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Fresh Ginger Root
Fresh ginger root, also known as Sheng Jiang in mandarin, is definitely an important ingredient in cooking no matter it is steaming fish, preparing dishes, or making seasoning. 
[Image: B9323092140Z.1_20160725135923_000_GTKF3OPAS.1-0.jpg]
The reason is so obvious, Good For Your Health and its characteristic spicy taste can not only help eliminate fishy smell and mutton odor, but also flavor the dishes

So, what is ginger good for?
 Is fresh ginger root good for you? 
As a matter of fact, it is warm in nature and its unique ingredient of gingerol can stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa, congest the gastrointestinal tract, enhance digestion, and effectively cure bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting caused by excessively eating cold food. So, Yes.
Eating ginger can make people feel hot. This is because it is able to dilate the blood vessels, speed up blood circulation, and promote the opening of body’s pores, which takes the extra heat away along with bacteria and cold pathogen inside the body. In addition, cooking with fresh ginger root can promptly eliminate a variety of cold heavy body induced discomforts due to the influence of cold food, rain and even the air conditioner.

Inhibiting oxidation and tumor. It contains gingerols and diarylheptanoids structure, which have strong antioxidant, free radical scavenging, and tumor suppressor activities. As a result, it is anti-aging and can help the elderly get rid of age spots on face. Yes it can!

 In the hot summer people tend to eat less due to the reduced secretion of saliva and gastric juice. And eating a few slices of it before meals can stimulate the secretion of saliva and gastric and digestive juices, increases gastrointestinal motility, and thereby increase appetite. Sorry, yes when I wrote this I remembered that for most of you Summer is Over!  minusculethinking

Killing bacteria, detoxicating, reducing swelling, and relieving pain. I've found that it can act like some certain antibiotics, especially on Salmonella. It is reported that ginger extract can significantly inhibit skin fungal, kill trichomonas vaginalis, and treat a variety of boils. By gargling with Ginger it'll treat bad breath and periodontitis.

Also, Preventing car sickness and stopping nausea and vomiting and  headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. And the efficacy can last more than 4 hours. 
Traditional Chinese medicine thinks that it is a Yang tonic. It’s just like the old saying goes, “a man cannot afford not to take ginger for 100 days.” And modern clinical pharmacology (big word alert) found that it is capable of speeding up the body’s metabolism, reducing inflammation, relieving pain, simultaneously exciting the function of human multiple systems, regulating the function of the male prostate, treating sexual dysfunction in middle and older men. Therefore, it is often used in male health.

Do not peel. Some people like to peel the ginger before cooking. But it is so wrong since by doing so it fails to make full use of its all health benefits. The right practice is to just shred it right after cleaning. Now be advised that, Long-term consumption is inadvisable in people suffering from fire excess from yin deficiency, red eyes due to internal heat, carbuncles and boils, pneumonia, lung abscess, tuberculosis, gastric ulcer, cholecystitis, pyelonephritis, diabetes, and hemorrhoids. Ouch!

 As for medicinal uses, ginger brown sugar soup can only apply to wind-cold cold or the patients with stomach cold and fever after caught in the rain. That’s to say, it cannot be used for summer-heat or wind-heat cold and heat stroke. In addition, fresh ginger juice treats only vomiting caused by exposure to cold but other types of vomiting.
Never Ever Eat Rotten Ginger. 
Rotten ginger can produce a highly toxic substance that can cause degeneration and necrosis to the liver cell and induce liver cancer, esophageal cancer, and so on.
So please think of giving Ginger Root A try next time you have Stomach Problems. Remember,This is a warm Natured Herb.
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
[Image: attachment.php?aid=936]
Candied ginger also good snack too ......  always keep fresh ginger on hand here ( along with chillis ) for cooking .
Better to reign in hell ....
  than serve in heaven .....

OK, lets expand on the Ginger Family. Turmeric, Most Westerners think of it as a Spice added to some soups.
But, they're Sadly Mistaken, Turmeric is very powerful and should be in your weekly diet, Especially of you're experiencing the early signs of Alzheimer's and Diabetes.

Now I found an excellent article for your pleasure.  Now you can grow this in your garden and you should.
[Image: turmeric-root.jpg] [Image: Tumeric-Roots-450w.jpg]

Quote: Turmeric is a close relative of ginger. Its plump tan rhizome, that when sliced reveals a brightly hued orange flesh, is harvested in winter when all above ground growth has withered. With a peppery scent and an earthy, sweet and piquant flavor, Turmeric gives dishes a warm, musky taste and a somewhat spicy aroma. Occasionally used freshly grated in soups, curries, vegetable dishes and desserts, Turmeric is most often found in its dried and powdered form. Traditionally, the rhizome was sun dried and sold whole or ground; now it is usually boiled, peeled, dried and powdered before being sold in Western markets.

The bright yellow/orange color of Turmeric is due to its high content of curcumin, and is the highest known source of beta carotene. 

Not surprisingly,Curcuma longa effectively treats liver congestion, jaundice, and is often used to treat chronic Hepatitis. Turmeric increases the production of bile and improves gall bladder function; its effects are normalizing, mild and long-lasting. Taken in medicinal doses, it can be used to help flush the gall bladder of stones and sediment. 

