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Ancient Sites and Artefacts
The Saracena Gate

Quote:The Saracena Gate, a Cyclopean masterpiece. Massive stones fitted together using the polygonal technique, long before the Romans and the Etruscans.

“There were Giants in the earth in those days.” ―Genesis 6:4

'The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.

[Image: Cyclopean-Ruins-Saracena-Gate-Italy-7.jpg]
I found this also, regarding using massive stones to create amazing structures
Might be from same source,  it talks of your Saracena Gate plus others

Hidden Italy: The Forbidden Cyclopean Ruins (Of Giants From Atlantis?)

Quote:Was the ancient land of Italy once inhabited by giants? Miles of prehistoric polygonal stone walls still survive scattered across Italy―ancient ruins so stunningly unique, bizarre, and futuristic that scholars, historians, and philosophers once believed they were built by a now-extinct race of giant human beings called the “Cyclopes.”

 Very little is known about these prehistoric builders and their strange megalithic masterpieces. Their building technique resembles that of the Incas/pre-Incas of Peru: enormous stones cut into interlocking angles, placed without mortar.

As in Peru, the stones have withstood centuries of abandonment and quarrying by later civilizations like the Etruscans and Romans. Sadly, modern scholars ignore these ruins while the wider world is oblivious to their existence. We’ll see why some Victorians believed they were built by survivors from Atlantis.

So that is where Cyclopes came from
Very interesting indeed

Here are some other images to go with your gate

This one is tall enough for a giant

[Image: Cyclopean-Ruins-Italy-1.jpg]

[Image: Cyclopean-Ruins-Norba-Italy-2.jpg]

Amazing how they were able to fit those stones together as they did.
Does make one curious as to 'how' it was done

Sure we can speculate and theorize as to how
But we will never for sure

Giants sounds pretty good to me!

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

Maybe not a global society but i do think there were common visits from other worldy sources
The Roswell Rock

Have you all heard of the Roswell Rock?
Here is a short video about it. The wild thing is, there is a crop circle that shows the same symbol as the one on the rock.
The circle had gone through scientific studies to ensure that it wasn't man-made. There are ways of knowing this, based on the bend of the plant stalk, geomagnetic disruptions inside the circle, and also, no plants will grow where the circle was the following year.

And here is a film of In Search of Aliens, where Giorgio puts the Roswell Rock through some tests to determine it's authenticity.
 (For any skeptics out there.)

Figures on Gate of the Sun

Quote:Around the world ancient sites have perplexed mankind for centuries while trying to determine how they were built. Many more are being discovered/unearthed today. Some theories suggest a superior race of “alien gods” were involved in helping to build these magnificent structures.

[Image: dlyakota.ru_puteshestvie_zagadochnye-meg...nku_16.jpg]

Quote:The Gate of the Sun is a megalithic solid stone arch or gateway constructed by the ancient Tiwanaku culture of Bolivia over 1500 years before the present.[1]
It is located near Lake Titicaca at about 12,549.2 ft (3,825.0 m) above sea level near La Paz, Bolivia. The object is approximately 9.8 ft (3.0 m) tall and 13 ft (4.0 m) wide, and is constructed from a single piece of stone. The weight is estimated to be 10 tons.[2] When rediscovered by European explorers in the mid-19th century, the megalith was lying horizontally and had a large crack going through it. It currently stands in the same location where it was found, although it is believed that this is not its original location, which remains uncertain.[3]
Some elements of Tiwanaku iconography spread throughout Peru and parts of Bolivia. Although there have been various modern interpretations of the mysterious inscriptions found on the object, the engravings that decorate the gate are believed to possess astronomical and/or astrological significance and may have served a calendrical purpose.[4]

Quote:The lintel is carved with 48 squares surrounding a central figure. Each square represents a character in the form of winged effigy. There are 32 effigies with human faces and 16 with condor's heads. All look to the central figure, whose identity remains an enigma. It is a figure of a man with the head surrounded by 24 linear rays that may represent rays of solar light. The styled staffs held by the figure apparently symbolize thunder and lightning. Some historians and archaeologists believe that the central figure represents the “Sun God” judging by the rays emitted from its head, while others have identified it with the Inca god Viracocha.


