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How Much Land is Owned by the Government in Your State? See This Map to Find Out.
This map shows how much land is government-owned in each state of the U.S.  
Looks like they have just about overtaken all the western states. tinybighuh

[Image: FedLandMap.jpg]

Quote:The rise of progressivism in America can be clearly seen by taking a look at what land the government owns.
The eastern two thirds of the country have little federally owned land. The dominant belief at the time these states were developed was that private property is a natural right of the individual.

The government needed land only to fulfill its basic duties. There were Federal buildings, post offices and post roads, public parks and libraries, but federally owned land was kept at a minimum.  The government mostly stayed out of the way, leaving the majority of land to private ownership.

Western states are different. Land ownership is inverted, and the feds own an overwhelming majority of the land. The dominant belief had shifted by the time these states were developed.  By then, the new and dominant theory of progressivism had emerged.


I find it interesting that the western states are also where more military tunnels and DUMBS are found.

[Image: dumb.jpg]

It appears the West has a lot of areas for UFOs to land!   tinysurprised

Here is an article that gives a complete list of all the Military Underground bases in the U.S.
COMPLETE LIST of Military Underground Bases in USA

I found this information interesting, and just thought I'd share.  

I guess Louisiana would be considered my "home" state now.
Might as well be.

Not much going on here, other than a smidge in central LA.

Surprised they don't have more lands in Texas than it shows. Huh. 

But yeah, pretty sad to see what all the guberment does have control over out West. 
What, all in the name of 'preserving' the environment???? Yeeaaah, right.....pffffft.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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