05-20-2016, 05:48 AM
During the latest episode of Cosmic Disclosure, Corey Goode revealed that "several ancient civilizations hidden in the subterranean regions of Earth have taken the first steps towards revealing themselves to surface humanity."
You can follow links provided in the source article to read more detailed information about Corey's meeting with this group from the January 14 episode.
During a particular meeting in December, 2015, between the Anshar Group and the Sphere Being Alliance which took place in the Kuiper Belt base, Goode was invited as an intermediary for the two groups.
Goode says during this meeting he witnessed the Sphere Being Alliance representative, a 10 foot tall triangle headed being, severely reprimanding the Inner Earth civilizations for “not being proper stewards” of the planet.
Goode provided an image graphic as he saw it:
![[Image: triangle-headed-being-768x405.png]](http://exopolitics.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/triangle-headed-being-768x405.png)
The so-called ‘channeled messages’ I received claiming to be from my soul family from the stars were in fact simple radio waves sent by U.S. government agents, allegedly from the military industrial complex, working in concert with volunteers, many of which are secret society members who help propagate enormous numbers of hoaxed news stories of UFOs and related space news, building a backdrop for a PSYOPS program that lures science and spirituality-minded individuals such as myself into their web.
So, it seems the first steps have been taken to make contact. However the Anshar Group have some concerns:
Will the surface population greet these Ancients with warm respect, or will we continue our reptilian war mongering ways and shun them, or even worse, try to kill them?
We need to try to get along with them. They have technology that can improve our lives in ways we can't even begin to imagine.
I say, Welcome brothers and sisters. What do you say?
There is much I left out of the source article. Read it in full HERE
You can follow links provided in the source article to read more detailed information about Corey's meeting with this group from the January 14 episode.
Quote:Goode began by citing his early January 2016 visit to a futuristic underground city belonging to an Inner Earth civilization, and for the first time he identified them as the “Anshar,” who have existed a staggering 18 million years.
Goode said he could feel the excitement among the city’s inhabitants over the news that their leaders had decided to change an established policy of strict separation, and make preparations to openly reveal themselves to surface humanity.
The changed policy, Goode stated, emerged out of a December 2015 meeting held at a secret base in the Kuiper Asteroid Belt, where representatives of an alliance of seven Inner Earth civilizations met with a representative of the Sphere Being Alliance.
During a particular meeting in December, 2015, between the Anshar Group and the Sphere Being Alliance which took place in the Kuiper Belt base, Goode was invited as an intermediary for the two groups.
Goode says during this meeting he witnessed the Sphere Being Alliance representative, a 10 foot tall triangle headed being, severely reprimanding the Inner Earth civilizations for “not being proper stewards” of the planet.
Goode provided an image graphic as he saw it:
![[Image: triangle-headed-being-768x405.png]](http://exopolitics.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/triangle-headed-being-768x405.png)
Quote:One of the first resulting steps taken was to stop falsely telling human ‘channelers’, who they had established telepathic communications with, that they were extraterrestrials. The new policy meant revealing that they were actually humans from the Earth’s interior.
Coincidentally, on January 17, 2016, three days after Goode’s initial report on his Inner Earth visit, a popular channeler of the “Galactic Federation” and “Ashtar Command”, Greg Giles, stunned his followers by a public statement that he had been deceived, and that he was not in communication with extraterrestrials after all. Instead, he says he had discovered that he was being fooled by a military group using Voice of God technology.
The so-called ‘channeled messages’ I received claiming to be from my soul family from the stars were in fact simple radio waves sent by U.S. government agents, allegedly from the military industrial complex, working in concert with volunteers, many of which are secret society members who help propagate enormous numbers of hoaxed news stories of UFOs and related space news, building a backdrop for a PSYOPS program that lures science and spirituality-minded individuals such as myself into their web.
Quote:Giles’ discovery that his telepathic contacts were not who they claimed to be may well have been a result of the January Kuiper Belt meeting, and the ramifications this had for the seven Inner Earth Civilizations in how they would respectively conduct themselves with surface humanity.
So, it seems the first steps have been taken to make contact. However the Anshar Group have some concerns:
Quote:It is entirely understandable that there is considerable trepidation by some of the Inner Earth groups over the dangerous and warlike policies of national elites running affairs on the surface of our planet.
Thankfully, as the internet facilitates the rest of humanity awakening to the truth about secret space programs and extraterrestrial life, we will be better able to make national and global elites accountable for their policies.
Most importantly, it is unlikely that aggressive policies at a national or global level will be permitted once the rest of humanity learns the truth about the extent of deception that has been perpetrated upon it. We can, therefore, have great confidence that as Inner Earth civilizations reveal themselves, they will be warmly greeted by the vast majority of humanity and not subjected to war-like policies by unrestrained national elites.
Will the surface population greet these Ancients with warm respect, or will we continue our reptilian war mongering ways and shun them, or even worse, try to kill them?
We need to try to get along with them. They have technology that can improve our lives in ways we can't even begin to imagine.
I say, Welcome brothers and sisters. What do you say?
There is much I left out of the source article. Read it in full HERE