12 Facts about Puma Punku

[Image: 800px-7_Puma_Punku-768x538.jpg]

Quote:45 miles west of La Paz high in the Andes Mountains, lie the mysterious ancient ruins of Puma Punku. The megalithic stones found here are among the largest on the planet, measuring up to 26 feet long and weighing more than 100 tons each.
Puma Punku is a large temple complex or monument group that is part of the Tiwanaku Site near Tiwanaku, Bolivia.

1. Puma Punku is so unique in the way that it was constructed, shaped and positioned, that it is the most intriguing ancient site on the planet.
2. If you look at the stones carefully, you can see some intricate stonework, as though they used machine tools or even lasers. Evidence of ancient civilizations using modern technology?
3. At Puma Punku you will find incredible stones with perfect right angles, almost smooth as glass, this makes Puma Punku unique. Only few places on earth display this type of stone work.
4. The massive stones were hewn at quarries over 60 miles away according to archeologists.
5. Puma Punku is located at an altitude of 12,800 feet, which means it is located above the natural tree line, this means NO trees grew in that area which means that no trees were cut down in order to use wooden rollers, the question is how did they transport the stones?
6. Tiahuanaco is located near Puma Punku, less than a quarter mile northeast of Puma Punku. Scientists believe Tiahuanaco was once the center of a civilization with more than 40,000 inhabitants.
7. Tiahuanaco is probably the greatest Native American civilization that many people haven’t heard of.
8. It’s said that Tiahuanaco displays all the races of mankind, even elongated skulls, people wearing turbans, people with broad noses, people with thin noses, people with thick lips, people with thin lips, and some of the statues are particularly unusual and are unlike the ones found in the nearby area.
9. One of the most important archaeological artifacts ever discovered in Tiahuanaco or Puma Punku is the famous Fuente Magna Bowl.
10. The Ceramic bowl has Sumerian cuneiform and Proto-Sumerian hieroglyphic written on it.
11. The megalithic stones found at Puma Punku are among the largest on the planet.
12. There are stones at Puma Punku that weigh over 100 tons.

Souce Link

Stargate Peru Lake Titicaca

[Image: 21-Puerta_Aramu_Muru.jpg]

Quote:After discovering the door earlier this year, Mamani contacted archeological

authorities in Puno, La Paz and Lima, and within a short time the area was

besieged with archeologists and Inca historians. It turned out that the

native indians of the region had a legend that spoke of "A gateway to the

lands of the gods", and in that legend it was said that in times long past,

great heroes had gone to join their gods and passed through the gate for a

glorious new life of immortality, and on rare occasions those men returned

for a short time with their gods to "inspect all the lands in the kingdom"

through the gate.


Göbekli Tepe

[Image: Tepe.jpg]

Quote:Six miles from Urfa, an ancient city in southeastern Turkey, Klaus Schmidt has made one of the most startling archaeological discoveries of our time: massive carved stones about 11,000 years old, crafted and arranged by prehistoric people who had not yet developed metal tools or even pottery. The megaliths predate Stonehenge by some 6,000 years. The place is called Gobekli Tepe, and Schmidt, a German archaeologist who has been working here more than a decade, is convinced it's the site of the world's oldest temple.

Read more here...

Stonehenge, England

[Image: stonehenge-bluestone-sarsens.jpg]

Quote:Stonehenge is a massive stone monument located on a chalky plain north of the modern-day city of Salisbury, England. Research shows that the site has continuously evolved over a period of about 10,000 years. The structure that we call “Stonehenge” was built between roughly 5,000 and 4,000 years ago and that forms just one part of a larger, and highly complex, sacred landscape. The biggest of Stonehenge’s stones, known as sarsens, are up to 30 feet (9 meters) tall and weigh 25 tons (22.6 metric tons) on average.

Stonehenge: Facts & Theories

Easter Island

[Image: Easter_island.jpg]

Quote:Easter Island covers roughly 64 square miles in the South Pacific Ocean, and is located some 2,300 miles from Chile’s west coast and 2,500 miles east of Tahiti. Known as Rapa Nui to its earliest inhabitants, the island was christened Paaseiland, or Easter Island, by Dutch explorers in honor of the day of their arrival in 1722. It was annexed by Chile in the late 19th century and now maintains an economy based largely on tourism. Easter Island’s most dramatic claim to fame is an array of almost 900 giant stone figures that date back many centuries. The statues reveal their creators to be master craftsmen and engineers, and are distinctive among other stone sculptures found in Polynesian cultures. There has been much speculation about the exact purpose of the statues, the role they played in the ancient civilization of Easter Island and the way they may have been constructed and transported.

