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Under The Chembow
Another informative video with a theory of how chemtrails could be used against us by the "elite".

We have already proven that these chemtrails are real, but now we need to figure out what it is "they" are trying to do using these sprays. 

Chemtrails & Mind Control in Zombie Nation 

Here is another good article that I just came across.  It's good to see that the word is getting out there and people are waking up!  

How to Effectively Introduce Climate Engineering/Geoengineering to the Uninformed

By Dane Wigington

Quote:“Geoengineering”. It sounds like science fiction, but it’s not. It’s happening right above you.

You can easily find articles and debates in which scientists propose to “dim” the sun to slow down climate change, using a technique called “Solar Radiation Management” (SRM). Their concept is to mimic the dimming and cooling effects of a volcanic eruption and existing particulate pollution made by human activity. However, it has been out of the ‘proposal’ stage for quite some time, and even though government officials will not admit it, SRM is already in full-scale operation.

To some, SRM may sound like a viable solution to slowing climate warming, and scientists have repeated how “cheap” it is over and over again. But it comes with a price. In fact, it comes with many…

Read Full Article
SRM, would, IF IT WORKED AS PRESENTED, be something of a silver bullet solution in the short to mid-term, with enough margin for long term solutions to be made with some time to make them. worked as advertised. 

I do not believe it will, not for a second. Why? They are trying to model and predict what their models are consistently wrong about and blow by HUGE margins often enough so it ought to shame these so called 'scientists' to call the outcome science at all. 

Based on these faulty models or GIGO (Garbage-In, Garbage-Out), they figure they can duplicate something on the order of the more massive volcanic eruptions for what goes into the atmosphere, and recreate what happened after events like Krakatoa ..and whatever hit the Americas for an eruption, long before Europeans and others with means to record it had arrived to witness it. 

The problem I see is not the SRM being implemented....but the unintended consequences their models are missing as well as just how they reliably plan to turn "off" their effect when they would deem it complete. I even read one SRM method suggesting methane for God's sake. That is a pollutant that stays hazardous to what we're talking about for decades. So, that time frame would be the min. time we'd have to 'ride out' the consequences, good or BAD, if that particular thing were used. (More likely, Sulfur compounds and other things, I believe...but still...The range of dumb on this topic from otherwise intelligent people is staggering)
Okay, so here is another report that clearly states that Weather Modification was being done over 60 years ago! :o 


The 1978 Government Report on Weather Modification

Here is the full report:  LINK

There's all kinds of information there, so be sure to check it out.
I just saw this scary video of something that is covering North America and beyond.   PLEASE click on the link and see this!

10 to 1 says it has something to do with Chemtrails, Wi-Fi, and Electromagnetism!  The Scientists are baffled over this. 

Please click on the LINK to watch the video.  This is a MUST SEE!

What do you think it is?
(05-22-2016, 04:07 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: I just saw this scary video of something that is covering North America and beyond.   PLEASE click on the link and see this!

10 to 1 says it has something to do with Chemtrails, Wi-Fi, and Electromagnetism!  The Scientists are baffled over this. 

Please click on the LINK to watch the video.  This is a MUST SEE!

What do you think it is?

That is very odd, not to mention ominous 
Being as these scientists are having to guess because they do not know

They excluded wild fires and volcanoes as the source
Said it is constant and with gentle pulsing

You got me
Definitely testing and more studies need to be done

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

I'll take Methane production from biomass for $100...or something quite similar in mechanism.

It is limited to land, quite strictly, if the boundaries weren't artificially created for the graphic. The red is also confined, quite nicely in reality to what exists in the countryside, where you have the densest forest and literal mass of bio material, from undergrowth down inches into the soil to tops of trees. The red shows in other areas, and where you'd expect...actually. The Colorado range, then skipping west and north to the mountains of Utah and Idaho, but those are still islands in otherwise sparse bio mass of crops, plains grass, desert or general scrub from the Missouri/Arkansas line on west.

The intense areas even make sense for the fresh water lakes surrounded by what is largely very dense vegetation. 

So.. Indeed.. Wild guess, perhaps, but Methane for $100.
(05-22-2016, 04:11 AM)Wrabbit2000 Wrote: I'll take Methane production from biomass for $100...or something quite similar in mechanism.

It is limited to land, quite strictly, if the boundaries weren't artificially created for the graphic. The red is also confined, quite nicely in reality to what exists in the countryside, where you have the densest forest and literal mass of bio material, from undergrowth down inches into the soil to tops of trees. The red shows in other areas, and where you'd expect...actually. The Colorado range, then skipping west and north to the mountains of Utah and Idaho, but those are still islands in otherwise sparse bio mass of crops, plains grass, desert or general scrub from the Missouri/Arkansas line on west.

The intense areas even make sense for the fresh water lakes surrounded by what is largely very dense vegetation. 

So.. Indeed.. Wild guess, perhaps, but Methane for $100.

I've put you down for Methane for $100.  

But, gee, Wrabbit, wouldn't you think if it was methane the scientists would know? 

What concerns me is the fact that the scientists DON'T know.
Science is all about theory unknown and theory to test.

