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No, Not in Australia!
I was shocked when I read this.
I guess the Progressive Liberal Agenda is everywhere, Destroying Every Culture They Can.
Quote:White mom and her two kids booted from ‘multicultural playgroup.’ You’ll love the reason why.
Quote:Tara Coverdale packed up her 4-year-old son and 8-month-old daughter one day last month and took them to a community center in Sydney, Australia, looking to get her kids some play time with other children.

But soon after they arrived at the Alexandria Park Community Centre, a staff member approached Coverdale with bad news.

“I’m sorry you can’t come here,” the staffer said, according to Coverdale’s recollection to the Daily Telegraph. “It’s a multicultural playgroup.”
Coverdale is white.

She recalled to the paper what the staffer said next: “Can I ask what your cultural background is?”

“I’m Australian,” Coverdale replied, the Daily Telegraph said.

“I’m sorry, you can’t come here,” she recalled the staffer answering back, the paper said. “It’s for multicultural families and people who speak languages other than English at home.”

Mom wasn’t giving up so easily, though.

“I said, ‘I’m not leaving.’ My kids were playing. My older son was having such a good time with his buddy, and I thought, ‘Why should I leave?’” Coverdale told the Daily Telegraph.

Soon, the facility’s manager, Jo Fletcher, was having a chat with the perplexed mom.

“Can I just ask what your cultural background is?” Coverdale recalled Fletcher asking her, the paper reported.

Coverdale got more specific, telling the manager she’s a fourth-generation Australian, the Daily Telegraph said.

“I’m sorry you can’t come here,” Coverdale recalled Fletcher telling her, the paper reported. “It’s a multicultural playgroup.”
Fletcher went on to say the playgroup was only for “multicultural” mothers who “might be lonely and might want to build a network of people who speak the same language,” Coverdale recalled to the Daily Telegraph.

When she asked what playgroup she and her kids could join, Coverdale said Fletcher replied, “We don’t have one here for you” and that she’d have to find one elsewhere, the paper said.

“How does that help Australia help people to integrate, speak English, and build a life?” Coverdale asked, the Daily Telegraph reported. “I pay a lot of tax. I pay my rates. To think I’m actually not welcome is unfair.”

She told the paper that she watched other moms walk in with their kids and “they were made to feel very welcome. Because they didn’t look ‘Australian’ they didn’t even get asked about their background.”

With that, Coverdale and her kids had to leave, the Daily Telegraph said.

But last week, Education Minister Rob Stokes caught wind of the issue and told Fletcher to let all families attend the playgroup, the paper said.

“This is not acceptable,” Stokes said, the Daily Telegraph reported. “Everyone, regardless of their background, should feel included in these wonderful community activities.”

Everyone needs to see the bigger pictures. Before Obama was elected President, the young generation had NO PROBLEM with race. In fact, they pretty much accepted everyone regardless of race, color, culture, or even sexual orientation.

After Obama’s election, race has become the number one issue. Why is this? The reason is simple. The power elite realize the people are waking up and their schemes. Most people that are breaking away from the MSM realize now they are guiding the nations of the world down the toilet. The power elite are using race as a ’divide and conquer” strategy. We can’t fight them if we’re too busy killing ourselves.
The war on caucasians rages on! White people need to wake up. Multiculturalism does not include whites!
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
The Globalists and "their agenda" are everywhere! 

I'm glad the mother was able to win her argument.  minusculegoodjob

Seems we (humans) have a lot of work to do to tear down what Obama and his puppet masters have built up to divide us.
Explanation: The fact that this was resolved peacefully and quickly is proof  that ... Multiculturalism in Australia does include whites! tinybiggrin

Personal Disclosure: Well done to the minister for stepping on that bullshit! minusculebeercheers

That is NOT to say that multiculturalism works ok ... it doesn't IMO! tinysure

As for Obama ... that trash infected/affected everybody and he will burn in hell for it! smallslavedriver

As for the facility’s manager, Jo Fletcher attitude ... it is disgusting and does NOT represent the rest of Australia's multicultural INCLUSIVENESS! She may become an outcast due to public outcry and that means she is in deep shit! Woe be unto her! She should repent and beg forgiveness.

That is all I have to say on this matter.
OL at beez - "Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, it's a straw, you see? Watch it. Now my straw reaches across the room and starts to drink your milkshake. I... drink... your... milkshake. I drink it up!"

Do not engage in useless activity ... and ... from one thing, know many things!

Think Globally, Act Locally, Feel Internally ... Wash, Rinse, Dry and Repeat!

It's Just A Ride!

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