Source Link

Scientists have discovered that the heads actually have bodies that extend deep underground.

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Quote:The tallest of the 887 Moai is over 30 feet tall and weighs over 82 tons. The completed version of it is 70 feet tall and weighs 270 tons. That's a heavy sculpture! Many were moved to different places around the island. They represent ancestors and deities.


Giza Pyramids Egypt

[Image: pyramids-giza-P.jpeg]

Read a great article about the Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx here

Quote:A new genetic study performed by Stuart Fleischmann, Assistant Professor of Comparative Genomics at the Swiss University in Cairo and his team, suggests that some Egyptian pharaohs underwent genetic manipulation by a technologically advanced civilization.
Could this be definitive proof that the builders of the pyramids had a strong connection with beings that originated elsewhere in the universe?

Read the full article here

Sphinx in Egypt

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Read about the Sphinx here

Evidence Ancient Aliens Planned Humanity

Ancient Extinction Revealed: Atlantis, Göbekli Tepe & Mysteries of the Gods with Graham Hancock

Hidden secrets of ancient civilizations

Here is an article about advanced 150,000 year old pipe work discovered in an underground pyramid in China.

Quote:Who could have built such a complex structure 150,000 years ago, at a time when man had barely started using fire?

The Baigong pipes are one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world. They can be found inside a badly-eroded pyramid standing on top of Mount Baigong in the Qinghai Province of northwestern China.

The collapsing pyramid once had triangular entrances on all three sides but over time, two of them caved in and are currently out of reach. The one that remains goes deep inside the mountain. Iron scraps and strange-looking stones litter the floor, suggesting that long time ago, this place saw activity.

The only surviving cave houses an intricate network of metal pipes, with diameters as large as 1.5 feet and as small as a toothpick. Dozens of pipes run straight into the mountain, leading who knows where.

Some of the archaeologists who inspected the site consider the pipework could have once supplied water inside the pyramid. Their theory seems to be backed up by a multitude of iron pipes found on the shores of nearby Lake Toson. Those are also available in a range of lengths and diameters, some reaching above the water surface, others buried below.

[Image: 150000-chinese-pipework.jpg]

Quote:Intrigued by these out of place artifacts, the Beijing Institute of Geology analyzed the pipes using a technique called thermoluminescence. This method allowed them to determine when the pipes were last subjected to high temperatures. Analysis revealed the pipes must have been crafted over 150,000 years ago.

And the mystery deepens even further. Analysis performed at a government-operated smeltery couldn’t determine all the exact compounds forming the pipes. Although the pipes were made up of ferric oxide, silicon dioxide and calcium oxide, they also contained 8% of an unknown material.

There is no easy way to explain this mind-boggling discovery. Human presence in the region can be tracked back to 30,000 years ago but was mainly composed of nomadic tribes. It would have been impossible for a primitive society to leave behind such an advanced structure.

Read the Full Article
I have seen places in Google Earth where the ground looks like the stoneworks in Sacsahuaman.

Love the posts...!!!
Ollantaytambo: Ancient Megalithic Engineers

[Image: ollantaytambo_by_stuzal-d4rlw50.jpg]

Quote:Located in southern Peru, around 45 miles northwest of the city of Cuzco lie the remains of the ancient city of Ollantaytambo. Located at an altitude of 2,792 meters (9,160 feet) above sea level, Ollantaytambo lies in an area the Inca people once called the Sacred Valley and this marvel of architecture once served as both a temple and a fortress, Mainstream historians claim Ollantaytambo was built around 1440 AD by the Inca Emperor Pachacuti. Archeologists today, believe Ollantaytambo was built upon the ruins of a far older city and they are not sure of the origins of that city. Ollantaytambo is a marvel of engineering and architecture, it is a fortress, and complex city and many questions have been raised throughout history regarding the construction of this ancient site. Today one of the most asked questions probably is in regard to the incredible sized blocks of stone that were used in the construction.

Some of these over-sized rocks are found at the highest levels of Ollantaytambo, particularly six of these monoliths that are placed in a line, according to researchers they were brought to Ollantaytambo from another mountain, across the plain, river and then they were brought up the mountain.

The Nazca Lines: Blueprints of the gods?