Politics is about facts or alarm that we don't already know everything. 

No, it won't surprise me in the least if the turns out to be something entirely natural and normal to source conditions.....but seen in a very new way by what they state but gloss over is a new way to look.

The NatGeo  channel runs ads with the same types of 'breathless urgency' to peddle new science shows, so I find it intriguing but far from alarming
Does Methane pulsate like electromagnetic waves too? ( I don't know, just asking. )
(05-22-2016, 04:17 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Does Methane pulsate like electromagnetic waves too? ( I don't know, just asking. )

Actually, yes, I would expect that from methane, due to the likely sources and not so much anything about the gas itself. 

Daylight activity and heating would intensify the release in tens of thousands of waste/landfills in the densely populated Eastern half of our nation, adding to the other additional activity where breakdown of biologic material of all sorts (the leading source of natural methane) is highest already, and from the dramatic difference in bio-density, largely found in the East. 

Your critters of every variety that are recently deceased are going to ...emit... more in the sunlight than the dark and cold of night. So, if those pulses are following day/night cycles or anything of the sort? It makes sense.

On the other hand, if they are not following day/night cycles? Then the pulsing is beyond anything which could reasonably be coming from the ground, as nothing makes sense to be SO local in borders/boundary areas, yet so even for coverage across countless thousands of square miles, and reactive to show that pulsing as a unified area at speeds we can observe that way. 

If it isn't from day/night cycles to add the uniform light/heat of the day as the explanation? Then I'd look at faulty sensors, or malfunctioning ones ....or it isn't local or ground based, and is atmospheric with boundary lines that make no sense to hold so sharply, or its a deliberate projection ...but the last option would have to originate from below the level of the observing satellite, which makes it odder and odder. How would any oribiting platform (as opposed to a geo-stationary one) hold such sharp lines of area to be impacted by...whatever? That platform itself would be in fast motion, making it quite a feat to consider in any approach.
I've already covered so much on the topic of Chemtrais, I won't bother to make a new thread; I'll just link this article here.

   IPCC warns not to stop chemtrails, aka ‘solar radiation management’

Quote:The Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that, despite global side effects and long-term consequences, geoengineering techniques involving solar radiation management (SRM) should be maintained:

aviation-and-the-global-atmosphere-ipcc-1999-150px“If SRM were terminated for any reason, there is high confidence that global surface temperatures would rise very rapidly to values consistent with the greenhouse gas forcing.” [emphasis in original]

“Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis,” (referred to as “AR5”) supersedes the former report published in 2007. The IPCC’s First Assessment Report was published in 1990. (In case the Summary containing that warning is changed, here is the version downloaded on Nov. 3, 2013.)

The discussion in the Summary for Policymakers and in the body of AR5 commends solar radiation management over carbon dioxide removal methods, which are limited in their efficacy on a global scale, yet admits that neither are ideal, and that both geoengineering techniques will have long-term and potentially unknown consequences.


Read the full article:  LINK.
Now that is just rude. Rude I tell you.
Boy oh boy, I tell you what (shakes head)

This part gets me when I read it...

Quote:.....despite global side effects and long-term consequences

Then they make excuses for continuing on regardless *sigh*

And another thing that people need to make note of is the fact that our government has clearly let it be known that they DO tamper with the weather/climate
Yet the majority of the public are dumb to it
Of course, being as it states 'Intergovernmental Panel' means it is more than just ours

Am afraid that they are going to royally screw up our environment with their experimentation's
Yet lets create and blame Global Warming so the masses won't know any better and we can guilt them into believing their lifestyles are the cause

As wrabbit stated one time, you get several governments playing around with Mother Nature, not knowing what another country is doing, well that alone is a recipe for disaster.

 Goodness me, boy Mother Earth sure is screwed, and we have our governments to thank for that with their weather manipulation games 

Yet blame the people (shakes head)

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

They claim they are trying to block out the sun to prevent the global warming from getting any worse. 

Why not just switch over to free energy that doesn't use the elements that cause the green house effect to start with?  There are all kinds of other things they could do, but no!  They don't want to let go of that money and power that comes from oil sales. 
They would rather make everyone sick, destroy our planet, and pollute our water than to use any type of cleaner alternative power source. 

If these evil thugs live through this, and we don't, I hope they are left with an earth that refuses to sustain life for them and they die a slow, horrible death!! 

I don't usually wish bad things on people, but these ruling elite are not classified as people in my opinion.  These beings are pure evil!!  Period!!
When I researched this and really got into it, I was shocked to find that weather manipulation is not only common and accepted....publicly a wide variety of other nations, but that it has been a part of national efforts for as many as 50 years time now. Israel having been one of the pioneers and longest in working on manipulation of and development of technology to exploit the environment. 

