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Mother Forced to Drown Own Child in North Korean Prison, Says Defector
There have been stories about surviving in North Korea.. Every time I read one of these really does bother me... Man's inhumanity to man or just flat out cruel behavior. Luckily this lady finally made it out alive.. Is it a false story or something to help beat the war drums ? You decide; or as they say around here, "UP TO YOU".
Quote:How a woman in a North Korean labor camp was forced to drown her new-born child because the baby was of mixed ethnicity was part of testimony given by a North Korean defector in Washington D.C.
At a detention center in North Korea, pregnant women were forced to carry out hard labor all day long, defector Ji Hyeon-A told a U.S. Foreign Affairs subcommittee hearing at Capitol Hill on Tuesday Dec. 12.
“Because North Korea does not allow mixed ethnicities, they make women who have become pregnant in China to miscarry by forcing them to [do] hard labor,” said Ji.
One woman though didn’t have a miscarriage.
“[She] gave birth to a baby at night at eight months after a full day of work,” said Ji. “She was so happy to hold her child, but that moment was short lived.”

The woman was ordered to drown her newborn.
“She pleaded to the guard for mercy with the baby in her arms, but in the end, she did as told,” said Ji. “The image of the dead infant tore through my 20-year-old heart.”
That was the first time that Ji had been imprisoned for fleeing North Korea. In total, she was caught in China and repatriated three times.
In a propaganda war its not important if its true, what is important is do people believe it. Think of all the BS story's that were told about Iraq.
Is this story true or not, I dont think we will ever know
(12-13-2017, 09:41 AM)Wallfire Wrote: In a propaganda war its not important if its true, what is important is do people believe it. Think of all the BS story's that were told about Iraq.
Is this story true or not, I dont think we will ever know

Great minds think alike !! My first thought was of the incubator story to stir up some hate before the Iraq war.

However over the years and reading accounts of reeducation camps, N. Korean style, I would not doubt this story at all.

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