[Image: Nazca-Airport.png]

Quote:What is the exact purpose of the Nazca Lines? Were these intricate shapes some sort of ancient blueprints? Markers? Were they ancient runways as some suggest? Or were they ancient art, left behind by a long lost civilization that once inhabited the region? The truth is we don’t know. The largest figure found at Nazca is approx. 1000 feet and the longest one goes for 9 miles. Why Nazca? How were they built? To what purpose?

According to archeologists, these mysterious drawings were created by the Nazca people, they flourished in the region between the 1st and 8th century A.D.

The lines were formed by the careful removal of the reddish iron-oxide pebbles that make up the desert surface. Once exposed, the underlying dirt, which contains high amounts of lime, hardened and resistant to erosion. Some of the parts of Nazca have amazing designs highly accurate triangles that are a mystery. Some of the triangles look like they were made by something that literally pressed the ground down at least 30 inches with incredible force, now could the ancient Nazca have done this? With their feet? How would you press down a six-mile “perfect” triangle into the desert?


Sacsayhuaman: An Ancient Alien Fortress?

[Image: 2-days-in-cuzco-sacsayhuaman-768x432.jpg]

Quote:This ancient site is compared in magnitude to other ancient sites like Puma Punku or Tiahuanaco. The ancient fortress of Sacsayhuaman is believed to hold secrets which predate the Inca themselves, it is an ancient site filled with mystery and magic, and offers more questions than we are able to answer.

Interestingly, this ancient megalithic complex dates back, at least, a millennium, making it one of the oldest ancient establishments on the planet, yet few of us know of its existence. The builders of this ancient site left behind precisely cut blocks of stone that have challenged our modern-day builders in many ways. Just like we see at Puma Punku, we find that the ancient builders of Sacsayhuaman had the technology to quarry giant blocks of stone, move them to the site where they wanted to build and then stack, cut and articulate these massive blocks into– what are in some cases almost indestructible structures, so this is really impressive.

The Piri Reis Map: An Ancient Map Created By Even Older Maps

[Image: PiriReis.jpg]

Quote:While there are numerous things discovered from ancient mankind’s past, there some discoveries that literally question everything we know about our history. This is the case of the Ancient Piri Reis map found in 1929 during the restoration of the Topkapi palace in Istanbul Turkey. This controversial (ancient) map describes in high detail the geography of the American Continent with such a precision that it looks as if it was put together with the aid of aerial photography. However, the map was made at a time when mainstream history tells us there were no flying vehicles on Earth and mankind’s technology was very limited. The map composed by Ottoman admiral Piri Ibn Haji Muhiddin Memmed, aka Piri Reis, is, in fact, part of maritime navigation collection called Bahriye which is basically composed of 210 partial maps, dated around 1513 and 1528. The perfection and details displayed on the map have been the subject of debate for years among scholars who cannot understand nor explain how this map even exists. Today, numerous enigmas remain about the Piri Reis map, especially with regards to Latin America and the Southern regions of our planet.


Gunung Padang: Older than the ‘oldest’ Pyramid on Earth?

[Image: sirus-megalitikum-di-gunung-padang-cianj...42-804.jpg]

Quote:Gunung Padang is surely one of the most controversial discoveries ever made on the surface of the planet. According to reports, we are looking at a lost civilization, an unknown history and breathtaking construction that challenges everything we know about history, rising in Indonesia around 20,000 years ago. According to stamens from Geologist Dr., Danny Hilman could hide the remains of a lost temple that could date back 20,000 years. Hilman believes that the site (Gunung Padang) is of great cultural and historical importance since it contains the remains of a huge Pyramid that was built some 20,000 years ago, by a lost civilization, adding that it may have been built for worship or as a giant astronomical instrument. Like many other discoveries in the past, Gunung Padang has been dubbed by many mainstream scholars as a hoax and nothing more. While studies seem to point otherwise, it seems that the mysterious Pyramid of Indonesia and the 20,000 years old civilization behind it will remain for some time, one of history’s greatest enigmas.

Megaliths of Baalbek: A Colossal… Mystery

[Image: Baalbek-1200-Ton-Megalith.jpeg]

Quote:Located east of Lebanon, 86 kilometers northeast of the city of Beirut, in the valley of Beqaa, near the border with Syria lie the ruins of a gigantic megalithic platform that remains as one of the greatest enigmas for researchers who have come to study it. Legends say it is a very sacred place. The temple was built on top of a ruined mound, so even before Greek and Roman times, this majestic place was considered to be holy.

