06-06-2016, 03:08 AM
According to several reports, in 2012, during a top-secret mission in Afghanistan, eight soldiers allegedly found a Vimana or at least parts of one, inside a cave.
Quote:The leaked report by the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service created for President Putin, speaks of the discovery of a mystery craft spotted by military personnel in Afganistan. Inside a cave, 8 soldiers discovered traces of advanced technology which ultimately led them towards the mystery craft.
The Vimanas are described in ancient sacred texts called the ‘Vedas’ as incredible flying ships that visited our planet over 6000 years ago. Interestingly, ancient cultures around the globe mentioned incredible stories where visitors from the heavens came down to Earth with similar ‘crafts.’
The vimana discovered is believed to be between 5,000 and 6,000 years old, and it has an advanced energy shield that has kept it safe for thousands of years.
Allegedly, the eight men that discovered the vimana disappeared while trying to remove it from the location.
Were they transported into a parallel world through the energy field surrounding the craft?
Listen to this discussion on Coast to Coast concerning this incident:
Read more: Source
That is certainly bizarre! What are your thoughts?