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TREES FOUND ON MARS: Extraordinary image 'shows towering plants on the Red Planet'
Yes that's the Head Lines and I'll post the pictures from the article, but you should know this, NASA admits those images are from Mars but they say those are Dark Streaks in the Sand, Not Trees! You Decide minusculethinking 
[Image: Mars-Trees-671136.jpg] Yes Interesting,,,, Isn't it.

Quote:UFO chasers are claiming an historic discovery in the quest to establish if there really is any life on Mars. 
Alien believers even shockingly claim that NASA is trying to cover up the existence of the "trees" with an elaborate cover story for what they really are.
The image in question is of a vast region of sand dunes at high northern latitudes on Mars.
NASA says the so-called trees are nothing more than dark streaks of sand, formed by sand from the top of the dunes being dislodged and toppling down.
 [Image: Trees-2-541121.jpg]

Quote:For a start, NASA has two ground-based rovers on the surface of the Red Planet, taking extraordinary detailed and close-up pictures.
These images are regularly posted online for the public to view, and so far there have been no pictures of trees sent back by the rovers.
But it's a cover up right? Well according the alien seekers.
But NASA's explanation for these streaks is simply: "In the winter, a layer of carbon dioxide ice covers the dunes, and in the spring as the sun warms the ice it evaporates. This is a very active process, and sand dislodged from the crests of the dunes cascades down, forming dark streaks.
"In the image falling material has kicked up a small cloud of dust. The colour of the ice surrounding adjacent streaks of material suggests that dust has settled on the ice at the bottom after similar events."

But, YouTube researcher Sam Y, who claims to have exposed a NASA cover up in three videos, is convinced they are trees.
He said: "It is so strange they get the picture and try to describe what they see as anything but a living plant.
"All these lines actually exist only in some kind of like hole in the ground you can see a lot of little trees in these area.
"If you look closer there is no way this can be sand flowing - look at the base does it look like sand - look at the structure from the bottom and branches coming from them how can you describe this as falling material.

Another Great Article with some very interesting pictures: Mars
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Awesome!   smallgreenklatsch 

Just wait until someone captures an image of a Mantis Being staring back at them!   smallgreengrin   mediumalien
(06-18-2016, 05:59 AM)guohua Wrote: Yes that's the Head Lines and I'll post the pictures from the article, but you should know this, NASA admits those images are from Mars but they say those are Dark Streaks in the Sand, Not Trees! You Decide minusculethinking 
[Image: Mars-Trees-671136.jpg] Yes Interesting,,,, Isn't it.

Quote:UFO chasers are claiming an historic discovery in the quest to establish if there really is any life on Mars. 
Alien believers even shockingly claim that NASA is trying to cover up the existence of the "trees" with an elaborate cover story for what they really are.
The image in question is of a vast region of sand dunes at high northern latitudes on Mars.
NASA says the so-called trees are nothing more than dark streaks of sand, formed by sand from the top of the dunes being dislodged and toppling down.
 [Image: Trees-2-541121.jpg]

Quote:For a start, NASA has two ground-based rovers on the surface of the Red Planet, taking extraordinary detailed and close-up pictures.
These images are regularly posted online for the public to view, and so far there have been no pictures of trees sent back by the rovers.
But it's a cover up right? Well according the alien seekers.
But NASA's explanation for these streaks is simply: "In the winter, a layer of carbon dioxide ice covers the dunes, and in the spring as the sun warms the ice it evaporates. This is a very active process, and sand dislodged from the crests of the dunes cascades down, forming dark streaks.
"In the image falling material has kicked up a small cloud of dust. The colour of the ice surrounding adjacent streaks of material suggests that dust has settled on the ice at the bottom after similar events."

But, YouTube researcher Sam Y, who claims to have exposed a NASA cover up in three videos, is convinced they are trees.
He said: "It is so strange they get the picture and try to describe what they see as anything but a living plant.
"All these lines actually exist only in some kind of like hole in the ground you can see a lot of little trees in these area.
"If you look closer there is no way this can be sand flowing - look at the base does it look like sand - look at the structure from the bottom and branches coming from them how can you describe this as falling material.

Another Great Article with some very interesting pictures: Mars

They are certainly beautiful, and the more I looked them the more these and other "plantlike" things on mars remind me of lichen. We do know that terrestrial lichen can survive in the most inhospitable places on earth. 

A quick search on the subject brings up this.  For those that cannot click the link, is an overview of experiments on the Expose-E platform on the International Space Station. Over the course of 18 months various fungi and lichen species were exposed and according to the article, "After 18 months on board in conditions similar to those on Mars, more than 60% of their cells remained intact, with stable DNA.

Very interesting stuff !!

I'm convinced they actually are streaks in the sand, but with a caveat.

I'm convinced they are streaks because I see too many different "growth" angles for them to be actual trees. Trees, especially those that are mostly trunk with generally short branches as these would be if they were trees, always grow straight away from the pull of gravity. The reason for that is that if they don't, and instead grow at a tangent or an angle less than about 80 or 90 degrees perpendicular to the pull of gravity, gravity will pull them over and they will topple - even more likely if they are rooted in mere loose sand. I see no toppled trees there, despite the crazy angles each "stand" is "growing" at.

When a tree has wider branches, i.e. "the spreading chestnut tree" of village smithy fame, it can afford to grow at somewhat more of an angle, because it can send out branches to the opposite site to counter balance the pull of gravity and keep it from falling over.

So... I think they are streaks rather than trees. Now comes the caveat -

Although I don't think they are trees, I think there is something else weird going on here. The streaks are way too dark, and they certainly ARE "dendritic" (tree-like, branching), which is a characteristic of river and creek channels on Earth. Together, these things indicate a "flow", and it certainly looks more like a liquid flow than just tumbling sand. The under-layer is dark, much darker than the normal surface of Mars. It looks wet to me. CO2 doesn't have a liquid phase normally, and certainly not under the atmospheric pressures on Mars. it just sublimates - goes directly from solid to gas.

The features look sort of like middle eastern "wadis", dendritic channels in the desert cause by running liquid (water here on Earth)... so what is the liquid causing these martian wadis to form?

Diogenes was eating bread and lentils for supper. He was seen by the philosopher Aristippus, who lived comfortably by flattering the king.

Said Aristippus, ‘If you would learn to be subservient to the king you would not have to live on lentils.’ Said Diogenes, ‘Learn to live on lentils and you will not have to be subservient to the king.’

@Ninurta, I agree with you and most of the scientist think the same think and that's NASA's explanation more or less, BUT DAMN, it's interesting!
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Yes NASA is calling this an Optical Illusion. Yes, They Are,,,, Don't Laugh!
Quote:Naturally erupting dust clouds on Mars are creating structures that look surprisingly like trees near the planet's north pole. But don't be fooled ? it's just an optical illusion, NASA scientists say.
The Martian "trees" are actually dark basaltic sand pushed to the surface of sand dunes by sun-heated solid carbon dioxide ice, or dry ice, sublimating directly into vapor, explained Candy Hansen, a member of NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) team at the University of Arizona. 
The sand dunes form a nearly complete ring around Mars' north pole and are covered by a thin layer of reddish Martian dust and patches of dry ice. To date, there is no firm evidence of any type of Martian biology, past or present, plant or otherwise.
In the Martian spring, the sun warms the ice, causing it to sublimate directly into vapor, and the resulting gas dislodges surrounding dust and sand particles.
"What we think is happening is that the dark sand is sliding down the bright frosted portion of the dune," Hansen told 

We all know NASA Would Never lie!!!! tinyhuh
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]

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