Mainstream archeology has different points of view when it comes to the exact age of the site. According to conventional archeologists, it was a Phoenician sanctuary dedicated to the god Baal, it was a Greek City called Heliopolis (City of the Sun) and since the time of Emperor Augustus, it was a Roman colony. The truth is, the exact age remains a mystery, but some researchers consider this ancient megalithic site as being at least 12.000 years old but could possibly be over 20,000 years old. Among the most intriguing of these megaliths is the Trilithon, and here is the cool part: three colossal blocks measuring 22 meters in length, 4.5 m high and 3.5 m wide. Their weight ranges between one and two thousand tons. These three huge megaliths are positioned on a row of six blocks of granite that measure each, 10 meters in length and 4 height and weighing over 300 tons. Some researchers argue that these megaliths are not “foundation stones” as they have always been declared as it appears as if it was essential that the largest of the stones were position on top, and not at the bottom making the whole edifice become an inverted structure.


The Antikythera Mechanism: An Ancient Computer

Quote:It is considered as one of the most incredible ancient devices ever discovered on our planet. The Antikythera mechanism, is according to researchers around the world, a product of ancient Greek ingenuity, and there is no other instrument like it, nothing found until today compares to the Antikythera mechanism and better yet, there are no recorded texts that would suggest that something like it ever existed. The device was discovered by chance, as a storm deviated a group of divers in the 1900’s.

They reached the island of Antikythera between Peloponnese and Crete and while diving, they discovered the remains of a Roman ship that sunk around 65 B.C. Inside the wreckage, this mysterious device was discovered. The Antikythera mechanism is basically made out of wood and bronze. Its dimensions are 31.5 centimeters in length, 19 centimeters wide and has a thickness of 10 centimeters. Researchers believe that the system of gears was protected by a wooden box, which is now almost totally destroyed. The device had two doors, one at the front and one at the back with astronomical inscriptions covering most of the exterior of the mysterious mechanism.


The Ancient Babylonian Tablet

[Image: babylonian-tablet-jupiter-calculation-1024x683.jpg]

Quote:Prior to studying the history of science and cuneiform in 2005, Ossendrijver was an astrophysicist who in 2012, published a book of new translations for the known Babylonian tables featuring astronomical calculations and tables.

“Although it is known that the geometry was used from around 800 BC, we did not know that it was used to calculate the position of the planets, “says Ossendrijver.

The researcher has spent the last 14 years examining the Babylonian cuneiform tablets kept in the British Museum. No one had ever found a Babylonian astronomical calculation that leveraged their impressive knowledge of pure geometry until Ossendrijver did it, who described it as “small bunch of four weird trapezoid computations” between 2,000 and 2,400 years old, writes National Geographic.

[Image: babylonian-tablet-trapezoid-jupiter.jpg]

Quote:Ossendrijver concluded that the trapezoidal calculations were a tool to determine the movement that traces Jupiter on a daily basis. The calculations present in the tablet record a period of 60 days, which began on the first night when the Gas Giant was observable in the sky after nightfall and shows that ancient Babylonian astronomers knew how to calculate the area under a curve in order to determine a numerical value. This indicates, says Ossendrijver in the journal Science, the ancient Babylonian astronomers had developed abstract mathematical concepts that relate to the movement, position and time, fundamental aspects that are used by any modern-day mathematician or physicist.

Read the Full Article

Antiochus I Soter

[Image: colossal-head-of-antiochus-i-2c-mount-ne..._69132.jpg]

Quote:Antiochus I Soter, (born 324 bc—died 262/261), king of the Seleucid kingdom of Syria, who ruled about 292–281 bc in the east and 281–261 over the whole kingdom. Under great external pressures, he consolidated his kingdom and encouraged the founding of cities.

Antiochus was the son of Seleucus I, founder of the Seleucid kingdom, and his Sogdian queen, Apama. When an invasion of nomads threatened the eastern possessions of his father’s realm (between the Caspian and Aral seas and the Indian Ocean), Antiochus was appointed king (292). He restored some of the damage caused by the invaders and rebuilt three cities. Because his father still had interest in expanding the eastern trade, Antiochus dispatched a noted geographer and general to explore the environs of the Caspian Sea.

