05-29-2016, 07:27 PM
Grab your tin foil hats! This one is for major conspirators only!!!
(Waits to give time for closed-minded people to exit room)
Who exactly were the first elites in power?
![[Image: crown-similarity.jpg]](https://fourthdimensionalrecovery.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/crown-similarity.jpg)
The question is, "Did the Anunnaki lose dominion over humanity and the earth by a Reptilian/Grey alliance, four passes of Nibiru, 12,300 years ago?"
![[Image: guards-and-aliens.jpg]](https://fourthdimensionalrecovery.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/guards-and-aliens.jpg)
This next quote needs some clarification for public understanding, which I will provide after you read it.
Okay, I understand how saying, "I am God", could be misunderstood in so many ways!
What that statement means is, people who are becoming more awake on a conscious/spiritual level are realizing that we all have a "spark" of God within us; we are all one individual tiny fragment of the a greater "Source" some call, God... the creator of all that is.
That is why these people say, "I am God". We are all gods... with a little "g".
(I wish they would quit saying that because it gives the public the wrong idea of the message, and the wrong image of those who say it.)
![[Image: elongated-head-compare-e1449959107246.jpg]](https://fourthdimensionalrecovery.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/elongated-head-compare-e1449959107246.jpg)
(I'm going to jump ahead in the article here. You can read it in it's entirety from the source link at the bottom of this post.)
Many skulls have been recovered and classified as ‘deformed’ , but this may not be the case at all.
![[Image: ancient-tablets-with-elongated-heads-e1449958198480.jpg]](https://fourthdimensionalrecovery.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ancient-tablets-with-elongated-heads-e1449958198480.jpg)
Now... here comes the "good part"!
Why does the Pope wear a yarmulke?
![[Image: obama-scars-skullcap1-e1449958515606.jpg]](https://fourthdimensionalrecovery.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/obama-scars-skullcap1-e1449958515606.jpg)
![[Image: obama-scars-skullcap-scar-dotted.jpg]](https://fourthdimensionalrecovery.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/obama-scars-skullcap-scar-dotted.jpg)
Wait! Don't take off your tin foil hat just yet! There's more! :notlooking:
Ask yourself this... Why is it that men go bald at the top back portion of their heads?
Souce Link
There you have it!
I think this could actually answer a lot of questions.
What are your thoughts?
(Waits to give time for closed-minded people to exit room)
Who exactly were the first elites in power?
![[Image: crown-similarity.jpg]](https://fourthdimensionalrecovery.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/crown-similarity.jpg)
Quote: The global elites are chipping away at the Ten Commandments and transforming them just as they had done with themselves. It is a hybrid process that spans everything from genetics, language, social behavior, the law and religion.
We The People observe the Constitution of the United States being systematically down graded to non existence. In a way the same is happening to the 10 Commandments and instead of it being tossed into the garbage bin, it is being recycled into the exact opposite of what the rules command
The question is, "Did the Anunnaki lose dominion over humanity and the earth by a Reptilian/Grey alliance, four passes of Nibiru, 12,300 years ago?"
Quote:We were originally created by the blending of the Niburians, or Anunnaki, of Planet X “Niburu” with hominids indigenous to Earth. The Reptilians parked their limousine 10,000 years ago near the Earth’s vicinity. We call it the Moon. There is a history that tells us that the Moon was not there before the latest ice age. It cold be said that the Reptilians went into competition with the Anunnaki for natural resources including gold, but had to interfere with the human genome project with one of their own. They did not have the technology to hybrid themselves into human form, therefore, they used drastic measures to do so which is told to us through Biblical news. What we are experiencing on the level of pure evil is the result of a war between these two battling off world alien nations.
![[Image: guards-and-aliens.jpg]](https://fourthdimensionalrecovery.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/guards-and-aliens.jpg)
Quote:The master race who created us in their image under an incredible hybrid genome project of intelligent beings had to place controls upon us. It may be that the Royal leaders also stem from a genetic pooling from an alien hybrid program. Perhaps for 10,000 years a transition from very alien to a more refined human form to fool the masses was under construction.. so to speak. Earthly workers had already been designed ‘in their image, god’. These curators of the servants then must have gone through a genetic modification process, hence the royal bloodlines come into existence. An early king and queen for example would exhibit the physical traits of an Anunnaki being. The royal guards whose job was to protect the Royals had to be the same alien bloodlines. These guards were trusted to be close associates and in near proximity to them.
Note: Each commandment is being reversed.
This next quote needs some clarification for public understanding, which I will provide after you read it.
Quote:Regarding the New World Religion, the “I AM” of the New Age movement is construed as one of spiritual intent. However, it is clear that the motive behind the “I AM” is to in time add the word ‘God’. When that happens, the New World Religion will be permanently installed. The globalists progressively edged out the Universal God as we intrinsically and intuitively understand God and transformed the institutionalized commandment to now read, “Thou SHALL use God’s name in vain”.
Okay, I understand how saying, "I am God", could be misunderstood in so many ways!
What that statement means is, people who are becoming more awake on a conscious/spiritual level are realizing that we all have a "spark" of God within us; we are all one individual tiny fragment of the a greater "Source" some call, God... the creator of all that is.
That is why these people say, "I am God". We are all gods... with a little "g".
(I wish they would quit saying that because it gives the public the wrong idea of the message, and the wrong image of those who say it.)
