boosted. Several of them has been diagnosed with the virus twice or more.

I am not interested in risking the use of any novel vaccine for this particular virus. My natural immunity, has served me well. So I am good for now.

Not ragging on anyone that made a different choice. To each there own. I am just pissed they keep trying to force those that do not want to take this drug.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

I don't think your tin foil hat is too tight.

The big push from Big Pharma, their toadies in the CDC, and the government at many levels has nothing to do with health. 

It has a lot to do with profits, reduction of citizens autonomy, and the increase in governmental power. The boogie man is all dressed up in the latest medical scare.

When I talk to people, many realize this. Yet they still listen to that trifecta of ill will. I ask them why they are doing it? They reply with 'you have to believe in someone, might as well be them'. I explain the assumption of 'having to believe in someone' is a fallacy. It's OK to have doubts, in fact it is normal. 

Then the conversation ends. I must be the weirdo.
I found this very interesting.

Makes me wonder why they are still pushing the vaccines.

I am just kidding. I know exactly why they are still pushing big pharma's pay day.

For every one person that read this post. About 7.99 billion have not. 

Yet I still post.  tinyinlove
  • minusculebeercheers 

(07-18-2022, 11:06 PM)NightskyeB4Dawn Wrote: I am putting this in the chit chat forum, because my concern with the approval of Paxlovid for the treatment of COVID, has little to do with the science.

Maybe I am just wearing my tin foil hat too tight, but it seems everything the CDC is pushing lately has to do with same sex intimacy.

They are pushing for a vaccine for monkey pox, which they claim is most prevalent in same sex relationships.

Now they are pushing Paxlovid for the treatment of COVID, and it is an antiviral used in the treatment of HIV.

Maybe I am connecting the wrong dots. But I find this all a bit suspect. Especially since they went full retard when people were using Ivermectin for the prevention of the virus. They said it was too out there and unproven to work.

I am feeling the same way about this new HIV/COVID medication.

I think it is just a case of money laundering. Forcing people to take something that doesn't work, while raiding the coffers.

Just saying.

Or they are setting the stage to redefine what "Sex" is kind of like how they been doing. 

Fucking evil train keeps on choo choo chewing you.

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