After his father’s assassination in 281, Antiochus succeeded to the entire realm, but he was immediately beset by revolts in Syria (probably instigated by Egypt), by independence movements in northern Anatolia, and by a war led by Antigonus II Gonatas, ruler of the Greek cities and Macedonia. In 279, after the Gauls invaded Greece and almost ruined Antigonus, he and Antiochus signed a pact promising not to interfere with one another’s territory. The next year, however, 20,000 Gauls crossed into Asia Minor, and the independent states in the northern part recruited them to harass Antiochus. He was preoccupied with the pacification of Syria until 275, when, utilizing Indian elephants brought from the east, he defeated the Gauls, who were afterward settled by their allies in Phrygia to make it a buffer state. The Ionian city-states that Antiochus had spared from the Gauls’ ravages hailed him as a god and named him Soter (“Saviour”). In 275 the alliance with Antigonus, now fully in possession of Macedonia, was cemented by marriage to Antiochus’ half sister.

Following the Gallic incursions in Greece, Antiochus encouraged Greek immigration to his realm and established many new cities in Asia Minor to serve as counterweights to the Gauls. He built other cities in Iran to forestall the Parthian threat to his eastern frontier, and he probably fostered a revival of Babylonian culture and religion to counteract Persian influence. At Babylon he rebuilt the ancient Esagila shrine, although he moved the city’s populace to a great Seleucid city a short distance away on the Tigris River.

The aggressions of Ptolemy II of Egypt caused continuous friction with Antiochus. In 279 he lost Miletus, in southwestern Asia Minor, and in 276 the Egyptians invaded northern Syria. But Antiochus defeated his opponent, repelled him, and secured an alliance with the Egyptian ruler’s half brother who ruled Cyrene. After Ptolemy married the energetic Arsinoe II, however, the war turned against the Seleucids, and about 273–272, Phoenicia and the coast of Asia Minor were lost to Egypt.

The continuous troubles in the west caused Seleucid control in the far eastern part of the empire to weaken. In 280 Antiochus made his eldest son king in the east, but he proved incompetent. Between 266 and 261 Antiochus was drawn into a war with Pergamum, and in 262 he suffered a defeat and lost additional territory. Soon afterward he died, leaving his son Antiochus II as successor.


That sure is a beautiful view!

It is written that some of the ancient gods were represented with wings in the ancient drawings/statues. I'm wondering if the design on top of his headdress could represent feathers, showing a connection to those winged "gods"? Or are those indicating pyramids... also a symbol of great importance?
Something bugs me in all this we're finding for the ancient world or the deep deep history of our planet. We're finding what is still human remains of intelligent creation. Whatever else things like a plumbing works in China from 150,000 years ago may suggest, it still reads as 100% human we're looking at here. Hence...we have people in history, and people are defined as much by vanity, ego and legacy concerns as anything. It is nature, as we DO see it apparent going back to cavemen...(or those periods of history our species has reverted back to cave-like living).

This is what bugs me.... In OUR modern world, we have a supreme confidence, almost beyond reason and good sense, that our world will always be as it is and we'll never see our civilization tossed to the ash heap of Earth's others have been. Yet, despite that confidence bordering on outright arrogance...we have time capsules built and time vaults constructed around the world, in some of the most obscure and otherwise inaccessible places our planet has to be found. Why? Vanity .... Ego...and the need for legacy and continuance of the species. A biologically hardwired desire and need...common to many species, but absolutely a core aspect of our own.

SO...... Where are THEIR time capsules and where are THEIR timeless archives? If past civ's were advanced, as we suspect, and they would have had the same biologic priority that we experience....where are their efforts?

We dig in trash pits and ancient campfires ...when I think we ought to consider more closely...just what would ancient efforts to create such things look like today? They must exist. least a couple from periods of the past, must be out there somewhere.
@wrabbit, Yes, what Minstrel said, and also the Ancient Peoples left their legacy on the walls inside pyramids, such as these shown below. But, I think the ones that have any important meaning to our current society are hidden in the Vatican. Also, there are strong arguments suggesting something of great importance is buried underneath the Spinx's Paw. That is why no digging has ever been allowed there... until recently. But, I believe I read the owners of the land put a stop to that too.

