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10 Greatest Conspiracies Of All Time
If there are any of these topics you all would like to discuss, please... let's.  tinybiggrin

I know we have covered some of these in the past that haven't been brought over to this board, and a couple we haven't discussed at all.
I would agree that aliens have been here and influencing our governments and the buzz by the international space station, but some of the other stuff was just wishful thinking.
That Rapper, who could care less if he's alive or not.
The illuminati is Real Enough, their influence can be seen in everything, especially the Media and Hollywood.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Some of these I knew about, some not.

The Area 51 conspiracy is of course, obvious.

Except, I lean more towards hidden Alien technology more so than alien body parts.

Oh and we must not forget about the leaked Podesta emails.....remember???
It was posted here awhile back, talking about not wanting to get into Intergalactic war?  WTF???

The Titanic---um, not sure.

Guess it was possible for it to have been the Olympian, but doubt Morgan planned it to where the Capt. would purposely run it into an iceberg, knowing most everyone would be killed.
That is where it loses me.

The Dash creating WWIII--oh yeah, if one wants to call what is happening right now in the M.E. and Europe, then yes.
And the weak U.S. allowed it to happen. Whether on purpose or not, is another conspiracy within itself!!

CIA killed JFK.......oh that is definitely plausible indeed.
In fact, I've heard more rumors of it being the CIA than the mob or anyone else.
And a blind man could tell that Oswald was just a setup, who was conveniently killed before he could talk.

Believe it was Sky that just posted the video of that fateful day where it appeared the Secret Service had "backed off" as if being told to stand down from protecting JFK in the car.

CIA controls weather......well before HAARP was ever heard of, military in various governments have been tampering with the weather for decades.
The U.S. played with cloud seeding during the Vietnam War (Operation Popeye).
Hence why the U.N. stepped in during the 70's for Nations to sign the Weather Warfare Treaty.
They are not allowed to use weather as a weapon against another Nation, however the treaty did/does leave it open for  the military to experiment for "science" purposes. (wink-wink)

So one can imagine in 2017, with the advanced technology that we have today, what the military is capable of doing now.
Including one HAARP.

Let the deniers deny it, the U.N. Weather Warfare treaty is proof of them modifying the weather.

Sept. 11 ------inside job? More than likely.
Why tho, is the question. And there are many possible answers.

We have yet to understand why the implosion of building 7 and that is where the video one can see the puffs of smoke or something just before it explodes.

And if the conspiracy video is correct in the fact of insider trading BEFORE all that happened, well.....something fishy alright.

Afraid there will always be conspiracies surrounding the 9/11 attacks.
That will fall in the same category as JFK and Area 51.

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

(01-10-2017, 02:41 AM)guohua Wrote: I would agree that aliens have been here and influencing our governments and the buzz by the international space station, but some of the other stuff was just wishful thinking.
That Rapper, who could care less if he's alive or not.
The illuminati is Real Enough, their influence can be seen in everything, especially the Media and Hollywood.

I agree about the Rapper.  I have never heard of him.   tinylaughing

I would like to investigate the Titanic thing further.  I saw an article about that last year.  First I had heard about it.
I don't know about Michael Jackson.  It would be interesting to find out why someone wanted him murdered.
Great replies @"senona".   

Thanks.   tinybiggrin
Titanic Sunk, to much evidence from the underwater photos and the fact there was two other sister ship of the Titanic.
The HMHS Britannic was known to have sunk in 1916 from an underwater mine.
The RMS Olympic was also known to have been retired in 1935 due to the business of keeping the ship running was cost to much.

Jackson was just a Pedophile and a medicated drug addict. His death shouldn't have surprised anyone.

LBJ had JFK killed and YES, he would have used all of his resources.
There's taped evidence of this and his mistress heard him.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Where Michael Jackson was concerned, another rumor floating around was that he wanted to kill himself because he did not think he could go thru with the tour and worried about letting his fans down.

If you all will recall, Jackson was getting ready to do his first tour in years.

So think his death was more purposeful/accidental than sinister.

Tupac, I heard of him but knew nothing about him.
Other than a thug-type lifestyle, which is what the MSM led the public to believe about his killing.
True or not, haven't a clue to be honest.

And both music and TV have always had ways of subtly hypnotizing viewers/listeners with certain 'trigger' words.
 Now whether it is used as a marketing tool, or something more devious, is a horse of another color. tinycool

a.k.a. 'snarky412'

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