05-23-2016, 03:35 AM
I am putting this here In the 'Hot Button Issues' instead of in 'Health" due to the fact that this is total bullshit.........my opinion of course, not fact
Oh you have got to be kidding me
Who in the hell comes up with these studies anyway?
So now, Planet Earth that has been around for millions and millions of years, takes precedent over people????
People whose life span is less than 100 yrs.
So what is the point of this so-called BS study anyway?
That in the near future, people will soon be taxed or fined for eating certain foods ????
Or just pay more for what they want at check out
It's complex only because YOU are making it complex
Are these people even real??
People try to eat right so they don't die of a heart attack or worse......duh
And you are worried about a planet that has been around for longer than any of us can imagine
Trust me, when Mother Earth has had enough of us, She will shake, rattle and roll
End of story
All we are, is dust in the wind
What arrogant fools
Watch out tho,,,,we may be paying more for these foods if they deem them "harmful" to the environment
What a joke
To hell with humans and our very short life span tho
Quote:Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) tracked the supply chain from production to household and found that the diet recommended by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) was associated with a higher calorie carbon footprint than less healthy diets.
While the USDA suggests that consuming fruits and vegetables is better for the environment than meat, the study results cite both higher resource use and greenhouse gas emissions linked with these recommendations.
Oh you have got to be kidding me
Who in the hell comes up with these studies anyway?
So now, Planet Earth that has been around for millions and millions of years, takes precedent over people????
People whose life span is less than 100 yrs.
Quote:"Eating lettuce is over three times worse in greenhouse gas emissions than eating bacon," said Paul Fischbeck, one of the researchers, in a news release. "Lots of common vegetables require more resources per calorie than you would think. Eggplant, celery and cucumbers look particularly bad when compared to pork or chicken."
During the study, researchers specifically examined how growing, processing and transporting food, food sales and service, and household storage and use, take a toll on resources in the form of energy use, water use and GHG emissions.
So what is the point of this so-called BS study anyway?
That in the near future, people will soon be taxed or fined for eating certain foods ????
Or just pay more for what they want at check out
Quote:"There's a complex relationship between diet and the environment," Michelle Tom, a Ph.D. student in civil and environmental engineering, said.
"What is good for us health-wise isn't always what's best for the environment. That's important for public officials to know and for them to be cognizant of these tradeoffs as they develop or continue to develop dietary guidelines in the future."
It's complex only because YOU are making it complex
Are these people even real??
People try to eat right so they don't die of a heart attack or worse......duh
And you are worried about a planet that has been around for longer than any of us can imagine
Trust me, when Mother Earth has had enough of us, She will shake, rattle and roll
End of story
All we are, is dust in the wind
What arrogant fools
Watch out tho,,,,we may be paying more for these foods if they deem them "harmful" to the environment
What a joke
To hell with humans and our very short life span tho