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The real battle to come, and the only savior of the human race...
It's 2020 and everyone is watching as the big news is the whole pending "boogaloo", while I can see it, I don't think it's the pivot point of the human race that will really usher in the next 100 years of humanity. And I'm actually happy, because what possibly will and should be the turning point, maybe in the early stages as if starts to boil deep within the human psyche.

The anti tech movement, which may almost become religious at some point, will be such a great savior of humanity. 

I'm sure we've all seen it, at some point, in some scifi classic of a dystopian future. The almost theistic rejection of tech into the point of "setting" humanity back a thousand years. 

I think its one of many possibilities, but possibly one of the best. The concept of humans rejecting what has been pushed on them for the past 20 years, in order to preserve thousands of years of survival, just seems "right". 

Being integrated into a worldwide instantaneous social network, GPS tracked, pinged and eventually the implementation of bio chips is the antithesis of our biological survival. I think it may be coming. 

I hope that when the next few steps are coming into play, people revolt, attack their "digital saviors" and view even an ipad user as a heretic and strip them of their sins and purify them in the fires of the analog gods....
(07-02-2020, 07:35 AM)MisterSpock Wrote: I hope that when the next few steps are coming into play, people revolt, attack their "digital saviors" and view even an ipad user as a heretic and strip them of their sins and purify them in the fires of the analog gods....

Not sure if that's a good thing or not. Many pros and cons likewise. On the other hand, I've come to accept the idea that the biggest threat to humanity :) And I'm not even making a distinction between good and bad education.
(07-02-2020, 08:50 AM)MarioOnTheFly Wrote:
(07-02-2020, 07:35 AM)MisterSpock Wrote: I hope that when the next few steps are coming into play, people revolt, attack their "digital saviors" and view even an ipad user as a heretic and strip them of their sins and purify them in the fires of the analog gods....

Not sure if that's a good thing or not. Many pros and cons likewise. On the other hand, I've come to accept the idea that the biggest threat to humanity :) And I'm not even making a distinction between good and bad education.

Education or "false" education. 

I think it's foolish to assume that a machine will be the path forward for humanity.
I think the problem with the next step in human evolution, the step we are on the verge of, is the notion of altruistic intent. 

Would the integration of modern tech with humans be good? sure, if the intent was altruistic. Devoid of the human concepts of control, power, money and influence. 

The conundrum is that while the next step is "vital" for advancement, human nature itself almost precludes that step from ever taking place. Because of human nature, because of greed, vanity and the selfish nature of humans. 

We can either move forward through it, as I'm sure we have before and failed(thousands of years ago) or reject it and attempt to seek an balance withing nature.
(07-02-2020, 08:52 AM)MisterSpock Wrote: Education or "false" education. 

I think it's foolish to assume that a machine will be the path forward for humanity.

I dont know man. What is false and what is true ? What is true today can easily be proven false in another decade, and in the meantime, we make sure to cram that potential falseness into the minds of the young, who are later unable to detach from that programming, and become army of mindless drones, just repeating what some book they read said.

I'm a bit hopeless about all that. We can call it progress, sure...but, there's plenty of destruction on that road.
I think placing the future of humanity in the hands of "false intelligence" via a man made computer AI is pretty foolish. 

We are pretty close to that tipping point. 

Should we just wait to see what happens, or assume the inevitable and extol the virtues of a "human"/non digital existence?
(07-02-2020, 09:22 AM)MisterSpock Wrote: I think placing the future of humanity in the hands of "false intelligence" via a man made computer AI is pretty foolish. 

We are pretty close to that tipping point. 

Should we just wait to see what happens, or assume the inevitable and extol the virtues of a "human"/non digital existence?

Agreed. Standing on top of Niagra Falls, looking down and admiring the beauty. Not holding onto anything.
(07-02-2020, 09:26 AM)MarioOnTheFly Wrote:
(07-02-2020, 09:22 AM)MisterSpock Wrote: I think placing the future of humanity in the hands of "false intelligence" via a man made computer AI is pretty foolish. 