As a liver protector, Turmeric is also anti-inflammatory and can reduce pain associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis, as well as improve flexibility and circulation. Studies done in 1971 and 1991 show that Curcuma longa has anti-inflammatory effects that surpass hydrocortisone. It is frequently used for migrating aches and inflammation that are exacerbated by cold and damp weather; in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Turmeric is combined with cinnamon twig and astragalus to effectively treat upper back and shoulder pain. For trauma and injury with or without swelling, or for chronic pain and inflammation, it can be taken internally or applied topically as a steam-distilled essence or when mixed with oil and made into a paste. 

The strong anti-inflammatory benefits of Curcuma longa also make it beneficial for the treatment of asthma, allergies and other respiratory conditions exacerbated by inflammation. It can reduce the severity of purulent eruptions, canker and cold sores, and has a marked effect on fungal conditions such as Athlete’s Foot or parasitic infestations like ringworm. Turmeric can help treat skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, although frequent consumption can cause photosensitivity in some individuals. This is interesting, because it can occasionally be found as an ingredient in some sunscreens-go figure. 

When it comes to purchasing Turmeric, a good health food store or your local herbalist will be able to provide you with a medicinal grade supplement in either pill or tincture form. 

Now what Westerners has recently discovered.
Quote:Turmeric, the spice of life

It’s called turmeric -- a member of the ginger family – that, before it’s washed, looks a bit like an ugly carrot. Turmeric is not a root, but a rhizome, which means its stem is where all the good stuff is found.

Native to India, turmeric has been around for thousands of years, but only recently has it caught on here in the West.
And now, people can’t get enough.

When asked how many thousands of pounds of turmeric he expects to ship out this year, Phil Green replied, “Major tonnage!”
Phil and his wife, Linda, bought a 45-acre farm over a decade ago. They had planned a semi-quiet retirement, until turmeric became one of the most talked-about new superfoods.
Cowan asked, “Did you know what it was?”
“Barely!” laughed Linda. “To me, turmeric was a powdered spice in a jar that stayed on your shelf until you needed it in a curry recipe, you know?”
Curries are its most common use, but turmeric’s taste is only part of its allure. 
[Image: turmeric-cafe-gratitude-620.jpg]
Quote:Scattered to the wind, it’s a sacred part of Hindu ceremonies. It’s also been used as a dye for fabrics -- it’s even what gives mustard its bright, yellow hue. But the very thing that makes turmeric so colorful -- a compound called curcumin -- is what some researchers say also makes it a powerful weapon against disease.

Biophysicist Ajay Goel has been studying its medicinal qualities at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas.
“We’re doing clinical trials on Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, arthritis, diabetes,” said Goel.
“And it seems to have an effect on all these different conditions?” Cowan asked.
“Absolutely. It is such a wonderful compound that has been shown to work in every single instance people have tried.”
Goel says thousands of studies have shown that, in a concentrated-enough dose, the curcumin in turmeric has not only proven to be an effective antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, but also shows promise in preventing and even treating something as serious as cancer.

“What we’re trying to understand is, what are the processes, what are the mechanisms of how it functions?” Goel said.
“So you know it works for the most part, but you’re not quite sure why?”
“Yes, exactly.”

While he says more research needs to be done, the word in already out at trendsetting restaurants like Café Gratitude in Los Angeles. There, turmeric is mixed with steamed almond milk, or blended into a shot served with a dose of cayenne pepper.

They are just finding out what people of the East have known for Centuries. Even Marco Polo knew of Turmeric.
Now what I was taught and remember and I'm reviewing now.

Quote:Turmeric is highly valuable for the influence it exerts on the digestive system and the liver. In both Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is considered a digestive bitter and a carminative. It can be incorporated into foods, including rice and bean dishes, to improve digestion and reduce gas and bloating.

It is a cholagogue, stimulating bile production in the liver and encouraging excretion of bile via the gallbladder. This improves the body's ability to digest fats.
Turmeric is recommended for chronic digestive weakness and/or congestion.
Take either of these twenty minutes before meals, especially meals that are high in protein and/or fat. It is beneficial for people who feel tired after consuming meals or who experience gas and bloating.

Turmeric is anti-inflammatory to the mucous membranes, which coat the throat, lungs, stomach and intestines. Turmeric decreases congestion and inflammation from stagnant mucous membranes. People with the following conditions could benefit from regular use of turmeric: IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), colitis, Crohn's disease, diarrhea, and post-giardia or post salmonella conditions. It can also reduce the itching and inflammation that accompanies hemorrhoids and anal fissures. This herb would be useful to follow up antibiotic treatments, in addition to acidophilus and garlic. It helps to improve the intestinal flora and acts as an anti-bacterial.

Another wonderful aspect of turmeric is its beneficial influence on the liver. Spring (and late winter) is an important time to consume herbs and foods that strengthen the liver, because spring is the season which rules the liver and gallbladder in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Turmeric shares similar liver protectant compounds that milk thistle and artichoke leaves contain. It is said to shrink engorged hepatic ducts, so it can be useful to treat liver conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and jaundice. Turmeric can also benefit skin conditions including: eczema, psoriasis and acne, for it is a potent detoxifier.

Turmeric is an antispasmodic to smooth muscles so it reduces digestive and menstrual cramping. For women who experience monthly menstrual cramps, try consuming turmeric extract or bitters twice daily for two weeks prior to expected menstruation. It should reduce the severity of cramps, if not alleviating them completely. Of course, diet and lifestyle have a profound influence on the menstrual cycle, but turmeric is a great addition.

Another use of turmeric is for the treatment of skin cancer or pre cancerous skin conditions. Both topical and internal use are encouraged.

Now they added Alzheimer's to list list, Please don't be afraid to try Alternative Medicines. 
Once A Rogue, Always A Rogue!
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