06-09-2020, 11:41 AM
Quote:Many people today believe that the differences between the Democratic and Republican Parties are more philosophical in nature and some even equate their relationship to that of old-time feuds like the Hatfield’s and McCoy’s.
What’s ironic and completely nonsensical is how so many Democrats accuse Republicans of being what their own party has been like for years.
Consider their view of the Civil War. Democrats are the ones running around trying to tear down everything that even hints at the Confederacy, from the flag to statues and monuments. Yet, the Confederacy and slavery were the policies of the Democrats while Republicans were the Party that opposed slavery and ended freeing the slaves.
Since the Civil War, Democrats were the Party that used discrimination and segregation against black Americans while the Republicans fought for and passed most of the civil rights laws to protect against discrimination and segregation.
Today, Democrats accuse Republicans as being the Party of racists who discriminate against blacks. Barack Obama and Democrats made many promises to help black Americans but after his 8-year reign of socialism and racism, most black Americans were worse off than when Obama took office.
In two years under President Donald Trump, unemployment for black Americans is at an all-time low. Not only are more black Americans working than ever before, thanks to Republicans and their tax reform, those working black Americans are taking more money home than they were while Obama was squatting in the Oval Office.
The Democratic Party is rife with contradictions, hypocrisy and a huge lack of common sense. Consider these following issues:
Many Democrats are all about saving the environment, saving baby seals, saving tiny fish and hummingbirds, and yet they actively fight for the right to brutally murder human babies up to the moment of birth.
Many Democrats who fight for the right to murder human babies through processes that rip them apart while they are still alive, claim that executing convicted murderers is inhumane.
Many Democrats are openly opposed to separating illegal parents from their children but are not opposed to separating families of Americans citizens who commit crimes.
Many Democrats support stripping American citizens of their constitutional rights and then turn around and want to extend constitutional rights reserved for American citizens to illegal aliens. They want to restrict the First Amendment rights of free speech and religion, the Second Amendment right to be armed and the Fourth Amendment right restricting illegal search and seizure, of American citizens, especially conservative Americans. Those same Democrats are now pushing to allow all non-citizens, including illegal aliens, the right to vote.
Certain religious groups (Christians and Jews) are being openly persecuted while another religion (Islam) is allowed to do and say almost anything it wants. It’s okay to blaspheme God, Jesus and the Bible but don’t dare say anything against Islam, Allah or Muhammad.
It’s okay, according to Democrats, to say and condemn traditional one man with one-woman marriage and family values, but they will not tolerate anyone saying anything negative about same-sex marriages, same-sex parents or anything else associated with LFBT lifestyles. It’s okay and even mandated in some schools to teach all about LGBT lifestyles, but they won’t tolerate the teaching of traditional family values.
Democrats approve teaching kids that sex is okay and should be experimented with, including homosexual sex, but they abhor and fight against the teaching of abstinence.
The Democratic system allows schools to hand out condoms and birth control, but ban kids from taking aspirin when needed.
Democrats push to make more people slaves of the government by rewarding laziness and poverty while at the same time, trying their best to punish those who work hard and become successful.
Democrats teach that everything that made America a great, powerful and prosperous nation is evil and that what’s best for everyone and the country is socialism, like that in Venezuela.
Given more time, the list could be longer, but hopefully you will see that the Democratic Party today makes no sense and in fact, poses a serious threat to America and the American people. This is why the 2020 elections are so important to the future of America and the American people. This election is not about border security, immigration, economy, jobs or energy sources. It’s really about freedom versus socialism. Will America be a free nation or will we become a socialist nation, much like Venezuela?