Israel is far from alone though, and some reading out there will soon turn up extensive and historic use in India, Indonesia, China, Saudi, Yemen, and others. Africa was a new frontier coming as I was researching the topic, and largely for lax regs but potentially high profit crop land if rain could come where it doesn't naturally occur in enough quantity to farm. fear isn't that global efforts have broken the climate, because Human technology and scale of effort just isn't up to the task of deliberately changing something so large and complex to see an outcome anyone wanted. No.... My fear is that the additional chaos of so many uncoordinated efforts, and nations giving absolutely no consideration to how regional efforts could overlap and combine with downwind regions for unintended consequences...have broken the climate in a way no MEANINGFUL effort ever could have. 

I think we could well have nudged some thresholds and balances out of whack by all that artificial effort ...and I really doubt we can even be sure with our science just WHAT balances most mattered to keep or restore at this stage....if it even works that way to fix?
OMG! The more I search, the worse it gets!   

Check out the video below.  

Chemtrail dust analysis: microscopic shards of aluminum plated chipped fiberglass swabbed from a woman’s throat lining and viewed under a microscope

Quote:Video (below) contains visual evidence of microscopic chips of aluminum plated fiberglass in chemtrail dust taken from a woman’s throat lining sample – in bulk in the skies it is now now making pink sunsets.  The pink sunsets are from fiberglasse’s ability to produce soft blue or soft pink, even soft purple shades; basially whatever the color the glass is – in conjunction with the liquified coal powerplant ash base that is used to spray/disperse it.

a new word needs to be coined: “microscopid” signfnifies microscopic or nanotechnology performing damage to (contrary to improving) the host environment.

[Image: serveimage.jpeg]

Quote:Breathing this stuff is so ultra unhealthy, like breathing in asbestos fibers, or worse.  They could be spraying that too anytime. We must stop all the atmostpheric spraying chemtrail dust mad monkey business this month!  Why doesn’t the world just pile on this thread and post 300 million comments on it???  Change requires most everyone on the same page around the same time.

How much of enough will it take to be enough?

Everyone should be speaking their mind, one by one, in the comments below !  What do you think we should be done, as a people, about this, within reason?

There are some links to studies and a PDF on the Source Page.
Although I'm sure the makers of this product didn't have in mind what I have in mind for the use of this device, it could come in real handy for locating cell towers around you that you can then go and "gift" with an orgonite tower buster to keep the harmful EMF waves traveling upwards and not out into the public. 

This Extraordinary App Visualizes Radio Waves From Cell Towers And Satellites Around You

[Image: screen640x640-690x336.jpeg?e410ae]

You can now download the $3 iOS app for iPhone or iPad from HERE

Read about this app here: Source
(05-22-2016, 04:38 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Although I'm sure the makers of this product didn't have in mind what I have in mind for the use of this device, it could come in real handy for locating cell towers around you that you can then go and "gift" with an orgonite tower buster to keep the harmful EMF waves traveling upwards and not out into the public. 

This Extraordinary App Visualizes Radio Waves From Cell Towers And Satellites Around You

[Image: screen640x640-690x336.jpeg?e410ae]

You can now download the $3 iOS app for iPhone or iPad from HERE

Read about this app here: Source

I do wonder, how would this be useful? 

I mean, this isn't actually detecting anything real or which actually exists in the world around us, right? The phone has no actual sensor hardware to scan or otherwise read any of what that is depicting. It does have connection to place known transmitters, read the rated transmission power to then graphically display what, on paper, that SHOULD look like in real world use, right? That appears to be what this is doing. Showing theoretical distribution of energy based on recorded positions of transmitters and effective radiating power? 

So... I know I'm missing something...but aside from a novelty, like the Iphone ghost hunter apps, what is its useful purpose?
(05-22-2016, 04:41 AM)Wrabbit2000 Wrote:
(05-22-2016, 04:38 AM)Mystic Wanderer Wrote: Although I'm sure the makers of this product didn't have in mind what I have in mind for the use of this device, it could come in real handy for locating cell towers around you that you can then go and "gift" with an orgonite tower buster to keep the harmful EMF waves traveling upwards and not out into the public. 

This Extraordinary App Visualizes Radio Waves From Cell Towers And Satellites Around You

[Image: screen640x640-690x336.jpeg?e410ae]

You can now download the $3 iOS app for iPhone or iPad from HERE

Read about this app here: Source

I do wonder, how would this be useful? 

I mean, this isn't actually detecting anything real or which actually exists in the world around us, right? The phone has no actual sensor hardware to scan or otherwise read any of what that is depicting. It does have connection to place known transmitters, read the rated transmission power to then graphically display what, on paper, that SHOULD look like in real world use, right? That appears to be what this is doing. Showing theoretical distribution of energy based on recorded positions of transmitters and effective radiating power? 

So... I know I'm missing something...but aside from a novelty, like the Iphone ghost hunter apps, what is its useful purpose?

According to the source article, " The purpose of this app is to make the invisible visible so we can look at it, think about it and discuss it,’ the iTunes description says.

The app plots the densities of digital signals, like radio waves, which exist outside the spectrum of visible light on a 3-D moving graph.

According to the App website, it is site-specific, and works by ‘reversing the ambient nature of the infosphere; hiding the visible while revealing the invisible technological landscape we interact with through our devices’."

There is also a site called that will allow you to find the strongest wi-fi signal around you.

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