We are pretty close to that tipping point. 

Should we just wait to see what happens, or assume the inevitable and extol the virtues of a "human"/non digital existence?

Agreed. Standing on top of Niagra Falls, looking down and admiring the beauty. Not holding onto anything.

The landscape, it's been here before and will be there after. 

Maybe that's part of it's beauty, even if we don't realize it when we see it.
Every advancement can be seen as a industrial revolution, from with the first man/ape picked up a bone from the ground and hit the man/ape beside him. Are industrial revolutions good are bad, I dont know. If you look at them with the eyes of the past, eyes of the now, and eyes of the future you see them all differently. Whats good, whats bad, I just dont know.
The thing that is man greats strength and also the thing that will destroy him is the same thing. The ability to adopt to anything around him in order to survive.
Quote:I hope that when the next few steps are coming into play, people revolt, attack their "digital saviors" and view even an ipad user as a heretic and strip them of their sins and purify them in the fires of the analog gods....



ERROR: S Y S T E M  R E S T A R T , B E G I N  D U M P:

[Image: 14sigsepia.jpg]

Location: The lost world, Elsewhen
I would actually argue that the "anti-tech" movement is just as useful to the technocracy as those who Trust & Obey the "experts."

It takes those folks out of the game entirely, and those working on more advanced tools for subjugation (marketed as liberation, of course) can just continue unabated and unimpeded.

In other words, its just as much a controlled movement as any "anti" social group in modern times (antifa, "anti-racist," etc.)

If the "antitechs" can then be inspired to take direct action, like the other groups.. all the better! The centralized, corporate systems are all shielded, backed-up, etc. So, the "antitechs" just end up being weaponized against the general population of serfs like everything else.
(07-02-2020, 07:35 AM)MisterSpock Wrote: It's 2020 and everyone is watching as the big news is the whole pending "boogaloo", while I can see it, I don't think it's the pivot point of the human race that will really usher in the next 100 years of humanity. And I'm actually happy, because what possibly will and should be the turning point, maybe in the early stages as if starts to boil deep within the human psyche.

The anti tech movement, which may almost become religious at some point, will be such a great savior of humanity. 

I'm sure we've all seen it, at some point, in some scifi classic of a dystopian future. The almost theistic rejection of tech into the point of "setting" humanity back a thousand years. 

I think its one of many possibilities, but possibly one of the best. The concept of humans rejecting what has been pushed on them for the past 20 years, in order to preserve thousands of years of survival, just seems "right". 

Being integrated into a worldwide instantaneous social network, GPS tracked, pinged and eventually the implementation of bio chips is the antithesis of our biological survival. I think it may be coming. 

I hope that when the next few steps are coming into play, people revolt, attack their "digital saviors" and view even an ipad user as a heretic and strip them of their sins and purify them in the fires of the analog gods....

Perhaps. . . . . . 

It's not the tech as much as it's the ideology of those who control the tech.

"I be ridin' they be hatin'."
-Abraham Lincoln
Great points MisterSpock.  I said in another thread how technology is a blessing and a curse.

Medical advancements have saved countless lives.  Many.parents haven't had to bury their children because of it.  Thats the blessing side of it.

Also it enables us to have this conversation.  I love that side of technology. 

On the other hand, like you said, people on the whole in the US have no survival skills today.  If an EMP or solar flare wiped out the power grid, the vast majority would be clueless about what to do.

People now have constant stimulation, there's little need to interact with other people, and that has been a detriment to society.  In 1500ad, people relied on each other more, and for that reason had tighter knit communities and better relationships in general.  Social media has done nothing good for relationships, it's made infidelity as easy as a 20 second typed message.  It's part of the whole "look at me!" culture. 

Me personally, I wish we could keep the medical advancements and do away with most other things.
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