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Did this astronaut warn of aliens before attempting suicide ?
Apparently this astronaut tried to give a warning about aliens before attempting suicide ...... maybe she saw the mothership killary came from an it was attempt to silence her .....  or maybe she learned aliens visit after hearing earthgirls are easy .....

Astronaut warns about aliens
Better to reign in hell ....
  than serve in heaven .....

Okay, I'll bite.   tinybiggrin 

As a "Critical Thinker", even though it says this never happened (what the powers that be always say), I wonder if the "attempted suicide" was actually someone slipping her the pills as a warning to shut her mouth?  Maybe a warning, or maybe they meant to kill her but didn't get enough pills in her?

And then there is the fire that burned all her paperwork.  minusculethinking

Sounds too fishy to me for there not to be more to this story that they want to keep quite. tinysure

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