Quote: Because of their blatant physical features, Anunnaki aliens would not want the people to revolt and take charge if they knew. Therefore, they would install a censorship rule commanding that we are not to mimic them, record their image, and dangerous to them, document what they actually look like and what they did ‘in heaven and on earth’.
Otherwise, they’d lose control over their project (flock of sheep). The goal is to hide their identity from us so that generations having seen what they look like and pass to their offspring detailed stories are eventually forgotten. This is the hurdle they jump to ‘in order’ to make themselves publicly available.
![[Image: elongated-head-compare-e1449959107246.jpg]](https://fourthdimensionalrecovery.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/elongated-head-compare-e1449959107246.jpg)
(I'm going to jump ahead in the article here. You can read it in it's entirety from the source link at the bottom of this post.)
Many skulls have been recovered and classified as ‘deformed’ , but this may not be the case at all.
Quote:If the skulls are of alien origin, they may explain the reason why dressing the head of leaders that presided over the general populous who were like us and of our specific homo sapien species was important to keep hidden their elongated back side ends of their skulls.
The installation of ‘Thou shall not make graven image of gods’ was to prevent them from going on record. All the Sumerian tablets (with the exception of one) that seem to have survived history reveal no such clear and concise etching into stone an image of god which with exacting measure says, “this is it folks”. If there were such a find in modern literature after the campaign that destroyed any evidence of alien beings as the masters, those have long since been secretly archived, destroyed, or otherwise.
![[Image: ancient-tablets-with-elongated-heads-e1449958198480.jpg]](https://fourthdimensionalrecovery.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/ancient-tablets-with-elongated-heads-e1449958198480.jpg)
Quote:Why the long robes? Why do the fingers of European aristocracy depicted as also strangely elongated and bony? Why did they wear gloves? These Pharaohs may have been aliens with elongated heads that had to be covered and that their faces of alien appearance always documented as artist representations equating a human’s facial features.
For what purpose and any other reason other than subservience would European leaders throughout history require ‘taxpayers’ to bow their heads upon the close proximity to them? Why would those opposed to this so-called ‘etiquette’ end their freedom to serve a life in prison, or be put to death if they looked upon their face? Perhaps this was to keep the secret sealed. By ending one’s life do they not pass this knowledge on. The ornate head dresses, the heavy makeup, all of the elements used to disguise themselves on is a matter not only a matter of fashionable aesthetics, but one derived from necessity. They cloaked when in public by day and also during the night when venturing from their strong holds i.e. castles protected by heavily guarded walls surrounded by moats. We see this being done in today’s secret societies who continue to live in castles and mansions.
Now... here comes the "good part"!
Why does the Pope wear a yarmulke?
Quote:Is it possible that the conspiracy theorists were right about the president? Could Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama have been cloned and as an infant, had his elongated head augmented for future use as a world controller?Take a look at the pictures below. What do you see? And, more importantly, what do you think?
![[Image: emoticon-surprised.png]](http://www.rogue-nation.com/media/com_easydiscuss/images/markitup/emoticon-surprised.png)
![[Image: obama-scars-skullcap1-e1449958515606.jpg]](https://fourthdimensionalrecovery.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/obama-scars-skullcap1-e1449958515606.jpg)
![[Image: obama-scars-skullcap-scar-dotted.jpg]](https://fourthdimensionalrecovery.files.wordpress.com/2012/05/obama-scars-skullcap-scar-dotted.jpg)
Quote:The skull cap, or yarmulke, represents that one is under the house of the Lord. On the other hand, however, this piece of fabric could be the fashionable dressing for a craniectomy. Real archaeological skull samples of humanoid skulls appearing alien, but classified as deformed with the purpose of misleading the scientific community, have been discovered. These skulls exhibit an elongated bony mass that could theoretically have been surgically modified on the ‘altar’ where people had ‘alterations’ performed. This would allow them to blend in with human populations.
Aside from the ultra reformed Jewish faith, the yarmulke is the standard element and common denominator, or even a link, to the most misunderstood truth about our ancient history.
Wait! Don't take off your tin foil hat just yet! There's more! :notlooking:
Ask yourself this... Why is it that men go bald at the top back portion of their heads?
Quote:Humans underwent a genetic creation project that, for the last several thousand years, underwent an era of hasty hybrid practices between 10,000 to present..
If we follow along a theoretical line of thought in that the true ‘nature of the beast’ is alien, then the altered state appearance could be observed by a visual scar. This evidence could logically be what was felt to be hasty genetic engineering, but in reality be ‘rough cut’ surgery where the ‘altar’ was realized in the religious practices of the occult. We know that hair growth is non existent where tissue has been damaged or removed. It could be that hasty genetic engineering through hybrid process instead of genetic splicing had resulted in the fact that testosterone levels play a role in a specific patch of hair loss at the top of the human head occurs with age. To hide the fact that radical craniectomies had to be performed to homogenize their appearance, then the yarmulke is the simple remedy for hiding the excised evidence.
Today, the people who are playing these priesthood roles in the Catholic church continue wearing these devices for tradition only. Since they have successfully transcended the hybrid program, only Reptilian shape shifting issues, if the theory is real, cause relatively little problems today.
Souce Link
There you have it!
I think this could actually answer a lot of questions.
What are your thoughts?