[Image: inside-the-pyramid-banner-940-optimized.jpg?w=940]

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Images Source

Here is a fantastic video of Michael Tellinger showing some of the ancient and fascinating artefacts that he has collected in his small museum in Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga, South Africa. The museum contains hundreds of artefacts that defy explanation in conventional circles but show the physical evidence of a vanished civilisation in South Africa over 200,000 years ago involved in gold mining and a knowledge of using sound as a source of energy.

Michael Tellinger's Museum Tour

BREAKING: Major Biblical Discovery Rocking the Globe

Here is a recent find that has researchers ecstatic!

Archaeologists have exhumed an ancient discovery which proves Israel’s existence long before Palestine was even a thought.

[Image: KingHezki2.jpg]

Quote:It surrounds the story of King Hezekiah, or King Hez-Ki as his ancient homies used to call him.

Maybe Hollywood will make a movie about him and screw up the story with a bunch of CGI rock people or butterflies with lasers? … but I digress.

Seriously, these researchers were ecstatic to reveal that they have stumbled upon the first found seal of a biblical Israelite king.

Charisma News reports that the royal seal of King Hezekiah, who ruled around 700 B.C., has been added to the nation’s extensive collection of ancient artifacts.

[Image: KingHezki3.jpg]

Quote:Hezekiah ruled around 700 BC and was described in the Bible as a daring monarch—”There was no one like him among all the kings of Judah, either before him or after him” (2 Kin. 18:5)—who was dedicated to eliminating idolatry in his kingdom.

“This is the first time that a seal impression of an Israelite or Judean king has ever come to light in a scientific archaeological excavation,” Mazar said.

The dots help separate the words: “Belonging to Hezekiah (son of) Ahaz king of Judah.”

“It’s always a question, what are the real facts behind the biblical stories,” Mazar said. “Here we have a chance to get as close as possible to the person himself, to the king himself.”

However, this discovery not only has biblical significance, but is relevant to the Israel-Palestine conflict today.

The word “Palestine” is believed by many to be a name derived from the Egyptian and Hebrew term for “migrants” or “wanderers,” and comes from the biblical tribe of the Philistines, who were barbaric nomads determined to conquer the Israelites. However, as the Bible describes, the Philistines’ giant fighter, Goliath, was defeated by a shepherd named David, who went on to become the king of Israel in the 10th century B.C.

Read More Here

The Mysterious Sayhuite Monolith

[Image: Sayhuite06.jpg]

Quote:This archaeological site is located in Peru and is significant because it is the place where researchers believe, the ancient Inca worshipped water. Mostly unknown to all of us, the most important monument found at the Sayhuite site is the Sayhuite monolith, a fascinating sculpture featuring over 200 mysterious geometric figures, with zoomorphic depictions of reptiles, frogs and felines among others. The true origin and purpose of this incredible monument are still widely debated among researchers around the world. Most archaeologists suggest that this ancient monument was sculpted and intended to represent a topographical hydraulic model, continuing terraces, ponds, rivers, irrigation channels hills and tunnels. Located near the Sayhuite archaeological site are many incredible stone features that could predate the Inca themselves, and made from Andesite stone, meaning that they simply couldn’t be shaped with tools the Ancient Inca possessed at that time, casting doubt on the origins of the entire Sayhuite archaeological site and the Sayhuite monolith.

Goseck Circle

[Image: goseck-cirlce.png]

Quote:The Goseck circle is surely one of the lesser known monuments found in Europe. Resembling Stonehenge in England, the odd circular formations were actually spotted recently, in 1991, during an aerial survey near the small town of Goseck in Germany. The mysterious monuments are believed to date back to 4,900 BC and is believed to have been created by Europe’s first and most mysterious early civilization, which existed even before the Minoan Civilizations and Ancient Egyptian Pyramids. In 2002, archaeologists performed excavations and found the remains of an extremely ancient structure that were reconstructed in the past. According to studies, the monument stretching 75 meters in width was composed of a set of concentric ditches and two palisade rings and a set of gates that were accurately aligned with the sunrise and sunset on solstice days. This has led researchers to theorize that the ancient monument might have been sued by ancient man as a solar or lunar calendar. Many researchers consider the Goseck Circle as the oldest known solar observatory in the world. The Nebra Sky Disk – one of the most important finds if the 20th century according to many— was discovered near the Goseck circles. The Nebra sky disk is believed to be the oldest known realistic representation of the cosmos found on our planet.


Conituned on Ancient sites and Artefacts II - The Ancient Egyptian Underground Library


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